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Posts posted by Brainiac5

  1. 8 minutes ago, Macleod said:








    It's so much fun looking back at Jeff Robinov's hubris surrounding Man of Steel, which only grossed about half of what he predicted worldwide.  Any argument about MoS should always refer back to this.


    Warner Bros. motion pictures group president Jeff Robinov went so far as to predict it will be the studio’s highest performer ever. That would mean the 3D movie, which cost about $225 million to produce and another $150 million to market and release around the globe, would have to top the $1.3 billion cume for “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” and the $1 billion-plus each earned by four other Warner releases, “The Dark Knight,” “The Dark Knight Rises,” “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” and “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.”




    (It has) a very fresh feel, and it takes you into the DC universe with the introduction of Krypton at the start of the film and the introduction of DC villains,” he says. “It’s a world that you have not seen before.”


    Blatant hypocrisy from Robinov above, considering MoS replicates the structure and villains of Superman I/II very closely, despite it's "modern" tone. 


    “We’ve seen him portrayed in the past as this kind of goodie two-shoes, Boy Scout character that didn’t feel very realistic,” says Deborah Snyder, who produced the picture with Nolan and his wife Emma Thomas, and Charles Roven.


    With respect, Jenkins and Wonder Woman just proved you wrong, Mrs. Snyder

    How can you imply a dumb ass ambition of a Studio Head???.

    He had no clue as to what he was doing which is proof when he didn't have a clear plan for the universe.

    You can talk about Snyder all you want but at least he made things a little clear after he was appointed the rings of creating the universe.

    No way Man of steel was gonna do a 3x even with extremely positive reviews.

    if you even take away it 65% drop and give it a 55% it still wouldn't go much pass a 2.6x

  2. 1 minute ago, YourMother said:

    CW, like DHP2 and AOU, was going to naturally be frontloaded with most going on OW, the majority of the GA liked it but thought it was average which is like what I'm expecting for IW. CW had mediocre legs, not good, great, or even okay legs. BVS should've done at least a 2x multiple and it also had no competition for 3 weeks. It stayed in theaters for about 13 weeks, MOS stayed for about 15 weeks and SS stayed for 16. MOS after it's 12th week added about $230K. SS added about $700K. 

    It doesn't matter if a film is a sequel or not if it's liked it will be liked.

    Gotgv2 had no problem gaining a good multipler.

    CW made 1.1bil and its Homevideo sales should be much higher than they are.

  3. 15 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    I actually think amongst the majority of the GA, outside of fanboys thought CW was mediocre. There were a lot of people who saw CW because they were curious about certain factors like Spider-Man and Blacl Panther or seeing Iron Man and Captain America fight. I think CW also had mediocre results box office wise, it should've outgrossed IM3. I think SS and MOS (minus Walmart) had decent multiples. BVS had a multiplier under 2x domestic with a $166M OW with a record second weekend drop. That's bad WOM. 

    So in other words make it fit your narrative.

    Legs are legs the rules applies to every film and there is no special case.

    Theres completely nothing that's stops me from using the same Scenario for BVS as it didn't even have not one summer day and was 1,6 mil shy from a 2x.

    CW just wasn't as good of a film as many think it to be there's no reason to keep making excuses for its multipler as it had no competition for nearly 3 weeks

  4. 30 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

    It's about perspective, clearly there are different opinions that can come from the same numbers and I'll leave it at that. I honestly don't really care about how profitable it is, I'm more interested in how films do vs industry (and to a much lessor extent) fans/analyst expectations. 

    So your perspective is to hate it then?

    If you are gonna ignore he multiplers and the Income then you can never be fair on judgement.

    Theres only two negative things so far and that's rotten tomatoes scores and BVS multipler after that there's really anymore negative there as all the films have positive fans scores no matter of they are not overwhelming positive.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Fancyarcher said:


    The DCEU started much later the MCU, not to mention that the DCEU unsurprisingly started out with their big guns right off the bat. When the MCU started CBM's weren't doing so hot overseas for example. They're comparable but the situations are a bit different. 

    That may be but The DCEU stilll is stacking up well against the MCU films as of late.

    Im not saying The Dceu will pass it but I'm am saying they are doing extremely well as far as income goes.

  6. 38 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    One having to know 6-8 films ahead of time.

