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Everything posted by YM!

  1. Can I also use The Red King as he’s a villain from Planet Hulk but wasn’t in Thor: Ragnarok nor was there a Hulk movie in the past ten years.
  2. Okay so what about Kang, who is fought during the opening battle and never to be seen from again or Galactus and Silver Surfer, who gives Squirrel Girl a ship and then later try to help Earth but get sidetracked and aren’t seen again.
  3. What about The Collector, he’s in past MCU movies but then again doesn’t belong to a franchise? Or would I have to swap him out?
  4. Okay and how about the aforementioned Kang, Galactus and Silver Surfer appearances and also Bullseye (Daredevil), who I need the rights for Daredevil?
  5. Agreed and to follow up I name dropped Thanos a few times but he is not in the movie. Is that okay?
  6. Kang is the antagonist for the first battle in the movie and is none existent afterwards and Squirrel Girl gets something from Galactus and Silver Surfer and they appear during the third act to protect Earth but soon leave quickly and aren’t heard from again.
  7. Nova as in the one from Ultimate Spider-Man Kang only appears during the opening battle and Galactus and Silver Surfer are In two scenes but are very minor characters.
  8. @4815162342 @Xillix Okay, now I am both cunfused on what constitutes as a character okay and not okay to use. Not counting the aforementioned three, I am using/want to use these characters in the movie: Speedball Howard The Duck Nova She Hulk Ironheart (Riri WIlliams) Amadeus Cho Captain Britain Beta Ray Bill Kang The Conqueror Fin Fang Foom Galactus Silver Surfer Kamala Khan Which would constitute as not okay? Cause I need to know if I have to rewrite Squirrel Girl
  9. So could I hypothetically speaking use Kamala Khan? And what about villains do I have to claim the rights to villains even if they appear in just a quick name mention? I’m using a few villains: Kang The Conqueror, Galactus, Silver Surfer and Fin Fang Foom in the movie and name dropped Thanos, he’s only a short cameo btw.
  10. So you can’t get the rights to just a solo character if they’ve been in only a large team up film?
  11. I understand Captain America and took care of the issue but I claimed the rights for Dazzler earlier in the year not to mention she hasn’t been in a film and I just want to use Iceman.
  12. A- The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part
  13. Eighth Grade is too low and why is Bohemian on the list? Then again I’ve been really behind on 2018’s movies.
  14. @cayommagazine Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter franchise) to voice Captain Britain in The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, replacing Sebastian Stan as Captain America in the movie. This Captain Britain is retconned as the movie’s universe version as Captain America with a similar origin and power set despite the comic accurate suit.
  15. Yeah, I’m just retconing the universe’s Captain Britain as a Captain America expy with the exact same powers... voiced by Daniel Radcliffe.
  16. Howard The Duck Iceman Speedball Nova Beta Ray Bill She Hulk Ironheart Captain Britain New Warriors (Marvel)
  17. I still don't see the problem in Howard The Duck or X-Men characters appearing as even though they've been in movies, Howard especially hasn't had a solo movie. Besides, I've seen other listened characters in CAYOM movies like Iron Man and Mater in Jonny Jonny.
  18. Question: I’m using a large variety of Marvel characters (in no order; Howard The Duck, Speedball, Dazzler, Nova, Iceman, Ironheart, Beta Ray Bill, She Hulk and debatedly Captain America) in The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, all of them are minor characters in the film but have important roles. What would constitute as not being okay? Would I have to purchase rights for all of the characters in question?
  19. To be fair, he’s not a main character but rather a small bit character for a few scenes. I could always just swap the character out for Captain Britain.
  20. For any of you technically wizards, is there any computer animation used that looks like traditional hand drawn animation, ie a smoother Paperman?
  21. Metropolitan Cinemas 11/25/Y4 —————————————————————— Silent Hill: Restless Dreams 10:00, 10:30, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:15, 1:45, 2:45, 3:15, 4:35, 5;05, 6:35, 8:20, 9:20, 9:50, 10:20, 11:10, 11:40 Silent Hill: Restless Dreams: In Digital 3D 1:50, 3:30, 6:45, 9:25, 12:05 Sir Thymes’ Time 10:00, 10:50, 11:00, 11:05, 12:50, 1:00, 1:50, 3:05, 3:30, 4:30, 5:05, 6:15, 7:10, 7:15, 8:55, 9:15, 11:00 Sir Thymes’ Time: In Digital 3D 10:35, 1:20, 4:00, 6:15 Food Wars 10:00, 11:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:25, 3:05, 3:30, 4:30, 5:05, 6:15, 7:10, 8:55, 9:15, 11:00 Santa Claus: Ultimate Badass 10:25, 10:55, 1:05, 1:35, 3:40, 4:15, 6:30, 7:00, 9:50, 12:15 Guys and Dolls 11:25, 2:00, 4:30, 7:05, 9:35, 12:15 Crysis 10:10, 12:30, 1:35, 2:45, 4:00, 6:10, 7:00, 10:00 Crysis: An IMAX 3D Experience 10:00, 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 A Wish For Wings That Work 9:30, 11:00, 12:15, 1:25, 3:00, 4:30, 5:15, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00 The Amityville Nightmare: Part II 7:50, 10:30 Starlit Highway 10:40, 1:05, 4:20 2 IMAXs 1 Dolby Cinema 20 Screens
  22. I also have Captain America in the movie but as a small character.
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