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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. JCS is a James Cameron scholar first and foremost lol. Not every Jim fan has seen avatar 10+ times like us
  2. Personally I like when Jake gives the "This is our land!" speech with Tsu'tey translating and when Neytiri meets human Jake. @MCKillswitch123 The 3D of Avatar got them to see an original film, science fiction film about blue humanoids with catlike features, then the film itself kept them coming back for more. Now the Avatar cool aid has heen drunk it doesn't need to push boundaries to do well. Pushing boundaries is whats going to take A2 to the stratosphere. I'm fully see where you're coming from but I still think thats lowballing, Jim's shown he can make universal stories which everyone can enjoy, not once but twice. Also he has shown he can make a kickass sequel not once but twice. I'm fully on this hypetrain as you already know and with IW showing the strength of emerging markets my predictions are actually increasing. 4 billies isn't sounding crazy to me anymore.
  3. Infinity War is about to break the record for highest non holiday weekend ever and your all talking about James Cameron? first to the punch
  4. Sounds silly, did this happen with LOTR or POTTER. Sounds like something fun for the mega fams to do but the GA wont care for it
  5. You really seem to hate blockbusters! You realise this is a blockbuster forum right. I mean Jim could create the best film of all time and if no one was there to see it, what would be the point in that?
  6. Even a broken clocks right twice a day. Sorry feasby dont mean it much love
  7. Yes there are fans for batman so it wasnt a good example but IW definetly is a film for fans which is why we see the hyper inflated score. Also I'm bot worried about IW anymore lol. Besides as long as Avatar holds WW #1 until december 2020 im good
  8. It's all explained throughout the movie. Right at the start Sarah Connor does exposition through the a taped recording of her "insane person ramblings". Also what the hell is going on is explained to John, he's like the T2 only viewer in a way because he doesnt have a scooby doo about T1.
  9. Actualy watched T2 before terminator (before i became jim loonie), it works as a standalone. Of course T1 enhances the viewing but it absolutely works as a standalone.
  10. True, only one objective measure in filmmaking . I'll let them do them on an individual level but unfortanately scores can affect box office and thats what we're all about on here. That is the main reason they matter to us.
  11. I agree but the problem is the weight attributed to IMDB and RT scores. It's a sad truth but loads use those scores as gospel. I know people who won't watch less than a 8 on imdb.
  12. I think this is a conversation for later once the hype dies and box office ends. The reason it matters is because people (not me) use these scores as an indicator that movie X was liked more by the public than movie Y
  13. You can rate it as you like, I'm not here to hate (sorry for insult to 10/10 line).
  14. Read edited post, inflated score through fandom. No one who isn't a fan is going to rate this 10/10 (as many many have) Amazing film for yhe fans no doubt.
  15. That's a good discussion point. Why is it so high? Is the audience too easly pleased by seeing stranged talking to man of iron? I think TDK got its rating by being great, while IW got its through fandom. I can understand loving a film but putting iw as a 10/10 just insults actual 10/10s. I say this as someone who enjoyed the film.
  16. Can we take a moment to pay respects those predicting 800m dom.
  17. That's why I was lowballing with 700m from China. No other hollywood film was even close to that in 2009
  18. Harrypotter, lotr and starwars. Just the same characters everytime, completely unfresh! Let's atleast watch the trailer before making this judgment ay kevin? Also Quaritch and GET SOME are coming back through the same technology. My guess is that every big time merc on pandora had thier dna scanned andthwy both will get made and grown in a tank on the way back to earth. Weaver isnt back from the dead, she's playing a navi now
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