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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. That would have been relatively cheap a 390m budget + WW P&A for those big SH movies. TASM 2 was the cheapest Spider Man movie in a very long time. Net Production budget / World releasing cost 2004: Spider Man 2: 237.48m / 239.38m 2007: Spider Man 3: 299.76m / 243.21m 2012: TASM 1 : 261.59m / 199.07m 2014: TASM 2 : 263.95m / 191.79m Total actual / adjusted for inflation in 2014 dollar SM2 : 476.87m / 586.35m SM3 : 542.98m / 619.96m ASM1: 460.67m / 475.00m ASM2: 455.74m / 455.74m Price was far to be the issue with those Amazing Spider Man movies, quality was.
  2. Fandango tracker can give some idea, how big could be the wednesday effect for AStar is born. or maybe not Wednesday sales are probably way disproportionately sold today/ right now. Venom Share of the total Star is born Share of the total Wednesday 0% 7572 14% Thursday 26568 39% 10133 19% Friday 23062 34% 19353 36% Saturday 13638 20% 11808 22% Sunday 5146 8% 4860 9% Total 68414 100% 53726 100% Star is born / Venom Thursday 38% Friday 84% Saturday 87% Sunday 94%
  3. According to the leaked accounting Sony profit on: 2005 Sony acquire MGM: https://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/IR/news/2005/20050421.html 2006 Casino Royale: 160 millions As of March 31, 2007, Sony no longer had any book basis in MGM (https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/313838/000114554908001104/k01608e20vf.htm) 2008: Quantum of Solace: 22.6m 2012: Skyfall: 55.1m 2015: Spectre: expecting around 30m Obviously it was nice for them to have Sony TV, Sony Phone, pay money in little part to Sony movie for the product placement and so on, but movie division profit wise in the last 10 year's, they made a bit more than 10m a year with that franchise.
  4. That more something you hear fanbase and casual viewer say than actual serious people that write about movies. Artist need a big set of restriction (like a release date and many others) or it does nothing is almost a consensus. If there was any doubt, Netflix attempts show how much studio are good at doing movies.
  5. Isn't the auteur theory all about the ability to influence the output under/despite the studio/machinery strong influence and take it fully into account. One big influence on the theory was Hitchcock work, and he did many movie under the studio system that were often not involved in the post production directing 3 movie a year and shaked or put their hand in front of the camera to try to control what the studio would have available in the editing room,made very long one shot or used a precise timing with a song, etc... to leave them less option. Then why the result would not have been any different with a different director, one that would have been with the same page of the studio or one strong enough to get is vision through ? Consistent tone and all the actor seeming to be in the same movie is rarely something a studio disagree with.
  6. The problem you describe sound like the main responsibility of a director, creating an artistic vision and explain it well enough (convince/make everyone) go on that page, from production design/casting, costume in pre-production to the sound mix/color grade/score during post-prod.
  7. Superman didn't had a mask: https://gizmodo.com/why-superheroes-wear-their-underwear-on-the-outside-1491511428 I think old circus performer is a common thought source of influence of the first SH looks.
  8. Sound a bit a limited vision of what a DC universe can mean for a studio. In 2016: Fans spent $4.5 billion on DC-related consumer products. http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?item=UGFyZW50SUQ9NjYzMzAxfENoaWxkSUQ9Mzc1NjcxfFR5cGU9MQ==&t=1 DC universe average box office is of 753m on an average rumored 220m budget, put a +15% because of the possible and usual massaged down rumored budget and they tripled their budget in average, while being domestic heavy and while being a driver on the DC-related consumer products universe, notably the video game.
