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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Just another way Jim breaks every convention known to man. Titanic 3h 15m, most tickets sold in any single theatrical release domestically. Avatar 2h 42m. How does the madman do it?!
  2. I'm sorry if it feels as though I was intentionally misrepresenting what you said but that's really what I remember you saying! I shouldn't have brought this up let's move on.
  3. Nah yeah you're probably right I'm giving Empire a hard time for something that happened a week ago, his posts seem really composed now and have good info. If you're out there Empire I apologise for still giving you grief for the online reaction saga!
  4. The point was that the online reaction was mixed but refused to accept it (he probably still refuses it). Metacritic was a 4chan troll raid.. RT all bots... etc etc
  5. hmmmmm, now I ain't saying I think sws9 is going to make less than sws8, but I've seen quite a few not happenings happen this last couple weeks.
  6. Age of Ultron is on BBC 1 hd, its worse than i thought it would be. Quip, cut, cut, cut, repeat.
  7. Reminds me of the Cameron quote where he gives the advice to hollywood to simply make better movies.
  8. I've seen enough, this won't beat a 20 year old film in Titanic after it's 220m ow in December. Star Wars is over for me until 2019 now. Jumanji on the overhand, lets see how far we can soar.
  9. Without me even saying a word my family are currently fighting over wether to watch PP3 or Jumanji.. guess im off to see Jumanji today, hope its as good as you all are letting on! Guess sws isnt in my blood. Anyway everyone remembers Avatar and its a complete meme that no one remembers it.
  10. An ok post except the delusion part! I'm a thinking man and have thinking man reasons for this. As of now posting on my phone I'm in no state to do a writeup in the Avatar thread. No one will respect my foresight if they percieve my predictions as blind delusions with no thought behind them other than JAMES CAMERON.
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