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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. OG Star Wars performed far better than The Force Awakens did without a fanbase... the #1 spot has NEVER been held by a franchise film (until Avatar 2 of course). while James Cameron got 2 movies in that club without much effort other than "DAE like 3D???" Looks like I hit the nail on the head
  2. Nutcases are trigged by Avatar, those who complain about it having a white Saviour and those who think climate change is a hoax. Then it irritates the capegang and the Star Wars screw because they want to be number 1. They get a taste of being the best on opening weekend and start thinking "wow this can beat Avatar"... then they realise the gap is too big for mortals to close. This makes them start thinking things like "how could anything beat The Force Awakens/Infinity War by so much"... Avatar wasn't StarWars/Cape so that means he must have cheated it's way to #1. They've worked it out by this point, Avatar only did well because it got an unfair bonus from the 3D gimmick, this is shown by it having NO cultural impact!
  3. Heroes Of Might and Magic 3 Age of Empires 2 Warcraft 2 Suiokoden 2 Warcraft 3 TOP 5 RTS>RPG>FPS>THE REST wrong thread...
  4. Really frustrating that I can't copy and paste excel tables on here anymore
  5. Him vs Hulk is great but I wouldn't compare the two, feel like that's recency bias.
  6. Proud to say this doesn't apply to the Jim gang. Jim is the auteur and we let him make the choices
  7. It's easy to shit-talk DC after Justice League bombed but don't go pretending Marvel has better fight sequences. Post a better Marvel fight I'll be waiting.
  8. Come on guys let's not get off topic we are witnessing box office history here.
  9. More than that don't forget cinemas take a cut if the box office. Say the budget was 250m then marketing was another 100m. It would need about 700m to make a profit I would think.
  10. Solo could ve the biggest bomb of all time. It's incredible how bad it's doing despite it's Star Wars brand.
  11. shame the Russo Brothers will never direct 6 - 2 billie club films or 4 - 3 billie club films 1 billie, 2 billie, 3 billie 4, 5 billie 6 billie 7 billie more
  12. I think this is definitely a time where we can just trust Jim got the best camera to do the role it needs to play. Heres a HWR article about it https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/behind-screen/james-camerons-avatar-sequels-production-sony-venice-cameras-1116600 Cameron and producer Jon Landau's Lightstorm Entertainment confirmed that Sony’s Venice cameras with 3D stereoscopic rigs will be used for Avatar 2 and 3, which will be lensed by Oscar winning cinematographer Russell Carpenter (Cameron's Titanic). “The Venice camera delivers the most astonishing image I’ve ever seen. The blacks are rich, deep and velvety, the highlights and source lights are amazingly bright. For the first time, we truly appreciate what the term high dynamic range means.” The camera maker explained that "using the new Sony cabling system, the only part of the Venice carried on the rig will be the image sensor optical blocks, significantly reducing on-board camera weight to about three pounds per sensor block. By lowering the weight and improving ergonomics, Cameron and the Lightstorm team will have the ability to shoot with greater flexibility and freedom." This could include use with Steadicams, drones, gimbals and shooting in confined spaces, a Sony rep added. Jim seems to really like the HDR and colours... or maybe because it's light to carry. He wouldn't give up picture quality I'm sure of that. Sounds like he's been working with the Sony team aswell to customise it.
  13. Marvel's action sequences aren't exactly the pinnacle of blockbusters (like they should be)
  14. POE was likeable in TFA but his role was so small... Finn's character is likeable but feels out of place
  15. Well damn it's actually going to do it! I stopped following it 2 weeks ago when it cemented itself as #4 WW and #4 DOM
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