  9. Other than the Quiet Place, Annihilation (10m) and The Shallows (15m) for what they were.
  10. Tuesday has of now with still some time to go in the central time zone: A Star 10,309 Venom 12,308 Give us I think something like this for monday/tuesday: Title Monday Tuesday 2D total Avengers: Infinity War 49,836 54,892 104728 Deadpool 2 23,134 28,896 52030 Incredibles 2 20,872 23,430 44302 SW: Solo 13,688 15,855 29543 venom 13,602 12,308 25910 Jurassic World 2 9,310 12,761 22071 a star is born 9,115 10,309 19424 Antman & The Wasp 6,613 5,990 12603 Purge (Wed) 2,885 8,308 11193 Mamma Mia 2 4,427 5,099 9526 Crazy Rich Asians (Wed) 3,651 5,742 9393 The Nun 2,082 5,938 8020 Oceans 8 3,009 4,372 7381 Super Troopers 2,825 3,447 6272 A Quiet Place 2,177 4,003 6180 The Meg 1,539 2,944 4483 Hotel Transylvania 3 1,753 2,674 4427 Christopher Robin 1,560 2,442 4002 Predator 1,295 2,476 3771 Equalizer 1,418 2,297 3715 Night School 1,045 1,756 2801 A Simple Favor 564 2,126 2690 Operation Finale (Wed) 415 2,083 2498 I Feel Pretty 871 1,610 2481 Book Club 836 1,599 2435 House With Clocks 897 1469 2366 Rampage 705 1,508 2213 Sicario 2 788 1282 2070 Small Foot 734 1,261 1995 Breaking In 727 1204 1931 Life Of The Party 587 1,310 1897 Hereditary 659 1,178 1837 Blockers 504 1,106 1610 Skyscraper 586 1,019 1605 A star is born is selling ticket for limited tuesday and wednesday to it is inflated here. But still Venom is still around 50% of DP2, making that 60M look good, at least on how it will open, internal mutliplier obviously can derail it. A star is born: 204% of Mamma Mia 2 206% of crazy rich asian 263% of Ocean 8
  11. That sound really trivial, I am not sure why would anyone be interested in it too.
  12. 6 2018-10-01 MON Venom 18288 2018-10-04 THU Venom 15436 2018-10-05 FRI Venom 9344 2018-10-06 SAT Venom 3484 2018-10-07 SUN Venom 455 2018-10-02 TUE A Star Is Born 3703 2018-10-03 WED A Star Is Born 6599 2018-10-04 THU A Star Is Born 11184 2018-10-05 FRI A Star Is Born 6536 2018-10-06 SAT A Star Is Born 2668 2018-10-07 SUN A Star Is Born 46558 for Venom 31145 for ASIB It is slim, but if Venom OW / pre-sales is somewhat close to Deadpool 2 and ASIB closer to the Mamma Mia / Ocean 8, it could be not that far.
  13. Look at this example: Look at this account twitter history........ Or: Joined October 2018 I mean many of those could be people pushing the joke and ridicule (the people talking about bringing their 3 husband and 8 children to the movie X obviously are), but those ?:
  14. When they copy paste the exact small reviews that talk about Venom and/or a star is born being SJW democrats agenda pushing non-sense with an anonymous account with numbers in there names, it is not necessarily robot, it can be stan doing it for free and manually, but it is not people that have seen the movie with honest review. Some of extremely obvious. Do you think those are honest reviews: With 2 humans that had word for word the same review's but about different movie ?
  15. James Bond was around 15m a year in profit for Sony it was not a particularly successful franchise for them money wise, I doubt many stock holders care about that lost for this 2,300 million in gross profit last year company. I suspect it was not mentioned once in the last stock holder conference call. Actual pride is more probable, but I would also suspect that Marvel would not pay that high of a price when they can make Black Panther, Guardians, etc... into success story and just got the X-Men to work with.
  16. Strong day and date except for China too, only those to open: France 10 October 2018 Denmark 11 October 2018 Hong Kong 18 October 2018 Japan 2 November 2018 With China, 160m start could mean 380-400m + China + those 4 markets ?
  17. Are you creating a bank of data will of those, if so we could be starting to have enough to build some prediction bank from them.
  18. Russian IA algorithm's got stuck in a loop. PS why did I thought the 2019 Godzilla movie was not a direct sequel but some movie universe connected stuff ? Did none of the cast or the previous entry showed up in the trailer ?
  19. Baby Driver, yes sure, why ? Do you think I am specially better at saying if someone was good or bad in it, than anyone else and that my opinion could be relevant in any way to anyone ?
  20. The guy that never made a R rated movie in a long time since Insomia, even a WW2 movie ? while having arguably the biggest greenlight power in Hollywood yeah right.... You are not just trolling. Miller tested a PG-13 version of MadMax (that was apparently almost the same) and made kids movies, has if you are not reducing anyone position to a ridiculous strawmen.
  21. IT is a bit larger than that too, PG-13 you can show a very limited amount of consequence of violence, blood being just one of them but you cannot show more than X second of someone crying in reaction of a violent act and a long list of rather strange from a non american point of view rules. If you are making not only a body horror movie like venom but a body horror movie in which the possessed is a violent killer it could be a strange limitation to choose artistically wise depending on the director intention, imagine the first Alien in PG-13 that wanting to make an audience feel something that is in the spectrum of fearing getting rape artistic endeavor that would limit itself to the rather strict american PG-13 would make little sense. Now this feel, like they went in good part for a comedy for kids, so keeping it PG-13 do make a lot of sense.
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