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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Never watch a movie while tired, it ruins them. For annhilation specfically the ending was a big part of the film so you it's unfair to criticise it until finished. That said I wasn't raving about it, it was good but not great. I'm in the go watch Stalker instead camp.
  2. the trailer looked good so maybe it's just that scene
  3. Next you're going to tell us comic book films are for kids, fuck you Tele!
  4. that seems really over dramatised, can you imagine a mother actually giving a speech like that? she comes across as an actress rather than a mother.
  5. the search bar works in English on the Chinese site https://maoyan.com/films/78461
  6. TLJ and the TFA would have done just aswell in cinema without their meme bots or rats, it's the toy sales where they come in huge.
  7. It's 3D was the best and argubably still is the best ever in film. People loved the 2D big screen too though.
  8. I think we've seen and know enough to know it's going to be killer. No doubt in my mind, not even the smallest amount.
  9. It's possible, can't link the article now but he said it's possible for an Avatar re-release with updated visuals. Some cinemas do showings of old films, with sone googling you maybe able to find a showing.
  10. It's like blue pocohontas in space is all they've got against Avatar... which is fine by me. It's got nothing to do with the quality of the film so we can only assumed they loved it... I mean... who didn't($2.78b)?
  11. the title was made by one of BOT many starwars fans, it never won to begin with and is propaganda of the highest order
  12. I'm yet to see it but I always suspected this to be the case, all of the MCU have a similar formulaic feel and why would this one be any different. I've still got to see it for myself though as the critics gave it such rave reviews, it's still too early for me to ignore critic aggregators completely but in recent years they've really had some crappy consensuses so this may be the final straw.
  13. I don't understand the use of that reaction face in this situation, sugar is a guilty pleasure and nothing more.
  14. sugar is the enemy, you should cut it out of your lives
  15. It sounds like Spain is a special case. I checked Germany because it came to my head first and their average ticket price has only gone up. https://www.statista.com/statistics/398393/cinema-tickets-average-price-germany/
  16. I wasn't trying to assume things about you, I was just giving examples. Their lips are animated to the Japanese words then it's dubbed into English. The style of animation is nothing you can't get used to in 1, 2 or even 3 films, it seems too trivial as a reason to block yourself from content.
  17. Just got my calculator out.. almost under a 1000 days to go! (1004 currently)
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