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Posts posted by Brainiac5

  1. 5 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

    I forgot to mention, it is going to be a semi-self contained story that more people than usual can go into cold or see a single movie to figure out most of what is going on.  That will help it as well.  

    If it's gonna role into Infinity War then I don't think it's gonna be semi-self contained.

    All I was saying about the film is let's see how it looks before we jump the gun.

    The Movies is Months away from hitting tracking boards but we can at least get an indication when we see how The G.A would react to it.

    We don't even know if the trailer is gonna be any good or catch fire. 

  2. Just now, YourMother said:

    True. I just think it has a very good possibility.

    Not to mention Hidden figures was an Historical event as it is a history lesson.

    This may have been the reason why the schools decided to take field trips to it but then again if they traditionally go for a February film then BP should be that film as I don't know if we have any black history films coming out in feb18.

  3. 2 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    I still think it's possible but we have until the first trailer until we get a clearer idea. I'm just saying under $200M domestic shouldn't happen. I also think legs will be great for this too given Black History Month. I'm thinking somewhere along $90M 3 Day/$115M 4 Day/$275M-$300M domestic. As of recently mid ranged movies with an African American cast (SOC, Creed, Hidden Figures and Get Out) broke out greatly. I also know a lot of people who go to the movies, I have friends who work at the movies. My entire school district did field trips for Hidden Figures for all the schools in the city. I wouldn't be surprised if they did this for Panther too.

    Im not saying it's impossible but I'm saying we still don't know what the film looks like.


  4. 2 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    It may have more African Americans who normally don't see CBMs go to see it. This is going to be all over Black radio talk shows, maybe even the news, not saying every black person in America will go to see it OW but more people may be compelled to see it.

    Yes but we have no ideal where the starting point is at this point.

    We have nothing of the film only "It's Black history month"

    "it's part of the MCU"

    As of now the film has no hype so how could we even say 100mil opening?

    I don't know about you but everyone I know (&I know a lot of people) goes to the movies.Its really absurd and a shame that many of you believe Blacks don't go to the movies on the regular basis.

    Hidden figures and Get out are not comparisons to BP as its Budget will be more than those two films combined and then some and then some and then some.

  5. 5 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    Hidden Figures and Get Out say otherwise. This won't just attract African Americans though it'll attract the GA too.

    What you are failing to realize is African Americans attend every Superhero film.

    Just Because the film is Based on a Black Superhero doesn't meant it's take is gonna be made of by 70% Blacks.

    It will have he same range of ratio as any other Superhero film.

    Theres still no telling if it's gonna even connect to the female audience as Hidden figures and Get out has.



  6. 22 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


    What about Valerian :ph34r: 

    I'll gonna include that as well.

    Call it kind of a cheat but hey it is a

    20 minutes ago, BluRayHiDef said:


    There are 40,000,000 Black Americans and a huge bulk of them will support this movie just because it's about a Black superhero, features a predominantly Black cast, and is being directed by a Black man. This alone assures that Black Panther will make at least $100,000,000 during its opening weekend. 

    I'm a black man and trust me we are not that close as far as community.

    Sure they will be some groups going out in droves to see the film but to a guy like me February is just another month I got to pay my bills in.


  7. 14 minutes ago, Nova said:

    ehh Deadpool didn't really start with a marketing push until around October. First trailer was released in August. You don't need a full year for marketing. In fact most Marvel films aren't marketed a year out. 

    Yeah but Deadpool had a different aspect as far as Draw.

    It was good Marketing and the fact that they made it such a love story for V-Day (Brilliant).

    We don't even know how the concept of BP is gonna play to the GA as it has been proven CW was Fanboy driven so all of its positives actually can't be taking seriously.

    I have heard nothing of BP outside of the CB community.

    Im African-American and not one person I know who saw CW even said a word about BP or even curious as to a film coming out.

    All the talks were mostly about Spider-Man.


  8. 6 hours ago, BluRayHiDef said:

    Hasn't it always been Supes who's been front and center of the League? 

    Nope!WW has been taking the rings for the last 30 years or so.

    Most of the time when all other heroes are down in a fight she's most definitely will be one who is standing.

    The only way she doesn't takes control most of the time is when the story is focused on another character other than than that WW has always made her voice and fist heard.

    Notice JL:War???

    the comics aren't no different for the Most part.

    It makes sense as she is something more than a Amazonian in this story 

    in fact she's.........Almost spoiled it.

    • Like 2
  9. 25 minutes ago, eddyxx said:

    What makes you think Marvel should be marketing a film that doesn't come out til February now? They still have Spidey and Thor before that. Don't worry, Marvel is a well oiled machine and will probably have a teaser trailer in front of S:HC.(Avengers 3 will be with Thor3)

    It's Awareness.

    These films are not making 100o.w simply because they are good movies they are doing it mostly due to the awareness of them as well.

  10. 46 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    We should have a good idea of marketing by the time Homecoming comes out and get a teaser. Then for the rest of July, Disney will hype it up during Comic Con and D23.

