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Posts posted by Brainiac5

  1. 32 minutes ago, brian.jensen.507464 said:



    I doubt that, considering that WB was burying "Wonder Woman" in the marketing department a month ago. I think the overwhelmingly positive reviews for "Wonder Woman" gave WB the extra push for them to go all out with it's marketing within the last 3 weeks.

    And I also think WB didn't want their marketing campaign to be trounced by the promotion for "Guardians of the Galaxy 2." So they waited for Marvel/Disney to release that film, so they could start pushing hard for "Wonder Woman." And the rave reviews from the critics created a perfect storm for WB's marketing team. Rottentomatoes really benefits Superhero films in many ways.

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    So WB have never Marketed Any of the DCEU films ???


  2. 11 minutes ago, mredman said:

    MoS sequel NEED to be on high alert. If Waner and DCEU knows whats good and what people want.

    stop it with this BvS crap. Thats not even remotely the same thing. People have been wanting a Supes movie since MoS. They have such an excellent cast and the news about Vaughn have. Now after BvS he will be the real Superman no man doubt him anymore. They ca really play on this. The changed Superman in a sequel

    The things about a Superman Sequel is WB might not do it.

    Many are just hard to please so I Suspect we may Have another team up on out hands.

    SuperMan/Batman Worlds finest it will be the best thing WB can do.

  3. 1 hour ago, brian.jensen.507464 said:

    I'm so happy that "Wonder Woman" turned out to be a huge success. Once the critics started giving this film excellent reviews, Warner Brothers just went insane with the marketing leading up to the films release. And it turned out to be a great Superhero film, and easily the best DC film since "The Dark Knight." What a great weekend! :)

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    Im pretty sure the Marketing was intentional.

  4. 4 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:


    Amongst the big openers apart from TFA no other movie managed that. JW came close but still failed. No SH movie even came close to that. So you think JL will follow a TFA like run? That's cute

    Really you never know which is why it is a prediction but JL surely has the potential do so.

    Theres no doubt in mind WB is gonna amp up the marketing for the film.

    The Dceu has never really had a problem with getting people into seats.

  5. 1 minute ago, God Emperor Tele said:


    What? No, I really disagree with this. A 2.7x multi for a multi-character assembly/sequel is a tall order. And while I think WW will achieve 2.7+, if it goes it'll be the first DCEU movie to do so. 

    The thing is it not about the film having a long run but rather its first 10days.

    It can very well be coming out of it second weekend already at a 2x.


    has the best Prediction for this as his 155 o.w and 110 first 5days would mean after the second weekend the film would have already covered a 2x.

  6. 4 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

    Wayy to miss the point kudos!!!!

    BvS had no competition 2 weeks before much less a direct competition with 100m OW. But no you are right it will not affect JL even 1% :rolleyes:

    JL has the benefit to kick off the holidays.

    Its first week of release is a time we're going to the movies is very common.

    All the film has to do is accomplish an opening of 150 and it will be a front runner for 400dom.

  7. 38 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:


    Can you tell me how OS is dead when it made about 10 million the past week. Is it going to completely fall dead as of this day, fall 100%??? I'd love to hear your analysis as to how that will happen. 

    Be objective mate. 


    And the comparision to AOU is completely apt seeing how it has been matching its daily frossntill this week. 


    As for your comment about dropping below 1 million weekdays then ofcourse it will since even AOU dropped to sub 1 million weekdays despite a higher weekend so i dont see your point. 


    Don't forget AOU had far bigger competition in the form of jurassic world and inside out. Competition which is far more than what guardians will have to contend. 


    If even with far bigger competition AOU can make another 32 million then i fail to see how guardians does less than 20 even with WW. 


    If Civil War which had famously bad legs can make 20 million more from this point onwards then guardians which had far better legs so far will certainly make more. 

    If it does then ok but I'm not seeing it goon much pass 840 .850 will be extremely good.

  8. Just now, God Emperor Tele said:


    Cruddy exchange rates, an upward hill to positive reception, more superheroes doesn't equal better, and a likely lower OW than BVS. And that would be to match BVS, let alone gross 130m more. 

    Even with exchange rates WW will seem to not have a problem on its way to grossing 400mil o.s so.

    Im pretty sure JL is gonna have a much bigger opening so as of now I'm saying 600 o.s is the floor the film.

    If WW grosses 400 o.s the theory of exchange rates is debunked.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:


    Yeah, I don't get it.  SS was a terrible movie IMO but to say it was anything but a huge success is wild. They were all big successes,  only BvS can be argued that it could have been bigger and we're still talking about a movie that made nearly $900M

    (873)Again ,That number when tooken into consideration of a shared universe is pretty damn big.

    I believe JL making a Billion will be the thing that shuts the haters up completely.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:


    What are you even talking about?  A $133M OW for SS was amazing as was it's final numbers. Nobody ever heard of them and it got terrible reviews. A lot of people here were predicting way under $100M before tracking came out. You are sounding like a hater

    1. a person who greatly dislikes a specified person or thing.
      "a man hater"
      • informal
        a negative or critical person.
        "she found it difficult to cope with the haters"
    Sounds about right.
  11. 3 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:


    Lets say it only makes 3.5m more OS after today (which seems low). Then it will only need another 20m DOM to reach 840. AOU made nearly 32m after this weekend. Guardians so far had much better legs than AOU except for this weekend. And even with direct and much higher competition guardians held relatively well compared to AOU. Some people were speculating it would fall as much as 60%


    There is no reason why guardians holds will be much worse from here on out when it held quite well against WW already. If AOU can make 32 million guardians can definitely do another 25 at least and it will make more than 3.5 at OS markets to get to 845-850 at least.

    Overseas is dead and I'm thinking maybe 25-30mil more WW.

    Its not about what AOU made it's about the film is gonna start to encounter some very different competition.

    Hell this week we are gonna start to see some sub 1mil Dollar days.

    Im thinking the film takes a 50%drop next.

    The Dailies are gonna start to catch up to GOtgv1 very soon and that 80mil gap is gonna close very soon to about 30mil.

    so I'm saying 375dom anything over will be a plus.

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