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Posts posted by Brainiac5

  1. 12 minutes ago, a2knet said:


    Good that they have controlled the budget. Lets them get over a couple of false starts.

    90 dom + 285 os = 375 ww, though disappointing still will be very good compared to the 125 prod budget.

    So many movies would love to do 3x the prod budget globally.

    660mil WW could never be considered a disappointment when the films budget signals a 500ww total.

    WB knew this film wouldn't explode which is why they were  cautious with the budget.

    600 WW is the reward they will get for playing it safe and correct this time.


  2. 3 minutes ago, Nova said:

    I need a $100M so I can claim to be a wizard. Of course I have no doubt WB will make the estimates be $100M but I need the actuals to be $100M lol


    So much for folks on here saying this would fly past the century mark OW though

    I have no problems with them fudging a 98.9-99.5 mil to 100mil as Paramount did with Transformers a few years ago.

    I would love for the Dceu to have five 100mil openers in a row.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, KP1025 said:


    I doubt Deadpool and Suicide Squad would have done much more than $100 million in China. Most likely they would have performed similarly to Logan ($106 million) or Batman vs Superman ($96 million). Only the presence of the Avengers can push a CBM above $150 million these days in China. World of Warcraft had a very large and active player base in China, so it was no surprise that it earned what it did. Actually, the Warcraft film performed below expectations in the China forum as many were predicting over $300 million before release.

    We can't say that with for definite as both films never gotta chance.

  4. 17 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

    I still don't get why you guys care so much about this. It's the same argument that comes up with every new DC film. Some people like them, some people hate them. They don't have the best WOM up until this point as seen with Batman V Superman. And a 64% score is just above average...that's not a good thing. Look at GOTG2 for example, these films should at least stay in the 70s or 80s.

    Some people are willing to accept their flaws and others are not. It is what it is. I don't care what brand it is, if a movies good then it's good. 

    But I strongly disagree that both scores were botched, especially if we are referring to the theatrical cut of Batman V Superman. Many people have posted solid reasonings for trashing them and god....hula hoop Cara...I mean Enchantress and her "brother"...so so bad.

    I feel others tend to overreact.

    Sure these films doesn't have the best scores but people are really kidding themselves if they actually think people aren't just loookg for a good time at the movies.

    if it's entertaining then the film will be rewarded with a nice opening and decent legs if it's not then the opening might be good but the legs won't be.

    I understand people have their problems and  criticisms and that's the right everyone has.

    Days of the future past got good reviews it preformed well ,X:Aopc not so much . logan good boxoffice.

    Xmen have done very well with all its  criticisms the only difference is The Dceu is a bigger power house.

    • Like 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, Nova said:

    You really really think Suicide Squad would have hit $1B if it got released in China? :winomg:

    Dude with China you never really know he'll Deadpool even has a shot.

    China is a up in the air market,You really should have seen my eyes when I saw Warcraft 213mil total.

    A total like that would have put SS at 950mil and Deadpool at 996mil.

    Im not saying it would ,I'm saying I'm curious to see how high both films would have gone.

  6. Just now, Nova said:

    I mentioned nothing about critics scores though. I'm talking about multipliers and audience scores. I think MoS really gets an unfair rep on these boards and looking at its audience score and multiplier it seems the GA liked it but didn't love it. 


    BvS and SS are a completely different story. And yes I understand SS got a 2.45x but again this goes back to things not being black and white. A 2.45x for when it was released doesn't indicate a good response from the GA. For example, a blockbuster that's well received in say December is going to have a much better multiplier than one that's released in say May or June. 


    Having said all of this i understand some folks loved both BvS and SS as well as MoS (MoS is my fav film in the DCEU) but I'm simply using several metrics that we typically use to access whether a comic book film was well received. There are of course other metrics to look at but like I said I'm not going go through all of them. 

    Dude there's this insane Homevideo sales total for SS which really debunks the August theory.

    Its literally is on pace to beat  GoTG Vol 1 in sales.

    If you truly feel MOS gets an unfair shot and add that to this new proof of SS reception along with Wonder Woman reception and the DCEU is 3-1..

    Im gonna be honest here I always feel as if Both BVS and SS fan scores were Botched.

    A film doesn't do a 2.4x and on its way to 150home video sales along with topping the merchandise sales and have a righteous audience score of 64%.

    Its time to face it SS was really a miniature phenomenon as Harley and Joker topped the Halloween 2016.

    I'm actually curious to see if it could have been big In China and pushed to the film to a Billion or damn close to it.

