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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. In mine, tracking is based on a movie going population polling of level of awareness, interest, etc... using a formula specific for that type of movie and implied that the audience are being tracked, that is mostly build from a bank of comparable of that past. Prediction is made without those data being available.
  2. Maybe, amazon said they passed on Gunn tv project month ago... but who knows: http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/news/a862346/guardians-of-the-galaxy-james-gunn-starsky-and-hutch-reboot-dropped-amazon/ But unlike Amazon&Disney, other studios need director and do not have a brand to protect as much or at all, Disney is probably the only studio that people are aware they are watching a movie from the studio in question or taking it in consideration when buying a ticket.
  3. Any mention if the 5m include the many previews and what would the real number look like ?
  4. Finally did a small breakdown of Liongates theatrical slates, and during the fiscal year 2013 (april 2012 to march 2013) they pretty much only had hunger Games has a relevant title for the 2012 fiscal year release going on we can see that they made 328.4m with that movie alone, during that moment alone on home ent + TV, so the first year after release the revenues were already quite above the domestic rental of a bit above 200m. Not sure how to present the number the best and there is the obvious issue of movies released near the end of the fiscal year making some of the box office in a different fiscal year. So it is better to take many year's has an average because some of the first HG rental appear in the 2013 fiscal year for example. For the movie they released during the fiscal year 2011 (end march 31 2011), domestic market alone Year 0 (during that year) Theatrical: $205.9m Home Ent: $231.6m TV: $29.4m Year 1 Home ent: $83.4m TV: $59.2m (that the big tv window year) Year 2 Home Ent: $8.4m TV: $21.3m Has a table it look like this: Home entertainment Television Year Theatrical Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Total Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Total Rental/total 2011 205.9 231.6 83.4 8.4 323.4 29.4 59.2 21.3 109.9 205.9/639.2 2012 208.9 74.6 236.2 28.3 339.1 9.8 49.2 8.6 67.6 208.9/615.6 2013 535.5 299.7 185.1 20.2 505 42.8 94.4 17.6 154.8 535.5/1195.3 2014 524.7 259.2 194.6 24.8 478.6 24.4 98.3 15.4 138.1 524.7/1141.4 Look like that Liongates during a movie first 2.5 year's of business was making in domestic total revenues for their title in average 261% of their theatrical rental in the domestic market. 1475m from tickets vs 2116.5m from the ancillary revenues first 2.5 year's, without including what they will do for the next 25 year's has library value nor the international market that use DBO amount to calculate TV right price. For an example, for each 100m made at the domestic box office, they would make around 53m in rental and 138m in total revenues, so a movie around that time could make around 120-145% of is domestic box office in revenues + legacy down the line library value/revenues. That match the Sony leaked one pretty closely I think. Sadly they did stop to breakdown the annual report for each year and acquisition title from summit in different line, getting too complicated maybe, but I will do a bit of the same for their annual total break down.
  5. There is a bit of irony that someone fired because of what he wrote on social media (according to the official statement) loose is job of director but is writing will still be used (and is writing residuals he will still get).
  6. Your prediction W: 5.3m T: 5.5m +0.037% F: 9.5m +72.7% Quite the strong Thursday versus the previous Wednesday opener Baby driver W: 5.706 m T: 3.32m -41.8% F: 6.055 +82.3% We<re the millers W: 6.78m T: 4.71m -30.5% F: 8.515 +80% This is the End W: 7.815m T: 4.492m -42.5% F: 6.9 +54%
  7. A+ cinemascore best picture nominee rarely are.
  8. Would be great for Fallout Rogue Nation made 11.45m for a 157m total it's 4 weekend with a -33.4% With is strange Christmas season start Ghost real 4th weekend is more is 5th, doing 11.68 at it's kind of weekend 4th. A 27m lead on RN would mean at least doing 222 just keeping the same in absolute advance, 228.7 if they stay proportional.
  9. Oh that title, the movie promotion and itself will probably by a teaser/ads for Avenger 4.
  10. Could it be one putting the nice previews of last week and the other talking about the relevant actual wednesday figure ?
