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Ezen Baklattan

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Everything posted by Ezen Baklattan

  1. Looks like more people are excited about Chipwrecked than The Muppets.
  2. So it still managed to get a 40m 5-day. Not bad for a film that was going to have solid WOM for its success.
  3. Damnit, Goph, how do you see all of these movies?
  4. 1. WALL-E2. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button3. The Dark Knight4. Slumdog Millionaire5. In Brudges6. Doubt7. Changeling8. Wanted9. Bolt10. CloverfieldI missed a lot of stuff, though.
  5. Great for Hugo, but pretty lousy for just about everything else.
  6. 11/251. The Adventures Of Tintin2. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo3. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy4. The Hunger Games5. Brave6. The Dark Knight Rises7. The Pirates! Band Of Misfits8. Carnage9. War Horse10. Young Adult
  7. Hopefully The Muppets can at least get past The Smurfs.It's also refreshing to hear that it may blow past its budget in 5 days. I think that it can get higher than 7.2m for today, but that's still solid.
  8. Meh. It was kind of cute, but also pretty forgettable. B-/C+
  9. Hmm...the last half hour destroyed any goodwill attained from Spider Man 3, and at least TF2 was consistent in its awfulness.My vote goes to SM3.
  10. I'm starting to wonder if Hugo can sneak back in here, as long as it's not a complete failure at the box office.
  11. Replace Miller with Fincher and that seems like a pretty great list.
  12. Artists Vs. Descendants would make a cool title.
  13. Absolutely adorable. Way better than the marketing made it out to be.
  14. ^I'd love to see 50/50 (and Drive, for that matter) get nominated, but buzz isn't strong enough for either film.
  15. SPARK-Best Picture-Best Original Screenplay-Best Animated Feature-Best Score (James Newton Howard)-Best Sound Mixing-Best Sound Editing
  16. SPARK Date: June 10th, Y1 Theaters: 3,711 Genre: 2D Animation/Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure/Comedy/Romance Cast: Andrew Garfield (Alex Spark), Bryce Dallas Howard (Zenta), Cillian Murphy (Lt. Zagtan), Kat Dennings (Samantha Green), Chris Pine (Dromian), Christohper Mintz-Plasse (Kap), Oscar Issac (Corg), Jenna Ushkowitz (Abigail Chen), Johnny Simmons (Sam Horwood) Director: Nathan Greno & Byron Howard Rating:PG for sci-fi action/violence including peril, language, and some sensuality Runtime: 117min (1hr, 57min - includes 6min short) Budget: $110,000,000 Composer: James Newtown Howard Plot Summary: Coming Soon
  17. Yeah, I think part of the joke was that they were even making Penn State jokes.
  18. We could just do something like this. It clearly worked.
  19. Leornardo DiCaprio (J. Edgar)Jean Dujardin (The Artist)Gary Oldman (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)Brad Pitt (Moneyball)George Clooney (The Descendants)I'm still a bit unsure about putting in Fassbender.
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