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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. A flop is a movie that loses money, even a lot of money. This will not lose money. Sorry to inform you.
  2. Looks to me like Birds of Prey is going to leg it out to the break even point. All that "flop" talk was premature.
  3. Well the entire stretch from Thanksgiving through the new year... nobody is in school practically and the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday is now a paid holiday for many people so you have that four day stretch from Thanksgiving, Black Friday and the weekend which I imagine is more beneficial than President's Day.
  4. Holidays are part of the box office year round. Most movies benefit from one.
  5. Phoenix and Joker have wins. Parasite winning big. Haters are upset. This has been a great fucking night. All we need is something awful to not win Best Pic.
  6. I feel like most of the awards have become predictable for this year but let's find out.
  7. I agree with the above post, it could still make a profit. Also, we saw it earlier and it was pretty damn funny. I liked it.
  8. I'm sure nobody "googled" or paid attention to what it was all about though over the following months... Only we have the internet.. apparently..
  9. A post credits scene on a 2 billion dollar movie that ties into another 2+ billion dollar movie. I would say there was a factor there.
  10. Don't give me a "WTF" reaction @TMP have you been hiding under a rock? You already know that this movie has no barring on what's to come lol
  11. What are you talking about? WW84 is like Joker? The Batman will be like Joker? no... you guys love to jump to ridiculous conclusions on here lol
  12. I was waiting for all the "DC is dying!" Posts. Never change BOT. Did DC die after WW or Aquaman or Shazam or Joker? Was anyone saying that? Maybe this has something to do with SS but even then these trailers were horrible and they really should have done a red band trailer to show some of what's different about this. DC is fine, The Batman and WW84 on the way. This is a blip on the radar.
  13. Has there ever been a weekend thread that doesn't litigate Man of Steel or Batman v. Superman?
  14. I wonder if this affects The Suicide Squad in any way...
  15. The target audience can't see it unless they have someone older take them to it. That's not ideal..
  16. I don't necessarily think the marketing was "bad".. unless you just count that as a trailer needs to be good. The trailers made this look like it was going to be fucking horrible and I get it... sometimes it's very difficult to market an R rated movie when you can't show the best parts. For example, I remember seeing the trailers for Role Model. It's a comedy with Paul Rudd. I thought it looked horrible. I watched it later on like Showtime or HBO and it was HILARIOUS... The best jokes couldn't be shown in the trailers. I think Birds of Prey has a shot at being a cable hit or "streaming service hit" if you will.. but it's box office is DOA.
  17. I usually think WB trailers are awesome. The Birds of Prey trailers were damn fucking terrible. I was honestly surprised to see so many people loving the movie so instead of me catching this "whenever" we are going sometime this weekend... In my case, WOM helped.. not sure if will be enough for the general audience.
  18. Well this is going to be a whole lot of "they hate men feminist propaganda blah blah" followed by "men don't go to female led movies etc.." and it'll all be toxic. Not here, just assuming how Twitter will go.
  19. Joker is at $1.07 billion on a slim budget. I think anyone would kill for that kind of fatigue lol
  20. This is an awful attempt at trolling but I will say the Star Wars IX early reactions were not that good at all. Most of us read between the lines and saw that the reactions were lukewarm at best and it wasn't a good sign. There are phrases to pick up on when a critic isn't outright ready to shit on something. Also, yeah.. your trolling needs a lot of work. Get back in the lab.
  21. The Billy GOAT just blessed us with some sound advice. A father cannot live life a quarter mile at a time. A father has responsibilities.
  22. I've seen a lot of concern trolling in comic book movie threads lately and it really shouldn't be in those in my opinion. And that's all it is.. is my opinion. The threads can be about likes and dislikes and box office and what went wrong or went right... but the concern trolling is ruining the threads.
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