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Posts posted by WeneedtotalkaboutKevin

  1. 1 hour ago, John Marston said:


    It was foolish to make a blockbuster  without some superhero appearing, i.e. Hulk or Spider-Man.



    Imagine Bruce Wayne found out that the memories of his parents' death were implanted...Imagine he was always meant to be a replicant "Batman" to play the role of fighting Joker to give Joker some fun and pleasure...Imagine one version of "Batman" could be retired instantly and be replaced by another version when Joker felt like so...  

  2. 26 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

    The forum, the courageous mod team probably wouldn't survive Thor Ragnarok over Justice League at the box office.



    Even with all the hatred and doubts around DCEU, I still hold out to my BOLD and OPTIMISTIC prediction of Justice League. 

    RT score: 40%       OW/DOM/WW = 140/290/750

    Let's all hope that JL can hit those numbers ! #ALLin 

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, AndyK said:

    Film critics associations are starting to hit back at Disneys ban on LA times access to screenings and talent by banning Disney from being able to get awards.



    What a bunch of Disney haters. Thor: Ragnarok will still be the king of November, no matter what kind of plans they are scheming. 

  4. A few points to add:


    1. I don't hate this movie. Actually I quite like it.

    2. The movie bombing in the US market is actually a blessing in disguise. I would rather they do a sequel 10 or 20 years later instead of shamelessly cashing in on the trend by doing those INTERLINKED cinematic stupid sequels (Can you imagine a spin-off about OFF-WORLD COLONY? It is totally un-Blade Runner.)

    3. I don't think Denis or Nolan will take the directing job for the 3rd movie. So the sequel is better left for the directors of the same caliber even if it means we have to wait for another 32 year.

    4. Let's not ruin the brand of Blade Runner...and we should keep the good memories...



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  5. 4 hours ago, Frozen said:

    LOL...The target audience of this movie is not DC fanboys. If those fanboys going to see the movie think that they will see Wonder Woman kicking ass, they must be pissed. :redcapes: totally wrong marketing... 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

    This is embarrassing. Truly embarrassing. Someone thought they could do the Avengers via Transformers and the result is this shit. I can't say what's worse - the speech, the faux Avengers shots, the desperate reveal that there's OMG BIIIIG Kaiju, the bland as fuck cast. Pass.

    The trailer is just real bad...I just cannot believe this franchise ends on the second entry. 

  7. 57 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

    WB had absolutely nothing to do with the production or creation of this film; they are merely distributing it in the US and Canada. 

    Congrats to Sony for making this quality film ! They deserve nearly all the credits along with Denis Villeneuve. I hope this film makes a killing in the FOREIGN markets. Imagine 400 million WW with a 9:1 FOREIGN/DOMESTIC split...

    • Thanks 1
  8. Darren Aronofsky still Wants To Direct A Superman Movie




    It would be great if he could put his "Mother!" spin on Superman. By the way, given that both Zack Snyder and he like to use SYMBOLISM quite a lot...it will be interesting :redcapes:

    I look forward to Darren's "Superman!". 


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