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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. To clarify when I say "studio execs try to ruin the film" I'm not saying they're intentionally trying to ruin the movie. They're trying to make it more successful but they're no filmmakers and have the creative vision of slugs. To think some cocky executive has tried to Jim how to make one of his movies makes me sick to the core, the Jack living example being the worst I've heard.
  2. I have plans but the trip will cost £2.5k atleast because I live in the UK, everyone seems to love the flight of passage ride.
  3. Im naturally a pessimist tho VC, 5b is in play but I didn't even mention it.
  4. you a zen Buddhist or something? I've left a theatre and come back before because it was too quiet or the screen was too small... either those kids leave or I would
  5. Same amount of tickets as Avatar (without china) and $1b from china. or Half amount of tickets as Avatar (without china) and $500m from China You aren't telling me the latter is more likely, are you? We're going to need our top scientists to get on what Avatar 2 will look like with certain %ticket sales of Avatar, they should wait til 2020 though
  6. I'm well aware that $2.78b is a lot of money, it shows by just looking at the list of highest grossing films, it's light years ahead of the rest. It's possible it makes less than that it because the numbers sheer size. However, the more and more I look at it the more confident I become, he's really going to make something special here and I think $3billion more likely than not. This ain't bravado speaking but >$4b is more likely than <$2b. I agree you saying 11 years meaning it's more unknown, but I don't agree with those who say everyone will have forgotten about Avatar because of the 11 years past.
  7. I've noticed! I think on BOT on particular Star Wars is always going to be preferred because of the type of people who are likely to follow box office enough to join a forum about it. Not a knock on Star Wars or Avatar just an observation, general audience is where Avatar thrives not internet movie sites.
  8. 7-1 is a legendary scoreline, you don't want to lose 7-1
  9. I've always been the first to note how this site has a tragic mental affliction which causes them to love Star Wars.
  10. @Lothar I'm sorry but that's an april fools joke, the original article was posted on April 1st on http://estonianworld.com, you have to expect small websites to read it then make their own article about it without confirming it's legitimacy
  11. the run is the icing on the cake to what is going to be a fantastic film... it seems like people on here are hoping for it to fail? Weird really.
  12. Studio executives tried to make Jim change the ending of Titanic so that Jack lives, despite it being a story about the hardness of separation. They asked him to send them the scene so he made the scene really as poorly as he could and sent them it as a fuck you. Also in one of his earlier films (Aliens or The Terminator I think), an exec called him in for a meeting and he brought a prop shotgun with him, placed in on the desk and said "I'm willing to discuss anything"...
  13. Yep, that and Jim being untouchable because of Avatar/Titanic means I'm not worried for Avatar at all. Also he has a history of not taking any shit from studio executives trying to ruin his movies, he shuts them down every time. Most suck for directors who ain't big who probably get bossed around by studio executives who possess the creative vision of a slug
  14. sad but this, thanks goodness Jim is Jim otherwise they would try to ruin the Avatar sequels.
  15. Now people will keep saying shits about Avatar. When the trailer is dropped tho, they probably won't shut up about it and will watch it anyway. That is just how people are nowadays: hypocrites. well said youtube user Ginanjar
  16. Alita battle angel got moved to december to push for best picture
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