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Posts posted by Daxtreme

  1. LMAO


    I knew the finale would be rushed as soon as I saw the Night King die unceremoniously. It meant that whatever shit they conjured for the last episodes had to happen, and it had to happen fast. 


    Which meant it would be rushed.


    Which meant it would be a shitshow and an unsatisfying ending to the series.


    So glad the MCU stuck the landing...


    Afraid of what December has in store for us now -_-

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  2. I never understood why people won't let others like what they like. Like in baumer's case, who cares that he likes something most people don't? Liking something is a positive thing! And god knows we're in dire need of positivity these days.


    I guess there's a touch of jealousy behind it. "If I couldn't like this, then how could someone else?" etc  -- We envy the good feeling those people get from liking something we're not.


    There's also the "film snob" factor. "Look how refined my tastes are compared to ______"


    And finally, these days there's this weird Search for Consensus pretty much everywhere on the Internet. 

    • Like 2
  3. The year is 2035


    The long-anticipated "Avengers Forever" AKA Avengers 8 opened to a record 2.4 BTC worldwide.


    Forecast pegged the movie for a 1.8 BTC opening so this extraordinary performance is sure to please all the worldwide investors in MarvelCoin.


    Rumors has it that the bitcoin creator (still anonymous) is considering buying Disney with a 1000 BTC buy-out. The total value of all the Disney properties is estimated at a staggering 800 BTC, or approximately what the average "bitcoin billionaire" owns in this day and age, so according to what we've been told here at Deadline, this is a no-brainer kind of deal.


    Stay tuned for more BO numbers this week! Or number, singular, if the movie grosses a single BTC.

    • Like 2
  4. Assuming GRRM releases the books one day, my headcanon of that whole thing will be (saw it on reddit):




    The books are the story as written by the Maesters = very faithful.


    However, the show is like an uncle at a table centuries after the events of the show telling the story of the Mad Queen. At first he tells it fine and quite accurately but as the evening goes, he gets drunker and drunker, and yet somehow he still tells the story to the end, albeit skipping over many details and it not being very coherent.


    But it's a damn entertaining drunk uncle story and it's got everyone talking about it after he passes out. 



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  5. Jesus christ what a wonderful, absolutely mesmerizing goddamn fucking mess this episode was.


    And I mean that both in the best and worst ways.


    The directing, editing, cinematography... so awesome. This battle sequence is incredible! Season 8Episode 3 is like a student film compared to this. Rivals the best of war scenes I've seen. Shit's lit


    As for the plot... This is the most popular TV show of all-time with characters known all over the world and they do THIS?!?!




    Jaime whose character' arc is more like a full circle than an arc.


    Arya the Goddess of Death on a white horse.


    Daenerys the genocidal maniac who killed a million people in cold blood on dragonback


    Varys who joins Littlefinger in the "we had no idea what to do with schemers once the show became high-fantasy so we killed them off" category.


    Jon "Hey are we the baddies??!" Snow


    and, most importantly... #CleganeBowl2019 ends in a... DRAW?


    I'm speechless.


    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Porthos said:

    Name a more iconic duo than Disney and under-predicting their Sunday grosses of literally almost every movie they put out.


    Somebody on reddit is trying to convince me that it's 100% impossible for a movie to have more than 1-2 M higher in actuals than the studio estimates.


    Saying he's a box office expert.


    I'm... speechless.


    It literally just happened last week-end.

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  7. I think what happens is that most people watch something, form a mild opinion on it.


    Then they see the epic strong reactions (in either direction), like "SO FUCKING BAD" or the opposite, then it reinforces their current view.


    If it was mild but "meh, it was kinda good" it becomes "basically perfect" to compensate for the "SO BADDDDDD" crowd, or vice versa if they had mildly bad reactions. They become "it was atrocious" to counterjerk the "it was PERFECT" reactions around.


    Basically it all becomes a sort of massive "let's play Swing the Pendulum" event.


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