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Posts posted by GambitPool

  1. 29 minutes ago, Mekanos said:

    I mean he's... fine? He didn't really get a chance to shine and the movie leaned way too much into his comedic nature, turning him into a punching bag most of the time. I wouldn't put him in a top 5 list or anything like that, but he was enjoyable enough. It'd be nice to see him again, Spader was great in the role. 

    Ultron was a fantastic villain until he made that dumb children joke 10 minutes after his intro. I could feel his villainous credibility drop.

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  2. I was pretty sad my dad didn't get to see it with me. His job demanded he stay overtime. This is the first Marvel movie we didn't get to see together in theaters since Guardian's 1. I had to refund his ticket which deflated me because I watched it without him and someone could have gotten that seat who really wanted to see it. 


    On the bright side I had three seats to myself as someone else no-showed their showing. Oh and I loved the movie. 

    • Like 3
  3. 16 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

    It's early, but like I said this morning, people are going to be shocked at the number.  


    Given that it kept going higher into the night yesterday I think it might hit $82m after everything is settled.  


    Again, it is very early and that could change and I am being a bit more aggressive than others.  

    Have an idea of what the low range might be? 

  4. Some people treat the theater like its their home. I had one of the rudest moviegoers at BP since I can remember. 


    This dude couldn't stop commenting on everything in the movie. He'd insert his "witty" quips thinking the audience would laugh. That wasn't enough so he'd repeat lines after a character said them. He clapped obnoxiously loud after a few action scenes -- the only one to do so. During any dialogue scenes, his face was glued to his bright phone screen. It didn't matter if it was an action scene. When characters started talking, his face was on his phone. 


    Towards the 3rd act, he started biting his fingernails, sucked on them, and spit them onto the floor. Probably the worst though, was that he took his shoes off, stinking up the room until he mercifully put them back on. 


    There was another guy wearing a Make America Great Again hat, but thankfully he sat in the corner and bothered no one.


    Nearly ruined my enjoyment. I needed to rant. I fucking hate people sometimes. 

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