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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. Try following the conversation. The person I replied to said your stan wars started in 2008 with The Dark Knight and Iron Man. I said they didn't.
  2. Hold on.. MCU wasn't a "thing" in 2008. There was no such thing as an MCU fan base and a DC fan base. The fan base you are describing is likely the Nolan fan base which is different than the DC fan base. Yes, there is some overlap there but there are plenty of people who are Nolan heads who don't give a shit about any other comic movies. I'm not saying there aren't DC fans who have gotten out of pocket on many different levels and instances because DC fans are just as likely to embarrass themselves as MCU fans. What I'm saying is where this most recent BS started and I don't buy that it started in 2008 because again there was no MCU fan base back then.. there were people who thought Iron Man was great and were happy to see a great Marvel movie sure but MCU was not a thing like it is in 2020. MCU fandom as we know it really started when Disney acquired the franchise.
  3. Brand loyalty is dumb unless you are getting paid to spread your propaganda or you own stock in a company, you look foolish. I love the MCU for the most part but it was the MCU fans that started this most recent franchise war bullshit that has popped up all over the internet. First it started with other comic book companies/studios and now it's extended into Scorsese and Tarantino.. etc.. these people are embarrassing. And the funny part is that Bob Iger couldn't care less about any of them. He's laughing at how brainless they all are.
  4. I agree with you, people are acting like she filmed Casablanca and the academy pushed her down the stairs. Her being left out wasn't even really a snub because most people didn't think she would be in the final five to begin with. A lot of people were predicting Taika or Noah as the fifth spot.
  5. Little Women is very mediocre. Funny that all the controversy surrounding Greta not being nominated and the movie isn't even that good to begin with.
  6. Do y'all think MCU will ever produce a script that gives an actor/actress an opportunity to kill it?
  7. It's not. It's in the same category as the Fast movies for me. Action packed, banter and a twirling mustache villain. Plus, both series have a diverse cast. It's all perfect in my book.
  8. Bad Boys II seems like a movie that everyone has either owned or watched on cable/streaming at some point. It had great WOM.
  9. Culture has changed. I doubt Bad Boys II would receive 28% on RT or whatever if it came out in 2020. It would be judged more like a Fast film with cool action, funny scenes and not taking itself too seriously. It's probably be in the 70s just like this one.
  10. But you feel the need to say it was horrible over and over again.. That's a bigger "issue" with the site than anything else, people who feel they weren't heard the first time so they need to repeat their position in every thread. As another example, there's at least 3-4 people in the Oscars thread who repeated they loathed Joker in about a dozen posts each, they just changed the wording slightly and hit submit. I can't imagine too many people wanting to stick around and read threads when it's the same shit over and over.
  11. Um Blade Runner 2049 also won some Oscars including Cinematography. It's not as short of a list as you are making it out to be. People are upset over Joker, well really it's just a small minority of fans of other franchises I guess but they will get over it. It's not "fanboys" who decide anything at the Oscars. It's industry people. It's people who work on films, artists. The artists think Joker is great. Deal with it.
  12. Those articles are fine and the Oscars has a reputation as do many awards shows but if J-Lo is to be nominated then what happens.. someone else is left out.. so that person is Katy Bates. The more interesting question is was J-Lo better in Hustlers than Kathy Bates was in Richard Jewel. I don't think it's a stretch to say Kathy Bates deserves her nomination.
  13. There is a "disdain for supernatural" as Avatar racks up a Best Picture nom and Lord of the Rings wins Best Picture. You know what the problem is? Most of the comic book movies were undeserving of being nominated for Best Picture. That's the problem. If they were deserving then they would breakthrough more often.
  14. I don't know what kind of fan you are but all this "obnoxious discussion" you are talking about well you are egging it on by referring to Joker as a "single" when it's clearly a home run. Aquaman and Wonder Woman were home runs too but they didn't exactly have modest budgets. Joker is clearly a home run. When you gross a billion dollars on a budget that is $70M or so.. the profit is unimaginable. It's posts like yours that tend to stir the pot. If you give credit where it's due people wouldn't react that way.
  15. As someone who mostly reads and rarely posts I can say that the rhetoric around here on most DC projects (even the very successful ones) has been mostly nausea inducing and concern trolling. "DC is dead.." over and over.. Now you got Wonder Woman insanely successful and Aquaman insanely successful and SHAZAM which was a solid hit.. Did the rhetoric stop? Nope. Concern trolling continued. The talk of Joker was embarrassing. Then it won at festivals. Still embarrassing. Then it racked up a billion dollars at the box office on a shoestring budget. The talk switched to "it's not a REAL Awards contender" Well now it has 11 Oscar nominations. You'd think people on here whether they are MCU fans or whoever they are would get a clue and embrace the fact that you know WB seems to know what they are doing. Disney knows what they are doing too but so does WB.
  16. Greta has been nominated before. This year wasn't her year. There isn't anything more to it. Little Women did well in other categories. Every year there are snubs or perceived snubs, there is no perfect way to do it.
  17. I can't keep up with all the Twitter meltdowns today, it's been a glorious glorious day.. film Twitter gets what it deserves. When you're interested in Blade/Morbius/Venom/Carnage/Sinister Six and then realize #itsallconnected thank you Sony.
  18. The possibilities are endless. Sinister Six is a strong possibility, even Blade crossover is a possibility.
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