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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I would think no other active player is anywhere close to LeBron outside the united state, complete different tier. Google trend of the 3: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&q=%2Fm%2F01jz6d,%2Fm%2F0dw15r,%2Fm%2F0gxrc1 And he has proven he can act well enough to play himself correctly.
  2. She is making a somewhat comeback to studio movies in general I think. Also starring in Underwater a 65m Fox movie: https://fastlane.louisianaeconomicdevelopment.com/Film/FilmSearchDetails.aspx?ProjNum=iThlsUMBBbFsNEyGLvnZuA%3d%3d
  3. Look a bit like Bourne there 2002: 4.4m 2004: 4.6m 2007: 7m (peak, same release year than thirteen) 2012: 2.36m (Damon less) 2016: 2.9m 7m to 2.9m for Bourne is quite similar to 5.8m to 2.1m for Ocean Some did hold better in 2007 Harry Potter made 26.4m in Italy in 2017 Fantastic Beast made 16.2m, but in general did the box office in US dollar went down in the last 10-15 year's in that market ? in 2007, 10 movies made over 20m with the top one at 36m, in 2006 Da Vinci Code made 39m. In 2017 2 movies went above 20m in Italy, with beauty winning the year at 22m, in 2018 only Avengers above 20m at 22.8m.
  4. Yeah I suspected your surprise reaction were a comment on the HFPA classment process more than the movies. But they changed the rules post The Martian, now the HFPA if they disagree with a studio placement and want say put American Hustle in comedy while the studio had filled it has a drama they need 66% of the HFPA members to vote that it is a comedy to do so, instead of the previous 50%+1. I think for a while they will simply always be ok with the studio pick, like for Get Out placement they were able to blame Blumhouse and Universal studio, they were the one submitted it has a comedy and they simply respected their choice.
  5. Protagonist play song in the movies, but character does not sing line or advance the plot in musical numbers from what I understand, music here is like cooking if they were cook. Musical film is a film genre in which songs sung by the characters are interwoven into the narrative, sometimes accompanied by dancing. The songs usually advance the plot or develop the film's characters, but in some cases, they serve merely as breaks in the storyline, often as elaborate "production numbers." Musical films characteristically contain elements reminiscent of theater; performers often treat their song and dance numbers as if a live audience were watching. In a sense, the viewer becomes the diegetic audience, as the performer looks directly into the camera and performs to it. Putting a movie as a musical just because the character are musicians is a bit of a category fraud and something people do it, in good part because they were almost no musical made by Hollywood for a while, but now that they are popular again could look strange.
  6. No Equalizer didn't had A-list actress. Ocean 8 was a reboot (the little sharing the same name/cameo is close to irrelevant) not really a sequel and was a world cup release. It is more on the underperforming side OS to not reach a 40/60, not even a clean 45/55, not a flop for a small production mid budget.
  7. Not sure how it got to be again about Marvel movies in the First Man movie thread, but because of the number of storyline/characters going on ? PTA pulled of Magnolia, Tarantino Pulp Fiction, etc... And here they would have access to team of writers.
  8. The director previous 2 were comedy so it is not surprising to me, specially with the trailers. Ferrel got in best comedy actor for the Lobster. The favorite is a 96% RT with a 92 MC score movie at the moment, with star powers, with a director that do really well with awards and festival stuff, it could be a strong opponent to face off Is there any sign that it is a comedy ?
  9. Foreign: $156,100,000 (Cloudy 2 made 139m in International revenues with is 154.5m intl no China performance) Rumored budget: 70m I get having doubt on the rumored budget, but if it is close to the truth it more than doubled it's budget oversea without a China release. If that is flopping oversea what did Equalizer 2 did, bombed WW ?