    Since the film was banned none of the Merchandise was sold over there imagine if the film had the worlds Second Biggest market and connected with the same pop culture teens as the U.S??


    • Like 4
  7. 3 minutes ago, Nova said:

    Honestly I could take the time to show you that BvS and SS simply weren't well received by the GA but I've done that sooooo many times on these types of threads that I'm not even going to bother doing it again. 


    And yes I know it's not black and white which is why I said "not everything is black and white" and I know it's common sense. You should probably use some of this common sense instead of hiding behind your DC fanboy goggles. 

    Trust me there's no goggles here as I know I'm in the minority who didn't really Enjoy Wonder Woman.

    The problem here is You don't Enjoy it so you want everyone else to not enjoy it.

    For the most part all you guys do is bring up negative Critics scores and second week drops but in reality you totally dismiss the overall performance.


    I know that's traditionally how you do things but the measures doesn't stop there.

    • Like 3
  8. 27 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:


    I don't think the DCEU up to this point had bad WOM or good WOM.  All 3 previous films were divisive. I know people who adore Man of Steel and I'm one of them, it sold very well in home video sales, it had an okay audience rating on RT and it was close to being fresh, more critics gave it fresh than rotten.  


    Batman v. Superman was somewhat restored by people enjoying the director's cut.  Some still hated but it was again divisive. 


    Suicide Squad most people seemed to outright hate it but yet it had okay legs at the box office and sold huge on video. Why would that many people buy a film they hated?  I didn't like SS at all but numbers are numbers.  


  9. 11 minutes ago, Nova said:

    For a comic book film a 63% audience score may as well be the kiss of death. Not everything is black and white the way you're making it out to be. Each genre of film has its own type of standards when it comes to audience scores, multipliers, OWs etc. And based on the genre you're talking about, the spectrum of what's considered good or bad will change. 

    Ok so WW will definitely have a 2.4x just like mos and SS ,is that saying bad Wom?

    Im trying to understand why we can't determine these films 2.4x arent good in today's standards ?

    They have dropped one film that has a bad Multiplier and you all are trying to shadow that over the the positives.

    Many say Suicide Squad would have made much less if released  in a month with competition but it's DVD sales says otherwise as the final tally will rival that of some well beloved films.

    Man of steel had Competition and face an 66mil opener and a 85mil opener in its second week suffered  a 65%drop and still pulled a damn 2.4x.

    This does not say bad wom for the entire universe.

    After Wonder Woman The Dceu will be 3-1 with the G.A.

    It's not black and white it's common-sense.

    • Like 2
  10. 34 minutes ago, Nova said:

    Folks who don't think the DCEU has bad WOM need to read all the reviews that pretty much say the films up until this point have sucked. And that's including critic and user reviews. 

    User scores are all 64%plus.

    Which is actually 14% over half of 100% so that means the majority of film goers enjoyed it.  64/36 That's actually not a divisive number when you look at it that way:redcapes:

  11. 21 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    Judging from the numbers BVS should end at about $80M-$85M. Historically DC movies do well on home video. But remember Transformers 4 did over $63M in video sales. T3 did $113M. T1 and 2 did over $200M in video sales. We can't deny that there was some bad WOM for the DCEU but Wonder Woman will change that.

    The thing about the Bad WOM thing is tricky.

    Why? BVS is the only film that truly has a bad Multiplyer.

    Both SS and MOS having 2.4x doesn't say Bad WOM among The G.A as it doesn't for other films.

    We know WW is gonna definitely have a 2.4x+ so The Dceu is actually 3-1 with the G.A.

    In fact the only bad thing these films actually have that is constantly blasted around are the Critics scores and BVS multiplier.

    Nobody every talks about all the other things that matters in the long run.

    These forums were on fire when MoS had a 2.4x then when all other Superhero films started to fall in that same range then it became more of a critical thing.

    • Like 3
  12. 4 minutes ago, franfar said:

    It's possible for me to have high expectations, and the critical failures of the past DC films to have an effect on the GA perception of the franchise.

    The films may have been divisive but none of them have and Negative audience score.

    The film is preforming right where it should be which Is why WB was  cautious with the Budget.

    You don't spend less than 150mil on a film and expect 700+WW.

    The company has kept their own expectations down when they themselves announced 65mil o.w .


  13. 1 hour ago, franfar said:

    I totally overpredicted this film. There had to be an effect from the consecutive DCEU stinkers.

    For those of you who doesn't know!!!!!

    Suicide Squad home video sales First update has the film at 80mil in home video sales on its way to 130mil+.

    BVS will end its run right at 100mil,mos 106mil.

    The notion that The previous films hurt WW is ridiculous.