    This is stupid then why even go see a film you have no ideal as to what is going on??

    Civil war got the same crowd as both previous Avengers movies it was just underwhelming.

    When a MCU film doesn't blow it up all kinds of excuses comes up.

    You can't just make the rules up as you go.

    If the legs for BVS is justified by it being a bad movie then the legs for CW is justified for it being a mediocre film.

  7. 29 minutes ago, MrPink said:

    4 years after, Wonder Woman comes out, opens to over 100 million and we are talking about...


    Man of Steel.



    MOS is an good argument because it nearly matches SS multipler and if WW can grab an 2.7x The Dceu Average for legs will be around 2.4x which would put to rest the arguments of Bad Word of Mouth.

    Many have come to the conclusion that the word of mouth was bad from 3 releases but since we are 4 films in now and the Dceu is  Getting more established The universe is starting to justify itself.

  8. 29 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

    It's batman vs Superman, two of the most iconic characters in film history with WW also included. Your comments are dumb because the movie itself underperformed getting what it did. Done talking about this with you. 

    Again it may have underperformed but in terms of Shared universe it did fine.

    Soon you all are gonna come to the realization that this universe has no flops and at the end of he day that matter more than any of them making a Billion.

    We can't throw a 730+ Ww/315 average and throw it out the window as if it isn't an achievement.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Fancyarcher said:


    Question is if the DCEU will be able to keep that keep average up, which isn't exactly likely. Aquaman certainly isn't going to open higher then WW for example, and yes BVS did underperform technically. 

    Time will tell but as of now I see no reason for doom and gloom as the film after Aquaman will be The Batman.

    Im certain that film is doing 750ww.

    What you also have to think about as well is the MCU has 4 billion dollar films and those Average isn't much higher than the Dceu.










    The Dceu??!!

    Im sorry as I was looking it up most of the sites has added Wonder Woman to the pages so the average is brought down for now so I couldn't get the exact numbers

    Before Ww I'm certain the average was 

    730+ with a 315 domestic average with I believe was a 2.7bil overall total.


  10. 16 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

    MOS OW is really $128m, getting only $163m after that is uhhhhhh bad lol.

    No,You can't count special previews that were  purchased trough Wal-Mart.

    MOS o.W is 115 without the previews the film gets an 2.396551724137931x.

    While facing 66mil in WWz and 85mil in MU in its second weekend.

    These two big openers at one time really is the reason the film missed 300 dom as it was only 9mil away.

    IF you push WWz back a Week MOS easily gains another 9-12mil and would have avoided an 60% second week drop.

    When you look at it that way the film actually preformed very damn strong.

    SS had a 2.5x and is very well liked amongst the G.A. This is the very reason why the film has already made 80mil in home video sales and most likely will be close to passing the 100mil mark by August.

    The film only had that 65% drop in its second week because of the T-Mobile deal as the company actually brought a margin of tickets to give to their customers.

    When you look at it that way the film actually preformed very strongly.

    • Like 4
  11. 40 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

    Lol this is dumb. 

    Not as dumb as your comment was.

    hell if BVS did 199dom it will still make 743 Ww.

    The film would have to have done a Sub 150 to even miss 700ww.

    In terms of Shared universe and not just some iconic icon theory this is very damn good as the Dceu will still average 700ww.

    Things are slowly building up as they should be.

    • Like 3
  12. 27 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

    Lol at saying it's on fire because every film opened to $100m+. That's not how it works when 3/4 would've been pretty much a disaster if they didn't reach $100m OW. 

    This is very false As BVS with a 99mil opening would have still crossed 263dom and still managed 800ww and SS with a 99mil opening would still cross 296dom and 700ww without china.

    This is very much flames ? as WW will end its run above 250dom.


    • Like 1
  13. 34 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:

    Surprises to me:


    (1) POTC5 over a half-billion dollars in 10 days despite tanking in the USA.


    (2) WW only at $100m DOM? I expected it to be in truly elite territory, $130m+ like Guardians. Heck it couldn't even match Suicide Squad?


    Hopefully, WW's box office legs are as hot as Gal's, and it ends up beating SS and BvS at the DOM box office. I think it will. 


    100o.w is very elite for this.

     It has no Chance ,The best it will do is a 3x

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