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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. Who do you think inspired and likely (actually I believe it's confirmed) assisted with the action sequences? You guys need to stop this madness and move on..
  2. JL was more of a Whedon film than a Snyder film. That was his failure just like this is JJ's failure.
  3. Bruh what the entire fuck? I'm not doubting anyone here I just can't believe the number is going to be that bad. Melting if it holds.
  4. I haven't commented much on it.... it's one of the most disappointing movies of all time. It's one of the dumbest scripts in a big budget movie I have ever seen. There are at least 3-4 macguffins. There is a ton of shit that goes unexplained. It's a bad bad movie.. I don't want to hear about TLJ when you have to take into account everything this movie fails to be.
  5. It was overblown. No need to go through all the Snyder/Whedon stuff but it was apparent that WB wanted to move on from Justice League before it even came out. They didn't hype it up at all, they knew the losses were coming. But it was only a one movie stumble. BvS despite a lot of the hate it received still raked in $875M and Wonder Woman in between raked in over $800M and was a critical and audience success. Now you throw in Shazam, Aquaman, Joker... it's a string of hits. SW could end up doing the same thing.
  6. I agree that AOU didn't end up hurting the MCU at all and I agree that TLJ did hurt the SW franchise somewhat. But it's funny, as standalone films I feel TLJ is way way better than AOU. Funny how that works.
  7. I also watched The Last Jedi again in preparation for this weekend. Man, I just don't hate the movie... I kinda like it even. I think the decisions made are baffling because there was no plan coming into a third movie. As a movie in itself.. The Last Jedi is pretty good outside of the casino stuff. Again, I don't blame The Last Jedi, I blame that there was no road map for a trilogy. The decision to take an "as we go.." approach with this trilogy is way more baffling than any one decision made in TLJ.
  8. No way. I think $170M is the floor. I could see a bad second weekend but even then the holidays should carry this in the U.S., overseas I see more trouble..
  9. I'm hoping the live action remakes fall off a cliff next.... Not because I don't want them to succeed, I want them to be good... and they mostly suck.
  10. Yeah I don't think film studios are happy about diminishing returns. A corporations's main focus to is to grow, expand.. coming off TFA, the Star Wars franchise seemed like a juggernaut that would last forever. 4-5 years later and it's been a lot of bad news.
  11. Well hopefully for this it does more than the $1.1 billion some are predicting here. The final SW main title doing Captain Marvel and Aquaman numbers isn't what you want....
  12. F9 isn't doing much here in the states but I think it will get close to the billion mark if not slightly surpass it. I think it's going to see a slight drop from F8 which did around $1.2 billion. WW84 I am expecting a slight bump overseas and maybe around the same number WW did here in the states so I am thinking very close to the billion mark but not much further. Black Widow is really a wildcard. I don't see it doing more than Captain Marvel or Spider-Man FFH so I think you can rule out $1.1 billion. Minions should be locked at least $900M and Bond should do at least $800M
  13. That is assuming that a person is only a fan of one studio which obviously there are people like that but most people don't view things in that way. The 32-year old married mother of two doesn't give a crap who made what.
  14. Why was my post moved here? What does this post have to do with 'fanboy wars'? Don't understand the logic here..
  15. Okay so you have Mulan, WW84, No Time to Die and BW all coming out within a few months... Where do they fall 1-4 domestically?
  16. Yes it's still #1 and it's not even close. For months the NBA dominated social media discussion with all the trades and free agency moves with popular players and the NFL was barely discussed on social media and talk shows. Fast-forward to the actual games and the NBA ratings are down 20% and the NFL ratings are doing very well. It's another example of why you can't rely on social media metrics. This ties into WW84 because I think you'll see that once the actual movie comes out and it's June and there's little competition, the butts will be in the seats and nobody is going to be concerned about teaser trailers views.
  17. Social media means nearly nothing. NBA for example dwarfs NFL in a lot of areas but it does not correlate to popularity. NBA has a lot of younger viewers that stir discussion. In music there are artists that have millions of followers and can't sell 20,000 albums in a week.
  18. Wonder Woman had no hype.... how quickly we forget. People on here were expecting maybe $75M OW and some thought even less. $100M was the absolute best possible scenario and then it ended up doing a shade over that which everyone thought was a huge win for it. Nobody expected what was to come. Why? Again.. because there was no hype at all. WB was already shifting gears in the DCEU, Snyder appeared to be on the way out, all those stories were out there. In a way, Wonder Woman saved WB and DC and started the run they are on now. Also, what competition is this even going to have? BW is out a month prior and I can tell you right now Fast & Furious 9 has no hype domestically. Sadly, it's a fading franchise here in the states. Mulan, BW and No Time to Die all come out back to back to back well before WW84 is in theaters. Is Top Gun going to set the world on fire?
  19. There's nothing "concerning" about trailer views. Trailer views are spread across the internet on every form of social media but even then I talked to a few people tonight who had seen the trailer for the first time on television. They aired it during I think maybe MNF or something, I also seen it the night before during the special episode on Supergirl. WB is getting it out there and it's only December. This comes out in June, middle of Summer... the only thing that can stop it is if it's not good.
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