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Posts posted by Daxtreme

  1. Indeed they look similar, more than I recalled. I never had a problem identifying either of them though.


    Also, his ex-wife has been shown in all the mission impossible movies to, well, not be an "action girl" at all. Seemed obvious to me from the start that it wasn't her based on narrative hint alone, especially since the female agent rode a motorcycle for the better portion of the previous installment. Seems only natural it would be her again, and not his ex-wife.


    But I can see how it could be confusing based on looks alone.

    • Like 1
  2. 13 hours ago, captainwondyful said:


    I also thought the storyline was the ex-wife and the female agent was super confusing. They looked alike. I spent half the time in Paris wondering which was which. Bad casting. I also thought the “I am okay with my new life, other agent walks in as Love interest and it’s all okay” scene was SUPER WEIRD.



    The ex-wife doesn't appear in the movie until after Paris so not sure what was confusing about her in Paris. If you're referring to the White Widow then she's definitely not his ex-wife since she's a mob boss, and blonde while the female agent has dark hair. 


    Not sure how you confused anyone out of these 3 actually :qotd:



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  3. 35 minutes ago, baumer said:

    Somehow I would imagine that there are less insurance regulations for Honk Kong or Chinese films.  The insurance on a Mission film would be high and they would absolutely demand that Cruise wear a wire.  If he were to hurt himself really bad or worse, die, and he wasn't wearing the proper safety gear, the lawsuits would sink someone.




    They interviewed Hong Kong actress and well-known B-movie action star Moon Lee on this subject (she lives in the US now), and she said it was totally crazy and dangerous filming in Hong Kong during these days, and it shouldn't be done again. But she enjoyed it so much, she misses those days. The "Golden Age" as it were, where stuntmen and even lead actors regularly put their lives on the line for entertainment. She herself ended up in the hospital for several months with third-degree burns and returned to filming ASAP when she came out.


    Case in point, a stunt sequence starring Moon Lee: 



    I mean... there is NO WAY a stunt like this could be filmed today. Impossible. A 4 years old kid dangling from a car without protection? Absolute joke!


    For us viewers, it's really a case of, "damn I love watching this, but it's so dangerous, I'm not sure if people should do it... but since they do it anyway, might as well enjoy it?" haha


    Which is pretty much what we're doing watching Fallout. Admiring Tom Cruise for putting his life on the line AKA Hitchcock's theory of getting immense satisfaction out of watching someone being an absolute ace at their job (both on- and off- screen).


    Which is why I think Tom Cruise might have some problems filming another movie like this in the future. A mere injury cost $70M, imagine worse? And you can be sure that the studio are imagining worse, all the time.


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  4. 40 minutes ago, el sid said:

    Normally I'm a better „predictor“ because I stay cold and neutral. Embarassing, all these too high predictions from me here...

    This -now- 23M Friday number for M: I 6 is still somewhat depressing me, say what you want. I get it that with an objective look on it, that's a good result. But it had these reviews and trailers and the (as often not as important as it seems) internet buzz and the low competition plus the fine Pulse numbers and it seems that it's still doing much less than almost all superhero/comic book movies :(. My only hope now is that the WOM will help its OW and total run.
    I also hope that The Equalizer has the same nice Saturday and Sunday holds as last week. Over 64M so far is actually ok. So it would stay a bit under the first one but not much and maybe it's WW doing better because this time it's already a well know (little) brand.
    MM2's not so great hold doesn't suprise me with the already declining Saturday and Sunday numbers last weekend.


    I love my superhero movies right now and all, but movies like Fallout bring action to its A-game and most grounded, and in a way that isn't often filmed these days. 


    Really hope it performs well enough. But like others have said on reddit, Tom Cruise's injury cost the insurance company $70M, there's no way in hell they're gonna let him do whatever he wants from now on.


    This is possibly the last time Tom Cruise makes such a crazy action movie (with dangerous stunts chaining one after the other). Enjoy it while it lasts!

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  5. Ha!


    While watching it I thought "fucking finally someone in Hollywood who gets it". I'm pretty sure they must have studied fights from Asia, the fight coordinator is an unknown German who made the last Mission Impossible, maybe in-between? Hard to tell. Some rumors say that Tom Cruise choreographed the fight himself, maybe he had a stroke of genius. The actors brought their top physical game to this scene. Just a very well-directed, staged, and filmed fight overall that looks clean, but feels raw.


    Also, watching Tom Cruise jump over that building in Paris (and hurting his ankle), it instantly brought me back to Jackie Chan doing the exact same kind of jump in Rumble in the Bronx. Only difference was that Jackie never wore any wires for protection -- ironically, Tom Cruise was held by a wire and still hurt himself!


    They're both madmen. After this movie I think I can safely say that Tom Cruise is America's Jackie Chan, just a little bit less reckless in doing so (but still totally crazy).

