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Everything posted by YM!

  1. Please, Encanto have a good hold. It’s the one of the best of the WDAS revival run.
  2. Hot take but despite reception Lord and Miller make pretty good sequels. Lego 2 is a step down from 1, but it’s still very good and I preferred it to most of the animated sequels recently, 22 Jump Street is better than the original and Cloudy 2, is cute. Also Kemp Powers and Justin K. Thompson should prevent Dos Santos from fucking up the movie lol. I have much more faith in this being a great movie than I do No Way Home.
  3. Huh, I’ll admit I might have been wrong during these past few months in terms of numbers. Not sure how high it’ll go or if anything is locked but 200m OW seems likely.
  4. Didn’t Feige say they had a nine film plan (HS to College to Adult) also as someone currently getting their degree in college as well having been in high school three years ago, there is a huge difference, not just socially but academically. They could dive deeper into Peter’s interests in the STEM field like in both the comics and past iterations. There’s also the relationships Peter had during college as well as more of the Parker Luck being prominent.
  5. I bought my ticket for 3:00 pm Thursday. Okay, Watts/Feige, you got one last chance to prove to me you can make a Spider-Man movie that is more than “fun” What?! You’re telling me that Holland is continuing these movies after the obvious BS about him not wanting to be Spidey at 30? Yeah sarcasm aside not surprised, I do wish that now I assume they’ll do college Spidey is they stray away from the “big Endgame-level stakes” and more on the street crime and fleshing out characters.
  6. Slow your roll my guy, it’s just one day so far.
  7. Previews: $27.3m (locked in btw @Cap) True Friday: $47.5m Saturday: $52.75m Sunday: $45.6m OW: $173.15M
  8. No idea, I’m thinking around 15m+ due to fan craze but I do think we should consider two things in comparison for ticket tracking: 1 - The MCU has become more frontloaded than it was in 2017-2019, so this can have crazy huge ticket sales and still do a bit less than indicated. 2 - With the holiday sales, tickets can be widespread throughout a two week period.
  9. Tbf while I do think the new variant will inevitably have any effect on box office and film production, I don’t think the film industry is completely doomed or even the 2022 slate. We’ll likely see a lot more pushback dates but the good news is that the vaccines are still working despite the mutations. However, I am starting to think maybe the days where films cruised by 300m domestic and 1B worldwide with ease will become far more rare than usual.
  10. The concern isn’t that the 2021 movies will be delayed or the effect it’ll have on the domestic box office (OS is another story as Europe could have a massive breakout) but rather the 2022 movies. I’m fully expecting Turning Red to be a Disney+ exclusive yet again 😫😢.
  11. O/U $50m five day for Encanto? I need some good news.
  12. Tbf I think the problem was moreso the older audience not turning out than millennials due to the fact it’s a pandemic. Haven’t seen The Last Duel yet but it’s sad it didn’t do well as I have great things from a lot of people.
  13. The funny thing is millennials don’t even use Facebook lmfao.
  14. Anyways as someone who has no interest and probably will dislike Afterlife, these numbers seem good, better than I expected I tell you that much. However, I’m not sure legs will be extraordinarily good, as I expect late holiday legs to be rough due to the wave of films, but a total around GB2016 seems likely. The fact that this made the same as GB2016 is something impressive as Ghostbusters was never that big a franchise box office wise and most things that do a reboot after a recent one tend to have a sharper decrease.
  15. I just don’t get the hate behind this piece of media. I got to experience it yesterday and it was the best experience I’ve had this year. Yes it may rely a bit too much on nostalgia but it’s been a while since this franchise has been this fun to me and corrected the mistake of the previous entry. And judging from critics reaction there’s clear bias.
  16. I might also try to see if I can get Togepi or Snorunt early underground. Right now I want to use Pokémon I haven’t used for a sixth slot. May give Bronzong or Clefable a try also.
  17. I’m about to go to sleep rn but I’m at Eterna. I basically spent some time catching Pokémon and tried to evolve my Budew too until I remember it doesn’t evolve at night lol. I got the earliest shiny I’ve ever gotten in a Pokémon game before as during grinding I found a shiny Onix. Haven’t gotten my second badge yet as I wanted to evolve Budew first. The Grand Underground gave me some stacked mons like Houndoom, Lickitung (which I immediately evolved into Lickilicky) and Gastrodon all between Lv.17-19, and I’ll explore more tomorrow. So far my team is Monferno, Staravia, Luxio, Shellos, Budew, and a sixth member that’ll be rotated around. I got a Kadabra and a Lickilicky competing for that slot.
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