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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. I'll let this pass for now on a small technicality on whether Avatar can be a franchise with just one film. It's a media franchise (comic book,book,game, film) and has a damn theme park!
  2. That's because it's a good movie on it's own merit, rather than an entrenchment to previous films and not particularly good without nostalgia.
  3. duct tape holds better, another year in the tank easy
  4. December 06, 2018. No crowds in sight as of now, will look again in a bit.
  5. I still have no idea what these posts by wrathofhan and poe blankeron mean
  6. That one detective can find any post you want, no posts proves a problem to him.
  7. I'm British too and while I respect your ability to take on the world.. you thought TLJ would be a great film and make over TFA dom. Lol
  8. Forceuser said 800m is the truth until more accurate info comes and im sorry theoneguy but my uncle is bob iger, it cost disney $2b for this one.
  9. Profitabilty isn't something we should be interested in, too many unknown variables .
  10. People.. TLJ can be a succesful movie and still underperform, it's not one or the other.
  11. I wasn't denying that! I just said I also made fun of star wars before it was cool (hipster joke).
  12. Give me a break Baumer I was doing it before it was cool! Lol Anyway I know we differ in opinion here and always have, I wish for Avatar and Titanic to stay the #1 and #2 highest grossers. To me the more top spots Jim holds and the longer the better his legacy. He is afterall my favourite director and is an incredible man, you know far more about Jim than most on BOT so you know what I'm talking about. I guess in a way its like a football rivalary, my team is better than yours sorta deal. In my opinion you're like golddust Baumer, wishing all films do well and never picking favourites. Respect for that by the way but it's just not me. People on here are always dissappointed when X loses to Y or excited when thier film is going to make more than the film they don't like. For me World Wide is everthing and Star Wars was the biggest threat to Avatar which is why I've enjoyed it's runs, for now they won't be capable until a gap and another reboot.
  13. I was wondering where on earth Tele was on the christmas weekend threads, should have saw this coming.
  14. Wow what a fantastic weekend, great stuff from Jumanji, Insidious, Showman, Pitch P3, Ferdinand, Darkest, Molly's Game, Coco, All the Money, Shape of Water, The Post and Phantom Thread. Outstanding.
  15. Hmm I would be very fair mod, I never personal insult people despite recieving them often. The sort of willpower needed for a mod. My first action as mod will be to add an Avatar sticky where all members must post thier Avatar predictions. Then in 2020 everone off the worldwide value by $1b gets a warning and those off by $2b are banned from making predictions on this site.
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