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Everything posted by RRA

  1. Reminds me as a kid all those old WW2 Hollywood movies where the Nazis speak English to each other. It’s one of those conceits.
  2. I just watched TSS last night and Harley Quinn is basically John McClaine with the leaping and surviving without powers/gimmicks physical obstacles that realistically when one actually thinks about it logically, they would call BS on (Not a criticism, I consider that a charm in a picture I enjoyed.) Again this is all subjective, we all have our breaking points. I'm one of the few folks online who will go to bat for the infamous "nuke the fridge" scene in Indy IV (trust me, I was more bugged/turned off by that movie's many other problems in the storytelling department, but I digress.)
  3. Anyway this was decent (7/10) where Gunn shows how effortlessly he can make well-casted likeable/sympathetic to a point puckish rogues and give them good comic character beats. For better or worse, this reminded me of GOTGv2 albeit meaner where Gunn got to indulge himself (especially his Troma roots) and "focus" kinda gets lost here with pacing sacrificed for keeping said beats. Which to be fair when those beats connect, who cares? When they don't, well...I suppose I might give the Guardians films a slight edge if only because they make me feel (see Yondu's funeral for example )and TSS didn't quite despite Gunn's best efforts. But this is entertaining regardless. I like how Harley is this movie's John McClaine, able without powers or gimmicks able to survive falling buildings and other potential ghastly deaths. She's tough, I dig that.
  4. I find it fascinating how people bring up BW somehow surviving that climax yet don't bring up (without spoilers so I'll go vague here) a big fall in the 1st act that she basically walks off. I suppose the climax didn't bother me as much as it did others because it reminded me of that freefall sequence from Saints Row 3 (Is comparing a movie to a video game a good or bad thing?) Suspension of disbelief is subjective and everybody has their own limits, but I'm reminded of this when rewatching the first Iron Man awhile back: why didn't Tony die or at least get paralyzed when he crashed into that sand dune in his first Iron Man suit during his escape? Sure the conceit is that the armor gives him protection of sorts, but when you actually think about the rag doll physics...it's ridiculous.
  5. Better question, why is Gamora? Yeah this was dope. If one was annoyed by the pilot being a condensed remix retelling of the first Cap movie, then that won't be a problem here. Sure Black Panther becoming Star-Lord is a big divergence, but the surprises resulting from the scrambling of the GOTG mythos is even more fun and surprising. Especially one twist which I won't spoil.
  6. Agree. I know some folks touted those BW pre-sales at the time, but I was skeptical walk-up demand would match and I was right-ish.* If we take the Pro tracking at face value as a moment in time snapshot, 70 would be a big leap from there. As much as my fellow Marvelites played the excuse bingo cards of pandemic/piracy/day and date and common consensus is BW without HD piracy/PA would've opened to at least 100...she's an Avenger, a known quantity. This is a new character and its marketing has done Ant-Man levels of marketing in my book. But we've got 2 weeks to go. Tracking could go up with the good buzz. Sometimes I wonder if people are trying to move field goal posts? *=85 was my predix.
  7. I would add CinemaSins on that blame list. Include an AU cut where LeBron loses, that'll boost sales.
  8. I can relate, though I would add my 007 fandom since childhood so the idea of formulaic (to a fault) pulpy serials doesn't exactly rattle my brain like it does some folks. Even at my height of comic fandom back in the day I didn't read every book consistently because (1) No time (2) not enough money (3) Lack of access or most importantly (4) I went "meh" and moved on. You stuck around with certain books because you liked the characters, the artwork, whatever. But I've come to the point that I'm secure in my fandom that I'm not easily offended when people not part of the spandex cult say nah. It's why I rolled my eyes when my fellow Marvelites got anal about Scorsese's comments. We're firmly entrenched enough that even if this stuff fades from super popularity, it'll keep going on some level. We're not the underdogs anymore, guys.
  9. I agree. I like Thor TDW unironically. Yes I agree with alot of the criticisms (lord the Dark Elves look cheaper/lamer than something you would find in an old school Doctor Who episode) but I enjoy it on a dumb 1980s cult sci-fi/fantasy movie level. And that's a film that the MCU more or less in Endgame subtly treated as a red-headed stepchild entry in its own canon (or am I reading too much into the scene of the Avengers not impressed when Thor relates events of that episode, except for earnest Scott Lang?)
  10. More and more I’m reminded of Ant-Man’s lackluster marketing, which in retrospect it struggled to sell a fun Amblin-inspired heist movie is surprising.
  11. It’s not the critic’s prerogative to hold someone’s hands. You have to take them for what they are: first person subjective reactions, fueled by their lives/environments/etc. i do this all the time whenever e latest “elevated horror” (or any A24 movie in general) gets praised. I’m sure they might feature good framing/acting/whatever but also praised by some who are snobbish regarding genre fare, especially horror. Doesn’t stop me from appreciating something like Hereditary or whatever, but I have to measure take this stuff from them. With MCU or spandex films in general, marks like me are more likely to enjoy this than not using odds. I’m sure it’s decent at least (last MCU movie I had no use for was IM2) so I’d it’s better than that? Cool. If not, I’m the poorest millionaire.
  12. “The best MCU movie since the last one!” /s sorry couldn’t resist. But the tweets so far consistently praising the action is promising.
  13. I mean if the Flash movie hadn’t been delayed all these years, we would’ve had that and the CW show (not sure if it’ll be around still when the movie finally comes out.)
  14. Getting a cut from each PA purchase might become the demands of all A listers working at Disney going forward.
  15. This is going to VOD early, before the 45 day theatrical window closed https://www.slashfilm.com/paramount-rolls-the-dice-releases-snake-eyes-early-on-digital-and-on-demand/
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