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Everything posted by Daxtreme

  1. For real. Just to have legs similar to Avatar is ridiculous, add in those numbers and it's mind-blowing.
  2. Well, to be fair, we're never going to see a run that's exactly like this ever again Each of the record-breakers had runs that were different from the others. Which makes them all the more exciting. Except Jurassic World and Avengers though, they had pretty similar runs. That's why I love this run by Star Wars so much.
  3. Well, 28,1% drop, I can dream right? Puts it just above Jurassic World's 2nd week-end Back in 2009, Alvin and the Chipmunks managed to hold 28% on NY's week-end. Force Awakens can do it! Here's a dose of my positive energy!
  4. What's this gap about? Sorry I must have missed something here.
  5. I went with a conservative approach, which was basically Avatar with slightly more drop (-9% vs -6% TUE, 0 vs +1.8% WED, and -33% vs -20% THU)
  6. Mon: 33 Tue: 30 (-9%) Wed: 30 Thurs: 20 (-33%) + 540 = 653 Maybe not toast because it's so close, but definitely a chance!
  7. Don't take chances, this movie is just crazy. Just today in my town, there were sold-out showings. On a 2nd Monday
  8. "Legendary Monday" takes on a whole new meaning now... Because it's plural!
  9. This is so exciting, every day is a roller-coaster. Sometimes below expectations, but most of the time, complete wtf!
  10. Months ago, who would have thought that the all-time monday record (which is also a HOLIDAY monday) would be beaten not once but twice! Unreal. Ppl expected week-ends to be huge, especially opening, but those weekdays? They're almost on par with Avatar. edit: Woohoo! I was able to edit my post!
  11. Man, 33 mil is a 23,2% drop, quite close to Avatar. Those weekdays
  12. Have you watched Inside Job? It's pretty good. Also, for those interested in the art of filmmaking, specifically 35 mm vs Digital, there's Side by Side (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2014338/)
  13. How can anybody sleep 2 hours per night? I don't even
  14. Btw guys, Mark Hamill is a boss, he's been spending most of the day answering fans on twitter so they don't get scammed over "signed" posters and stuff on ebay https://twitter.com/HamillHimself/with_replies Warning though, there might be spoilers on twitter, I haven't read all the posts, there are too many!
  15. Is January 4th a holiday this year? Or do most people have the day off or something? Otherwise I'd see a pretty huge drop as being probable. Right?
  16. How to shit on a record, TFA-style Beating it 2 times in a row
  17. Shrek 2 did $23,4 M on a 2nd Monday, but that was a holiday. non-holiday I think is Avatar on December 28th 2009 with $19m Either way, Star Wars will crush those numbers.
  18. As long as Star Wars earns more than $1 billion domestic, I'm happy. It won't beat Avatar unless some truly epic miracle happens in the next weeks or so, but that's fine. I never expected it to anyway.
  19. I think that's because it's adjusted. The $69M from 2012 becomes $70M, basically.
  20. Right. Week between X-mas and New-Year is generally very good, movies either go up or don't drop a lot. Return of the King, for example, dropped a mere 15,5% during its second week, and avatar actually went up. Force Awakens isn't Avatar, but it's showing much better holds than Return of the King so far, so I think it's going to do pretty well, actually. My prediction is 30% drop for the week ($100 M) + 40% week-end drop($90 M) so, $188 M seems about right. It might drop less than that though. Anything above that is a win, in my opinion.
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