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Everything posted by angeldelmito

  1. how many points do i have left in this hoe bc i know good and well i flopped hella hardt when jason bourne came out
  2. y'all.... sony is worse than lionsgate.... how the hell r u gonna have a movie coming out in december and you haven't promoted anything about it besides the title and its august..
  3. Tbh they should've released this in October, or near Halloween. It would've been more in the spirit lmao. Anywho it was funny, loved the ending and the credits. Cheesy, but cute and fun film. Huh, what most people are saying is true I guess. It's not "bad", but its not the "greatest", either. Chris Hemsworth was foine as hell. Break me off a piece of that Kit-kat bar, lmao. His shirtless pics of him playing the sax were cute too. Loved the actresses, they were good. Leslie Jones was the funniest imo, lmao. Loved the remix of the Ghostbusters song. 67/100 (C)
  4. i bet hella points to any and everybody that jason bourne makes less than $45M in its OW
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