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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Putting together my summer game right now I think Baywatch might pull a 21 Jump Street or Neighbors, while Alien Covenant could struggle to reach 100.
  2. Not personally expecting from this considering the band made it clear they want a squeaky-clean, sanitized biopic. Congrats to Malek I guess on getting his very own Imitation Game if he's lucky.
  3. Damn shame I was the only one who voted for Starman. Wondering whether a lot of people simply haven't seen it. The music really took my breath away.
  4. In other news La La Land finally passed Divergent on Thursday to become Lionsgate/Summit's highest-grossing non-Hunger Games, non-Twilight movie.
  5. Lost City of Z isn't doing well either. Can't see it grossing more than $6-7m in total now. It never would have been big but they should have just opened it wide right away on a weekend with no competition for its type of adult audience.
  6. PM'd. 1. Lawrence of Arabia 2. Jaws 3. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 4. The Empire Strikes Back 5. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 6. Rear Window 7. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 8. Raiders of the Lost Ark 9. Saturday Night Fever 10. Star Wars
  7. Willis' case recently is so weird because he had such a great unexpected one-two punch of Moonrise Kingdom and Looper in 2012 - and was totally engaged with the material in both - and then completely tapped out all over again. I don't get it.
  8. Makes me sad even though any washed-up actor would kill for that kind of implosion if it meant having The Wrestler before it. His acceptance speeches at the Globes and BAFTAs were really moving too. Even with its highs Rourke's is one of those what-could-have-been careers. Watching the stuff he did in the '80s, he did have the potential to become an iconic leading man.
  9. It's telling that no one even comes within 100 miles of him these days other than I guess some Eastern European producers who are putting out the most worthless DTV action schlock. No one's even casting him in cameos for nostalgia reasons, because there's zero nostalgia. I heard a story that back in the day he was invited to host SNL and offered an idea for a sketch where some female cast member would be telling him about how she'd been raped and he (as her psychiatrist) would repeatedly try to sleep with her. That's it. That's the entire joke. And it was the only thing he came up with when they asked him.
  10. Rourke ended up getting Sin City and The Wrestler while Roberts got (tiny, but still) parts in Nolan and PTA movies so there might be hope for Kilmer yet.
  11. This talk reminds me of Steven Seagal too. From what I've read, even beyond his sheer laziness he's about as toxic and unpleasant as people who once starred in box-office hits (even if he only lasted a few years) get.
  12. Yeah those two scenes are intercut together to this sort of generically "steamy" throbbing getting-it-on music you'd hear over a sex scene in a Wild Things sequel or something and it's glorious. Even more so because it's not Heigl's ex, it's
  13. There are maybe 10 minutes of trashy fun in the entirety of it. And it's really fun too, there's one bonkers scene in particular that would be right at home in some cheaply polished DTV erotic thriller circa 10-15 years ago. But it's all tonally divorced from the rest of the movie, which is moderately engaging but very rarely entertaining.
  14. Saw Unforgettable today. Eh. Falls into that trap where it tries to serve up both drama and trashy thrills and the result is like two different movies neither of which accomplishes much. Should have either kept working on the script until it became legitimate dramatic material (the seeds are definitely there) or gone straight for the glorious delirium of The Boy Next Door, alas the end result is neither here nor there.
  15. Yeah Lion King is pretty high up on mine currently just for the rivers of tears I shed watching it 100+ times until I wore out the VHS tape circa '99 or 2000.
  16. Started working on mine and man am I struggling with the placement of stuff I last saw 10+ years ago like Lion King, Independence Day, Ben-Hur, GWTW, etc.
  17. Uhh man this isn't a favorite movies of all time thing, it's about ranking these movies http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/adjusted.htm
  18. Hopefully he either cut chunks out or pulled a Fincher and had the actors speak the dialogue crazy fast, then had the editors remove every second that's not necessary
  19. Also from the trailer alone (and McDonagh's pedigree) Three Billboards looks like the kind of movie made for an original screenplay nom.
  20. Oldman and Pfeiffer winning, and Buscemi, Stuhlbarg, Mendelsohn and Todd Haynes all getting nominated for the first time would be some overdue-recognition overload that I definitely wouldn't mind to see happen. Molly's Game is one I'm fascinated with. I would love it if Sorkin made a kickass movie with a great starring role for Chastain and denied all (well, probably not all but most) the thinkpiece-ready writers the satisfaction of raking him over the coals. At the same time I certainly wouldn't be shocked if it's a flavorless bore or even a mild disaster where he gives in to his bad tendencies.
  21. Cinematography and the third act (particularly Holland's performance) are the only things I really liked without reservations.
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