    Another example of Expectations too high.


    A female Superhero film opening to 75-96mil&600+mil ww is already an accomplishment.

    Captain Marvel will surely have the same potential.

    • Like 3
  14. 1 hour ago, Barnack said:




    That was what was playing in wide release the weekend Dark Knight opened:

    1 1 N The Dark Knight WB $158,411,483 - 4,366 - $36,283 $158,411,483 $185 1
    2 3 2 Hancock Sony $14,040,178 -56.2% 3,776 -189 $3,718 $191,543,979 $150 3
    3 6 4 WALL-E BV $10,070,396 -46.4% 3,310 -539 $3,042 $182,732,709 $180 4
    4 5 1 Hellboy II: The Golden Army Uni. $10,117,815 -70.7% 3,212 +8 $3,150 $56,526,885 $85 2
    5 11 7 Meet Dave Fox $1,659,424 -68.4% 3,011 - $551 $9,398,409 $60 2
    6 2 N Mamma Mia! Uni. $27,751,240 - 2,976 - $9,325 $27,751,240 $52 1
    7 4 3 Journey to the Center of the Earth WB (NL) $12,340,435 -41.3% 2,830 +19 $4,361 $43,504,712 $60 2
    8 7 N Space Chimps Fox $7,181,374 - 2,511 - $2,860 $7,181,374 $37 1
    9 8 5 Wanted Uni. $5,072,805 -57.7% 2,433 -724 $2,085 $123,322,635 $75 4
    10 9 6 Get Smart WB $4,125,021 -42.7% 2,135 -951 $1,932 $119,608,695 $80 5
    11 10 8 Kung Fu Panda P/DW $1,860,854 -57.8% 1,505 -1,199 $1,236 $206,616,381 $130 7
    12 13 10 Kit Kittredge: An American Girl PicH $951,358 -58.7% 769 -1,080 $1,237 $13,769,304 $10 5
    13 12 11 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Par. $955,846 -57.7% 757 -907 $1,263 $312,569,461 $185 9
    14 15 9 The Incredible Hulk Uni. $626,515 -73.0% 656 -1,289 $955 $131,767,165 $150 6



    Other movies openning in is legs, Tropic thunder, Step brothers, X-Files, The Mummy, Pineappel express, Death Race, Star wars clone wars, etc...


    How is it different than BvS first weekend competition of movie in wide release, pretty similar era, there is less studio movie made now (less and less by year's), not more:


    1 1 N Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice WB $166,007,347 - 4,242 - $39,134 $166,007,347 $250 1
    2 5 2 The Divergent Series: Allegiant LG/S $9,435,173 -67.5% 3,740 - $2,523 $46,540,669 - 2
    3 2 1 Zootopia BV $24,022,288 -35.4% 3,670 -289 $6,546 $241,431,697 - 4
    4 3 N My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 Uni. $17,861,950 - 3,133 - $5,701 $17,861,950 - 1
    5 4 3 Miracles from Heaven TriS $9,694,581 -34.6% 3,047 - $3,182 $34,304,594 $13 2
    6 6 4 10 Cloverfield Lane Par. $5,940,154 -52.5% 2,802 -625 $2,120 $55,950,951 - 3
    7 7 5 Deadpool Fox $4,897,941 -38.9% 2,336 -588 $2,097 $349,371,907 $58 7
    8 8 6 London Has Fallen Focus $3,027,568 -55.8% 2,173 -838 $1,393 $55,716,425 $60 4
    9 18 13 The Young Messiah Focus $274,236 -74.8% 874 -895 $314 $6,257,221 - 3
    10 12 7 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Par. $900,104 -67.9% 847 -1,232 $1,063 $21,326,169 $35 4
    11 14 8 The Perfect Match LGF $682,647 -65.4% 658 -267 $1,037 $8,724,275 - 3
    12 10 11 Risen Sony $935,025 -18.3% 634 -571 $1,475 $36,029,172 $20 6



    I meant as far a Superhero films.

    Think about it if the TDKR came out in 2008 what would its domestic total adjust to?

    Between TDKR and TDK there's a significant decrease in Domestic sales .

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, excel1 said:


    Oh, that is nonsense for a dozen reasons.


    They're not close to their potential. TDK was. That's it. 

    Even with better reception BVS would probably make it close as before release it was only projected to make 150 ow and 380 domestic.

    This was months before the film came out.

    Mant were giving it the typical sequel increase while we Fanboys had expectations way too high.

    The market has changed remember TDKR didn't make as much as tdk in domestic sales and it was only do to the overseas expansion that it made more overseas.


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