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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Don't recognize it. Won't google it. I'll wait for whenever it's revealed
  2. I don't think so. Whether it's that or some other movie it'll be unexpected to have it above the likes of Predator and even Evil Dead II.
  3. 4 of the top 5 is easy to guess but I'm at a loss at what the fifth one is.
  4. Whoa this got pretty high. Anyone else voted for it? Other than me @Sam has seen it but I don't know of anyone else.
  5. Yeah. Female FBI agents way in over their heads, tense relationships between whites and Native Americans, and are each a thing that's in the center of two of his three films. In Wind River it feels tiring because for whatever reason he doesn't play with our expectations re: character or structure the way he did in Sicario and HOHW. Soldado is interesting because there's not much precedent for something like it, it could fall flat on its face or be something pretty inspired. Also next year we're getting a full season of TV he's written and directed which will probably be his biggest test yet.
  6. Well the good-but-not-glowing reviews from Sundance took a little care of that "most anticipated" thing back in January. Still wish I liked this a lot better though
  7. 57 53 The Boss Baby Fox $17,569 -32.9% 109 +22 $161 $174,920,381 - 21 Fox really wants The Boss Baby to hit 175m but no one's showing up anymore. This can become fun And of course the most important update 101 108 Hidden Figures Fox $250 -48.7% 1 - $250 $169,376,484 $25 35 Hidden Figures has now been in release for longer than Avatar in its original run.
  8. Goddamn Kidnap was just $14,258 away from reaching #10. That's 20,000 SOTM points gone. Only good news is that I don't think anyone predicted Wind River anyway.
  9. IDK Renner did little for me. Pretty stock character (the ultracompetent guy who's always in control of every situation but is haunted by his past which allows for weary stares and monologues when it's convenient) and he didn't bring enough personality to elevate it. He's closer to Chris Pine than to anyone else in HOHW, and I also thought Pine had the least compelling character to play in that movie, though he grew on me by the end. Elizabeth Olsen could have been as well-drawn as Emily Blunt in Sicario but the script kinda ends up wasting her too.
  10. It doesn't have a shot at anything else other than screenplay, and even that would be completely undeserved. (Opinions and all, yeah, but I can't see it.)
  11. None of these things really contradict each other. It's not a bad thing, but your last sentence is sadly the key one I think. Which is also why, before making a movie, people should always ask themselves: "What's the priority here? Am I doing this because I want to tell a good/powerful/compelling story, or because I want to make an Important Statement about The Way Things Are?" Cause if the latter is more important to you, well, congrats on preaching to the choir. (This is not necessarily about Bigelow and Boal - they walked this tightrope pretty well in both The Hurt Locker and ZDT, at least - but everyone for whom the main thing about a movie is how Important and Relevant and Much-Needed In This Climate it is).
  12. I'm on shaky ground here cause I haven't seen it (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) but everything I've read about Detroit from people whom I trust makes it sound like a movie made for white liberals to somberly nod at. It might be extremely well-made but even without its total box-office failure I'd be skeptical of it actually changing anyone's mind about anything.
  13. This is coming out here on Thursday and some theaters already have showtimes set and everything. I'm almost tempted to go and see what is this thing that made Harvey lose his mind.
  14. @Stutterng baumer Denbrough It has hit 2.65x though. 389,192,395/146,510,104 = 2,656. It needs to make it to 389,717,000 for the multi to reach 2.66x, but in all likelihood it'll end up about 200k short because it's out on home video and Marvel movies from May have never expanded on Labor Day weekend (except for TA, but it was on an entire different level obviously). The question is which one of these answers is gonna be the correct one, because technically the movie is looking to end up in between them.
  15. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that's probably because no woman IRL would ever do that. Especially after behaving perfectly sane and normal up until the magic moment when the affair ends. Because I'm feeling generous and optimistic I predict that you'll hate at least one of these, heh. The initiative is more important though
  16. my top 3 is all here already. Glad they at least got in, especially The Dead.
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