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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. Looks solid. I like the "from the studio that brought you SMH and SMFFH" Sony is trolling hard it's glorious... Looks like a fun ride, I'm sure a lot of people in this thread already have their mind made up because of reasons but oh well.
  2. Look it up. As for J-Lo, I didn't think she was that great in Hustlers. She was good and it's the best performance of her acting career but was it a great performance? Eh, I don't think it's a snub, really.
  3. Audiences and industry people aren't critics with an ax to grind. Critics are irrelevant. And I'm happy for that.
  4. I love this year's contenders so much more than the previous few years. 1917, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Joker, Marriage Story, The Irishman, etc. It's been such a great year good luck to all of these.. they deserve the success and accolades...
  5. You don't have to travel far to see it's already happening. There are still many people out there who think wasn't a huge huge success..
  6. "The Big Picture" podcast among others constantly says nobody takes the Globes serious and "I don't know why we even have them.." but clearly 1917 winning for Best Drama and Best Director made people take notice therefore I would say the GA does take them seriously.
  7. People had the nerve to say the Golden Globes don't matter. Clearly they do. This was at least in part a Globes bump for 1917 I don't know how you could spin it otherwise.
  8. but a couple people on the webs think Joker is overrated, Todd will have trouble sleeping tonight
  9. You're just going to have to get over the fact that you are in the minority on this one. It's okay, not everyone is going to like everything. Joker has more accolades than any comic book movies put together. It's ok. Tomorrow something else will come out that you can be happy for.
  10. I'm not on any "side" but I figured if I asked this question in the Globes thread the mods would just throw it in here. Do you think an MCU movie will ever have an actor/actress nominated and who has a chance or if not then why? Not saying any previous performances did or didn't deserve recognition..
  11. No issues with me. Joker and 1917 won big tonight as did Tarantino. Marty will pick up something at the Oscars. Cinema is alive.
  12. I think 1917 could see a GG's "bump" this weekend.. I already have a couple friends asking me "what's up with that movie?" and now anticipating it
  13. This is all true I'm just saying it's a good thing Disney was able to avoid the "Star Wars fails to reach a billion" headlines for the immediate future. That would have been a horrible look for the franchise.
  14. Crossing the billion mark will take some of the sting away. We knew it was locked when the overseas numbers came in during the second weekend. If this had failed to reach a billion it would have been even more embarrassing.
  15. There's no way this doesn't cross one billion though. The international numbers are holding up enough to get there.
  16. I would say one billion is locked. It will get close to the $1.1 billion mark which is not as bad as what was expected less than 24 hours ago.
  17. If the Disney+ Star Wars shows continue to have critical acclaim and are widely loved by the audiences I see no reason why the brand would be permanently tarnished or other ideas that are being tossed around. Couple years down the road someone with fresh ideas can step in and make an interesting and well received SW film.
  18. I didn't discredit her, it was said that Zack wasn't "allowed" on these sets and that is false. Patty loves Zack.
  19. I never said it wasn't. JL is Whedon's movie. Rise of Skywalker is JJ's movie. People need to stop making excuses, the movie is falling like a rock because it's not a good movie and that has nothing to do with previous movies. All the comparisons being thrown around are pointless, JJ had every opportunity to make a great film and didn't.
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