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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Will GOTG drop less than 7.5% on Labour Day weekend (3 day only)? No Will GOTG pass Transformers before LD weekend? Yes Will GOTG have a drop of less than 35% in the next two weekends? No Will GOTG have a worldwide gross of more than 450 million by the end of the game (only Sunday estimates will count, so in other words, LD Monday is not part of this equation).? Yes
  2. Yeah, and it will at least outgross films like The Hurt Locker and The Master. Still, I hope IFC keeps it in theaters until the potential Oscar expansion. For its first three weeks of release I really thought it had a chance at $30m, but then IFC didn't roll it out wide enough quickly enough and its PTA started dropping harder at the same time. It'll be lucky to crawl over 20m at this point.
  3. Underwhelming. The roll-out for it seems too slow, they should've had it in 800+ theaters last weekend or, at the latest, this weekend.
  4. Yep I'll sent mine in the last day, whenever that is.
  5. Yeah, I didn't really like Legend of the Guardians, but it looked absolutely amazing. I'd say Ratatouille still looks gorgeous.
  6. Witherspoon, Adams and Pike do seem like the only contenders with real chance here. I actually wouldn't mind Pike winning if she does the character justice. I doubt I can get behind Adams losing to Witherspoon though.
  7. I got 12... TLAM2, Blended and Million Dollar Arm instead of TMNT, Lucy and Edge. As far as placement the only question remaining is whether TMNT makes more than Neighbors before Labor Day. GOTG would have to be dropping really hard to miss #1. Is this the first BSG year ever when no one correctly guessed the #1 movie? It has to be.
  8. On the other hand, Fox this year is an excellent example of what happens when a major studio is filmmaker-friendly. DOFP, HTTYD2 and Apes all represent some genuinely great things that can be done within the borders of franchise filmmaking. We'll never get anywhere if we're going to dump all franchise movies, all comic book movies, all YA movies, etc. into a single pile and then dismiss it all as trash. It's not easy, but you really have to look at each and every film and its own flaws and virtues.
  9. So the top 15 looks like it's gonna be close to this: 1. Guardians of the Galaxy - 255m 2. Transformers 4 - 245m 3. Maleficent - 238m 4. X-Men DOFP - 233m 5. Dawn of the Apes - 206m 6. Amazing Spider-Man 2 - 203m 7. Godzilla - 200m 8. 22 Jump Street - 191m 9. HTTYD 2 - 172m 10-11. TMNT/Neighbors - 150m 12. The Fault in Our Stars - 124m 13. Lucy - 115m 14. Edge of Tomorrow - 100m 15. Tammy - 84m
  10. I dunno what kind of conflict could there be. The man got screwed over by those above him and he knows it. The power of the ending lies precisely in the fact that walking away is the only thing he can ultimately do, no matter how angry and disappointed he is.
  11. This ending is the only fitting one I can imagine. If everything went fine in the end it would've rendered the whole film entirely pointless.
  12. Hoffman's performance and the ending are the only worthwhile elements here. It's clear that the point is to show just how unglamorous, exhausting and little-rewarding the actual spy work is, but Corbijn couldn't keep himself from making it a boring film, period. It's fairly plain visually and mostly devoid of any genuine feeling of stakes or suspense - I never read the book, but the nature of Dobrygin's character was clear to me from the start, so all that's left is the question of whether Hoffman gets screwed over in the end. It also completely wastes Willem Dafoe and Daniel Bruhl (frankly, I don't remember the latter speaking a single word in the film, he just stares at monitors the whole 2 minutes he's onscreen), and it's never more terribly slow-moving than during the several scenes of McAdams (playing a clichéd one-dimensional good-intentioned lawyer type) and Dobrygin sitting around in an empty apartment. I was no fan of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, but if given a choice, I'd much rather watch that again.
  13. Great work by Mirren and Sheen. The deer scene really is very powerfully done.
  14. The most flawed of the original trilogy, but also has some of the best moments of the whole saga. Once we're done with set up, the final third pretty much fires on all cylinders. The space dogfight is still the best ever, Luke and Vader's lightsaber duel is the most powerful such sequence in the saga, Vader's sacrifice, death and funeral is tremendously moving. The final scene is such a simple and beautiful conclusion to the whole story that everyone involved in Episode VII better bring their A game if they want to continue it.
  15. Well, no one except Godard could have ever made this movie. For what it's worth it's one of his more entertaining ones, but there's also not much to it in the end - a clear result of Godard making three movies a year at that time. An anxious and restless piece of work that rarely allows itself to stop and think and focus.
  16. 1) Will both TMNT and GOTG finish with more than 40 mill? Yes 2) What film places first? Guardians of the Galaxy 3) Will TMNT make more than 16.311 mill on Friday? Yes 4) Will Into the Storm open to more than 13.45 mill? Yes 5) Will GOTG increase more than 40% on Saturday? Yes 6) Will The Hundred Foot Journey make more than 8.5 million? Yes 7) Will Transformers increase more than 43.5% on Saturday? Yes 8) Will Step Up All In make more than 11.7 million? No 9) Will Hercules make more than Apes? Yes 10) Will The Purge fall more than 50%? Yes 11) Will Lucy fall less than 45%? Yes 12) Will Get on Up drop more than 8% on Thursday? Yes 10/12 3000 11/12 5000 12/12 7000 What finishes in spots: 1 Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 Into the Storm 4 The Hundred-Foot Journey 5 Step Up All In 8 Hercules 2000 each/10,000 bonus if all 8 correct....I think the level of difficulty this week is higher than others, hence the larger bonus. Bonus 1: What is GOTG % drop? 54.912% Bonus 2: What will TMNT make on OD? 16.533m Bonus 3: What will GOTGs WW gross (the total it has made thus far)? 350m
  17. My favorite of his films after Goodfellas. Fucking brilliant, eerily phophetic film with possibly De Niro's best performance ever.
  18. Nah it's cool but maybe bring it out exclusively for two weeks and not a month or something. Needs to feel special.
  19. From outside the top 12 this is starting to look like Battle fucking Royale with you guys
  20. The Exorcist is very well directed and acted but I suspect it could never really get to me because I'm not religious. First time I saw it, at age 13, I was more shocked than scared by it, the second time it was still effective and I could see how well made it was, I just never found it deeply frightening. With TBWP, I don't actually believe there's something scary hiding in the woods in the real life either, bit it's much easier for a film to fire up my imagination, and it helps a lot that we never actually see a physical threat, unlike with Pazuzu who is present a lot in The Exorcist and eventually you just kinda get used to him.
  21. Please. This award category isn't even 15 years old. And how many Oscar-worthy animated sequels have been released during that time? Only four have ever been nominated (Shrek 2, Toy Story 3, KFP 2 and Despicable Me 2), and of those four, the one that deserved to win, won. If The Academy decides HTTYD2 deserves the win they'll give it to it.
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