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Everything posted by angeldelmito

  1. the purge betta fuck it up with these increasingly good ass movies !
  2. So after 84 years, I finally saw it. It was cute. The movie was cute. 78/100 (B-) I'll probably need to watch it again though to finalize my thoughts. The "civil war" part tbh wasn't very interesting. (As in all of the other characters, Vision, SW, ant man, etc, were extra and the accords felt like a side plot). Real story was between Tony, Bucky, and Steve. Now that was some good shit. Some parts went by too fast, like when Black Panther's dad died and there was that short scene of him grieving, that could've gone on for a while longer so we could feel more emotional impact. I loved the black panther, best part of the movie tbh. He can slay me anyday. (Also adored the post credits scene with Steve and tha team taking refuge in Wakanda.) I liked Tom Holland as spider man, I really did think he did a good job, but I just gotta get used to him. I'm still hella attached to Toby Maguire's spider man lmao. (I guess i just needed some more backstory, but I guess we'll get that with his solo film.) He's still cute as fuck tho. I didn't feel any "real" stakes until that scene when Tony, Bucky, and Steve are in that room where the dude showed them the surveillance video of Bucky killing Tony's parents. That's what really grounded the true conflict of the story, imo. That's when I really felt pain in the characters. The airport scene was good, lol. Spidey was the most fun. Hella psyched for Black Panther. I fucking can't wait. THE SCENE WHERE STEVE TRIED TO STOP BUCKY FROM FLYING AWAY IN THE HELICOPTER WAS HOT AS HELL, BUCKY IS MOST DEFINITELY GAY FOR CAP, AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. I love Scarlet Witch. Period. And I DON'T LIKE how they treated ha near the end. Having ha all restricted n shit up in a cell. UN?AC?CEP?TABLE?. Good thing Cap busted them all out at the end. This movie hyped me up for Spidey's movie. Winter Soldier was hella better than this. Oh, and fuck the score. I feel I would've liked this movie a lot more if the score was on point. Most times you couldn't hear anything, other times it was just background noise. (Quite literally, lol. But what I mean is that nothing stood out with the score. Like at all. Smh. Even TWS score was better than this one.) But anyway, final score is a B-, 78/100.
  3. fuck it up dory with these long ass legs! i wont be surprised if it becomes the highest grossing animation DOM
  4. I know that Pixar will likely never make a PG-13 film. I was just saying the Incredibles could easily go that way.
  5. True, but all in all, The Incredibles still a super hero movie. It'd be easy for it to go dark (without being overly so). I actually looked it up, and Goblet of Fire (first to go PG-13) got that rating because of "frightening images" (along with fantasy violence, but that's irrelevant). They'd just have to write in a scene shocking enough. And quite frankly, if there was a montage of Syndrome's plan in play (him killing superheroes off in order to upgrade his robot) in the cut, I'm pretty sure that would've pushed it over the edge.
  6. Harry Potter went from PG to PG-13 without someone getting shot on screen or someone saying "shit". Just amp up the stakes and there you go, lol.
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