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Posts posted by Daxtreme

  1. 9 minutes ago, bladels said:


    This says Disney will aquire Fox immediately following the new deal




    "Jefferies analyst John Janedis has said the bidding could go as high as $80 billion if Comcast and Disney continue to battle for Fox."


    I don't think it's over.


    And I trust Hollywood Reporter over comingsoon.net


    • ...wtf 1
    • Disbelief 1

    About an hour ago.


    It's official now, both Senate and House approved. The rest are just formalities (approval of governor general who is just a ceremonial figure for the Queen)


    Damn that's gonna be weird! To think I grew up in an environment where it was illegal and frowned upon, and now anyone major will be able to purchase cannabis and do whatever the heck they want with it. 


    One of my friends is already in litigation with his building because some people want pot to be banned building-wise (including your own apartment) and some don't :rofl:

    • Haha 1
  3. I'm gonna go with


    Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original)


    In that order. I seem to recall Halloween as being your favorite, might have changed since then. Or maybe I recall wrong, whatever. And I think you love Scream!

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a no-brainer I think, if it's not in the top like 5 or so I'm gonna riot! :sarah:


    Random question @baumer but did you like the 2013 remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre?



    • Like 1
  4. 29 minutes ago, FilmBuff said:


    Fycking Semantics. You know what I meant. AIW still should’ve beaten BP imo considering the hype and 10 year buildup of this ‘event’ film. Even if it was a small margin. AIW should’ve outgrossed BP domestically. 


    Obviously, DP2 contributed to it not passing BP. 


    If Black Panther had grossed like 400M, then yes, AIW should have outgrossed Black Panther.


    BP is now the 3rd highest domestic grosser in history. The game has changed.


    No movie "should have" outgrossed the 3rd highest dom grosser in history. It can't be considered the bar for success of any movie, ever. That's completely ridiculous.


    The fact both movies will make it around 700M within 3 months of each other is just dumb.


    And anyway, AIW's overseas total is higher than Black Panther's worldwide total... so yes, it's beating that movie quite comfortably, don't worry! :ph34r:


    • Like 4

    10 minutes ago, Asyulus said:
    11 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

    Even better estimate, where's this one from?

    From Me.


      Reveal hidden contents



    3 minutes ago, Asyulus said:
    6 minutes ago, oMeriMombatti said:

    Are you the new Noctis? :P

    No. Just did this because you know Infinity War reached a new milestone.



    • Haha 1
  6. 5 hours ago, baumer said:

    47) Stir of Echoes (1999)


    Box office:  21 million

    Person of note:  Kevin Bacon

    Memorable quote:   Does it hurt to be dead?




    Tom Witzky is a phone lineman living in a working-class neighborhood in Chicago with his pregnant wife Maggie and his son Jake, who possesses the ability to commune with the dead. At a party one evening, Tom challenges Lisa, Maggie's sister who is a believer in paranormal activity, to hypnotize him. After putting him under, Lisa plants a post-hypnotic suggestion in Tom urging him to "be more open-minded". Tom then begins experiencing visions of a violent scuffle involving a girl who he later learns is Samantha Kozac, a 17-year-old that disappeared from the neighborhood six months prior.


    One of the more underrated psychological horror films from the 1990's is Stir of Echoes. David Koepp, who has proved to be a big time screenplay writer for major blockbusters before Stir of Echoes, such as Jurassic Park and Mission Impossible, did some great things with this movie he wrote and directed. First off, there is a certain gritty feel to a horror film setting that takes place in a big city such as Chicago. Second, is the acting and character attitude that fit so well for the time period, has really paid off down the road leaving a nostalgic feel and believability. The story-line is connected fairly well and there are some good scares to be found. Kevin Bacon also does a great job at balancing his character to a rational minded human to an obsessively strange being. The ending does have a great twist, a ghost story that reminds me a lot of The Sixth Sense, which came out in the same exact year. Stir of Echoes is a solid horror flick that still holds up today, definitely worthy enough to re-watch if it's been awhile and escaped your mind.


    I believe that if SOE had come out perhaps in any other year besides 1999, it would have done better and found a bigger audience. But when you come out in September, after The Blair Witch Project and Sixth Sense have spent last three months terrorizing the hell out of everyone (and making people open their wallets), the time of release was just all wrong.  SoE is a terrific film and has a few incredibly shocking scenes that will cause you to jump.  Kevin Bacon delivers a strong and tight performance as the man who is slowly coming unravelled.  


    Interesting that Artisan distributed both Blair Witch Project and Stir of Echoes.


    If you haven't seen this one or even heard of it, try to find it on Netflix or something.  You can thank me later.  






    Damn this looks interesting as hell

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