    I'm aware of that but all I'm asking will it be enough time for it to acquire such hype as a 100o.w?

    most of these films start the Marketing about a year away where's BP will be 7months.

    Marketing is very important for O.W and it doesn't matter what comps you have in your favor for that month.

    I'm pretty sure the film will be overshadowed by the I:W teaser or first look they will show so if anything people better be talking about the I:W  and T:R more than BP and if not we are a problem.

  11. 58 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:



    I think they're jusy waiting to see how good/bad is JL gonna be reviewed by critics and fans.


    Aquaman is already at the filming stage, but that's the last DCEU movie that is being filmed. 


    They can even focus on WW for JL's marketing. Something like: "If you loved Wonder Woman, don't forget she's in JL too". She'll definitely be focused. 

    Haven't she been  Front and center since her Debut???

    I mean it's no secret they are trying to get Her to the status she deserves.

    She totally took the wheel in the Doomsday Fight and she also was already a strong presence In The JL trailer.

    Im actually good with her taking the lead role as it is what she has always done in the comics and Cartoons anyway.

    rarely in battle she was on the end ,mostly in the center shouting out commands.


    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, YourMother said:

    What are you predicting for JL? And future CBMs out of curiosity?

    As you know I have the CBM over 2bil dom club but now I'm guessing I'm gonna fall a bit short due to GOTGV2 and WW coming in lower than I anticipated.

    SM:HC 115-120/300dom 

    T:R        95-100/250dom

    JL.        150-170/440dom

     I'm no longer looking for that 185 for JL after you made me realize that the film doesn't have to best BVS opening to reach 400dom as it will have the benefit of those first 10days.

    Even at 140 the film could still be looking down the barrel of 330dom after its second weekend of it does how your prediction goes.


  13. 2 hours ago, Nova said:

    That's where my thought is at the moment and until I see something that shows otherwise (great marketing, glowing reviews etc) I see no point in jumping on the Black Panther over WW train. 

    This is really a good ideal .

    We have no clue how BP will be marketed or look at his point And are calling for a 110+opening for It.

    They must be working really hard as its 9 Months out and we haven't even gotten some cool set photos yet along with A teaser trailer.

    If Marvel Shows something at Comic Con this year it will be 7months before the film released and we only we have one look at it.


    If Disney expect the film to do 100mil then they better start Marketing the film so it can at least get some recognition.

    Brand awareness means nothing if people don't even realize your movie is about to come out.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, YourMother said:

    I can see a deflated OW for JL ($155M-$160M) but a strong 5 Day ($100M-$110M)

    After the good will for WW and the positive reactions the crowds are giving JL when the trailer plays before it , I think anyone with doubts really should lighten up a bit.

    170 for JL isn't anyway Impossible for it to reach.

    We know WB is gonna pour so much money into its marking campaign and Advertise the film as a family event.


    However your prediction is also awesome in every way ,I wouldn't be upset if JL opens to 150mil and have an insane 5 days(which is gonna happen) and going into its second weekend at 260mil.

    The second weekend will most likely put the film over 320 domestic with a 425-440 finish.There will even be a chance for 500dom if it can make my 185prediction comes true.


    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Nova said:



    Im failing to see why Thor would open to $100M+ which is what I've seen a lot of folks on here predict. Same thing goes for Black Panther. Wonder Woman got glowing reviews and is more iconic and yet it's barely going to scrape by $100M. 


    I think both are going to do really well obviously but I'm not seeing these huge numbers. 


    But I feel like we are so accustomed to seeing $100M openers now a days, that folks think it's easy but to be honest it's not easy at all. And then when you've got the folks who think $130M-140M is the range for everyone of those films, when in reality it takes an out of this world marketing effort to reach that level. 

    This is what's leading to the over predictions of some films.


    1 hour ago, Nova said:



    Im failing to see why Thor would open to $100M+ which is what I've seen a lot of folks on here predict. Same thing goes for Black Panther. Wonder Woman got glowing reviews and is more iconic and yet it's barely going to scrape by $100M. 


    I think both are going to do really well obviously but I'm not seeing these huge numbers. 


    But I feel like we are so accustomed to seeing $100M openers now a days, that folks think it's easy but to be honest it's not easy at all. And then when you've got the folks who think $130M-140M is the range for everyone of those films, when in reality it takes an out of this world marketing effort to reach that level. 

    Hopefully this statement helps you see the reasoning behind my lower expectations for Dceu films rather than hope they exceed their previous carnations.

    • Like 1
  16. 19 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    I can see the underestimating SMHC, and overestimating T:R, however Black Panther has the perfect spot. It's in February (Black History Month), opens Presidents Day weekend, weak competition in February (PR (probably $85M-$115M) and Early Man will hurt each other, MR and PRU won't do much, 50SF will do ~$110M at the most), has a lot of goodwill and will likely have a lot of buzz. Not to mention HF and GO both did $160M+. Thinking the range for Panther domestic $235M-$350M.

    I really believe the film potential isn't to be a 100 mil opener but more of A 65-75mil

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