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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Well it's only the same market in name, it's a completely different beast now. I didn't mean it literally lol
  2. Remember Avatar was the highest grossing film from 2009-2013 despite the rapidily growing market. It was the highest grossing film by far so it would be fair to assume it would have made so much more than 200 (800m?) if china's market was the size it is now
  3. Lol you got me there but remember Jim willed it's fatigue so I have to follow suit.
  4. 700m is still reachable? I thought it was called as locked on here a couple if days ago. I'm still expecting 130m this weekend
  5. China is scary, its money that avatar and titanic didn't have access too. I think it beats TFA btw
  6. Disagree, you must not have managed to immerse yourself because for me it was emotional.
  7. No point in angling to find sociological significance in Infinity War when fans have been conditioned to enjoy this mayhem. Infinity War is not just trash, but it turns age-old questions of faith into trash — and does it for fun. Maybe the best word for that is: pathetic. Armond has spoken 😂
  8. Literally watched it today and god you're wrong. Whenever I point out a simple truth people throw "Avatar was pocohontas" in my face rather than attempting to tell me why I'm wrong. I would say thats prett telling that im right.
  9. Hahaha, well said. I feel guilty for enjoying it but I don't trick myself into thinking it's anything but dumb fun.
  10. Who better than the 5 times oscar winning vfx director who loves to scooba dive and has lead a team to engineer a submarine to go to the deepest point in the ocean then manned it himself. Sorry everyone I watched Avatar today so I'm on a Jim high... im going to leave for a bit
  11. Weird how the script would be meh considering he's only directed great scripts that he wrote himself. It's beyond foolish to believe Avatars script was bad if thats what youre alluding to but I'm not interested in this argument right now.
  12. They stole his best scenes (he sent them his script) for it so you got a glimpse, upside down kiss comes to mind.
  13. He's talking about overseas only. Add china to that is an extra 500+... so lets say 2.5b just overseas
  14. Just done the quarterly rewatch of Avatar. Those who say Avatar only did well because 3d are fools, it's of a different calibur than modern blockbusters. What modern blockbusters compare? I can only think of LOTR
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