  10. In a way yes, Disney audience need 9 figures production, lovable character to root for, some comedy relief-sidekick, lot of emotions, big songs, very plot driven, goal setup with clear obstacle beaten, the hero journey with a low point and the arc, etc.... In an other way if you do have the money for those and the properties, your success rate at pleasing them will be much higher, you will do 5-6 movies and they will like almost all of them. They will accept already proven convention, concept, no new cinematic language in any way used, give them an nice classic told in a classic way with a nice execution like Cinderella and you will please me, is it harder to come up and pull off than Tree of Life ? Thousand of people in the mid/high 90s tried to do their pulp fiction, they all ended in a pile of vhs in the Sundance curator's garbage. Elite crowds/critics watch 400-450 small movie every year and will find great 10-30 of them and achieving to be seen by them will already be a big step, most of the 10,000+ movies made will never be seen by almost all of them.
  11. I doubt Liongates are active outside USA/UK. Probably a pre-sold market to Metropolitan Filmexport they have a distribution deal with Liongates.
  12. Since Guardian of the Galaxy 2 for one like that or I forgot a cameo ? Was Doctor Strange also the case before the post-credits ?
  13. I will maybe sound really stupid (not seen it nor the previous iteration) but from what I have seen it does not seem to be a musical at all. A musical have the plot advanced with the characters doing musical numbers, this look more like a movie where the protagonists are musician and sometime perform music like they would be boxing/playing sports if they were athlete during the movie. Like Whiplash. It is stretching that category to include those. Powerful producers/director can have a word to say if they want in those decision, it is not necessarily up to them. If one is aiming at actually winning the Oscar and do not care for an X nominations, going Drama instead of a category fraud comedy can be a strategy, comedy can be perceived a bit of a kiss of death to the chance of winning by some, like Scott that did seem quite piss of to have the Martian put there by the HFPA.
  14. You can add something, have the ratings still go down and yet it did something by how much it went down. But by looking at the show nominated at the Emmy's, band/singer nominated at the grammy's and their giant drop, the case that the popularity of the nominated movies is a big factor is far from obvious.
  15. Rumors around they are putting it in Drama. Maybe the Cheney Mckay movie will be a comedy.
  16. Could end up being the worst TV rating for the Emmy ratings since they track them and 40% down 2013. Will see how much it is because people do not care anymore about Game of Thrones, This is US or streaming/cable platform dominating too much speculation will do vs award show rating is going down no matter what narrative
  17. To give an idea, percentage of the ticket sold in 2017 by demography: 2-11 : 10% 12-17: 11% 18-24: 12% 25-39: 26% 40-49: 13% 50-59: 12% 60+: 16% demo like the 40-49 are not bigger buyer than the 12-17... or the 18-24 .The 50-59 will joint that category soon. Cinderella in 2015, made a 55% under 25 score too. For Jungle Book 104m OW; 49% of the Box office was family, with a 47% under 25 and 53% over 25 with an even 51/49 female/male gender split, quite close to a pure 4 quadrant affair.
  18. Probably a typo and 10 times too small, The-numbers has this: 2018/09/14 30 $133,468 -88% 310 $431 $20,593,065 4 Still a crazy drop too.
  19. Thus the perfect constant line of unchanging 32.4% I see.
  20. Same guy did it: http://akvalley.pythonanywhere.com/static/MT_track.txt
  21. It is one of the big twist/surprise, higher shame and lower reporting among male victim could make it an harder case, but also it is possible him and is gang were making some precaution to respect the age of consent law in the state they were and had boat to hang out into territory with lower age of consent. The only public testimony that got out about him post metoo was about a young boy that came forward saying he accepted to sleep with singer and lived in is house for a while thinking he will get a role and never did.
  22. The guy already made a report that sum the sales made by day: http://akvalley.pythonanywhere.com/static/fandango_report.txt
  23. I guess, that the Oscar buzz has a lot of the value of the final actual win (outside for the very small title that the Oscar buzz awareness do not reach worldwide audience like a Moonlight for which the actual win was the actual push). Most of the box office value is in the Globe historically.
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