    In fact, Tom Cruise is somehow getting better with age? :winomg:

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  6. Ok I'm just gonna go ahead and say this


    Boy, the bathroom fight!! hnnnggggg


    Finally a Hollywood fight done right! The last one was in 2003 with The Matrix Reloaded for god's sake! (Mad Max Fury Road doesn't count, it's like a continuous car chase for 2 hours :ph34r:)


    Why does it work so well? Well this should come as a surprise to no one, but when you film a fight for 4 weeks, and it's brilliantly choreographed, what you get is a fucking classic! They went to the Hong Kong school of shooting fights -- schedule 4 days of filming for it, then realize it's taking weeks and just go "to hell with it, we want to make it good, it's gonna be good" and then produce a classic. It also helps that Christopher McQuarrie has got a great sense of geography when filming the action, which is a major component of making chaotic action scenes actually work.


    Rest of the movie rocks btw, one of the best pure action movies to ever come out of Hollywood, at least in recent years that's for sure. The whole Paris sequence is mesmerizing.


    I'm so, so glad the days of Paul Greengrass nauseating shaky cam nonsense seem to be mostly behind us.


    Now if only the frenetic over-editing could go as well I'd be on cloud nine.


    My rating: ★★★★½


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  7. Surprisingly, I prefer the original, simply because of how focused it is. The restraint serves it really well. The fact it is more horror and atmospheric helped I think, with just the right, subtle hints of comedy.


    Evil Dead II wants to be both horrifying and hilarious at the same time, and I'm not sure I was fully on board with that. Don't get me wrong though, it does work, to an extent.


    Ash struggling with his evil hand was a glorious scene, I wish the rest of the movie was on this level! I was in stitches, so much awesome condensed in a few minutes! Bruce Campbell really channeled the body language and physical comedy necessary to perform in this, I thought he was fantastic. 


    I believe this movie took everything about the first one and dialed it up to 11, for better or for worse. It's more of everything, and more intense. If that's your thing, don't worry, you're gonna love this movie. ;)


    But I definitely preferred the paranoiac atmosphere and focus of the first movie.


    Loved how Ash goes through yet a second night of twisted shit. The ending was top-notch. Not sure when I'm gonna watch Army of Darkness, but I'm definitely eager to see it!


    Overall, this is a good sequel that expands upon the original in lots of imaginative (and gory) ways, but failed to capture its predecessor's true strengths, in my opinion.


    My rating: ★★★½


    Note: I watched this movie at the age of 5 back then, over 20 years ago. Wasn't a good idea. Glad I reconciled with it now :) Some shots were still ingrained in my mind.


  8. Ok this movie is kinda genius. How they managed to give every possessed person (who are now demons) a distinct personality even after-possession while ramping up the dread, damn!


    The scene where Bruce struggles to keep up while his girlfriend laughs maniacally next to him, and his friend is basically dying on the couch, and Cellar Demon™ screams JOIN USSSSS while trying to get out was, quite simply, utter perfection. What a wonderfully batshit crazy and imaginative scene that was.




    Like, I'm not sure how the genre can top this scene? A true descent to madness in its purest, most distilled form.


    Sam Raimi shows his incredible directional skills here, in a movie that no doubt took the Horror world by storm back in 1981. The only rough scene in my opinion was the forest attack, and that's largely due to the limitations of the time and the small budget.


    I don't usually like horror all that much, but this movie was absolutely incredible. Genre-defining. Maybe I was just watching the wrong ones...


    Slow start, but don't worry, the nightmare is winding up, and it's gonna get personal. :redcapes:

    My rating: ★★★★½

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  9. Just wanted to drop by and say I just watched The Evil Dead (1981) for the first time and I'm stunned.

    What an incredible movie. One scene in particular struck me as pure gold. I think I need to visit the Review that movie thread. :qotd:

    So I'll use that as an opportunity for a "For Your Consideration"


    FYC -- The Evil Dead (1981)




    Not sure I've even watched enough horror movies to qualify for this list.


    Wait, October is the deadline...


    Hmm... :sarah:


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  10. 15 minutes ago, sfran43 said:

    Ant-Man and the Wasp
    Opening Weekend Range: $70 – 90 million (up from $65-85M)

    Social media and general tracking footprints continue to pace slightly behind Doctor Strange and Thor: The Dark World, but remain consistent in terms of the film’s overall positive outlook now that early critics’ reviews suggest another crowd-pleaser.


    Not surprised that Ant-Man estimates went up. Twitter's reaction to the latest trailers has been increasingly positive!


    $100M within reach? :ohmyzod:

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  11. May I suggest dropping this "released in the US in 2008" thingy? 


    Why not just go with the release date on official movie database websites?


    I understand why it's important for recent years (2016, 2017, etc) to give time to watch them, but 2008... it's a bit of a while ago to be honest. Everyone had time to catch up with foreign movie releases since 2008 if they really wanted to.


    Really makes it very complicated to keep track. On the letterboxd list above many movies aren't eligible, and then we also have to check 2007, 2006, 2009 lists to see if titles from these years are elligible?



    Just a suggestion, do whatever you want. But I think it needlessly complicates things for movies made 10 years ago.


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