  11. Good point, Avenger 4 make any absence of news impossible to interpret because of obvious spoilers.
  12. Indian Telugu rom-com. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geetha_Govindam
  13. If it follows those movie pre-sales to OW ratio. Title Monday Tuesday Sales OW OW/sales Mile 22 Rampage 705 1508 2213 35.75 16156 12.94 Skyscraper 586 1019 1605 24.91 15517 12.43 Blockers 504 1106 1610 20.56 12768 10.23 Meg 1539 2944 4483 45.40 10127 8.11 Equalizer 1418 2297 3715 36.01 9693 7.76 Life party 587 1310 1897 17.89 9429 7.55 Sicario 788 1282 2070 19.00 9179 7.35 A quiet place 2177 4003 6180 50.20 8123 6.51 Feel pretty 871 1610 2481 16.03 6461 5.18 Mile 22 282 519 801 Johnson movie played family / walk up heavy, making a 13m look like an optimistic prediction here. That nice to see Sicario 2 and EQ 2 being so close, both R-rated action sequel, obviously same for Rampage/Skyscraper being so close. Do show some possible predictive power to make from those.
  14. I regret the other way around (not having shorting it before Avengers and co. launch the summer season they almost certainly couldn't survive).
  15. Will certainly counteract making less than 250k on a 30m big name director movie. (just to show numbers do not prove or disprove something like that, it is more complicated, specially not total run numbers, Get Out didn't prove anyone star power), specially considering the 4 last Paul Feig movies all went 110m or more domestic and average 116m dbo in is career. She do seem to have it in the right vehicule, specially if fashion is involved.
  16. Yes misleading public announcement by a company management of a public company is probably even illegal under securities laws: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/240.10b-5 It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, by the use of any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce, or of the mails or of any facility (a) To employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud, (b) To make any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, or (c) To engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person, Say when they said that selling metadata about moviegoers was making that pricepoint logical was false and misleading, it was illegal to do so. Must be hard to prove taht those statement were made by someone that had actual knowledge they were false and misleading too. A defense of the type, we thought we could disrupt enough to catch deals with studios and theater chain to get a cut on the revenues and even if we could not say so in public, investor knew that it was all about that should work.
  17. Different real estate cost ? According to the leaked studio information France retention rate seem particularly low at just 39% (leaving more money to the theater), but that could be because there is a tax there I think to finance the movie industry on the movie ticket, not sure about that one.
  18. Probably the best comparable possible to use right there, will see which from a big movie sequel vs books with a fanbase/hype will be the more pre-sales heavy. Did MM2 and 08 launched very similar in preview vs pre-sales amount ?, I guess I should start doing some work now using the amount of nice pulse data there is.
  19. Sound likely to be the next Meg / Equalizer 2 tracking beater, but will see.
  20. Category launched in 2002? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_Award_for_Best_Animated_Feature Beauty & The beast was 10 year's before in 1991, I doubt it is strongly linked before the 2. It was because of big the competition and level of success of those with Shrek/Monster inc. giant success I think, that brought that category.
  21. https://www.wsj.com/articles/twitter-and-islamic-state-deadlock-on-social-media-battlefield-1460557045 https://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3011&amp;context=oa_dissertations The Dark Side of Social Media: The Case of the Mexican Drug War https://www.scmp.com/news/world/americas/article/1936951/mexican-drug-cartels-turning-facebook-and-twitter-weapon https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/jmbkek/mexican-cartels-are-using-social-media-apps-to-commit-virtual-kidnappings-917 https://www.polygon.com/2018/7/25/17593516/video-game-culture-toxic-men-explained Is that look less toxic ?: https://gab.ai/topic/91b0e4ad-c8c2-40bf-8310-74524af7ffc0 I mean what kind of study/number is supporting that idea of feminist being the people that create the biggest footprint of toxicity online in the world do we have ? Even outside the extreme of cartels beheading people with chainsaw video and poking family/ friend on facebook, ISIS type, the group of people that can go and harass families of the Sandy Hook victims or go shoot simple owner of a pizzaria: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/sandy-hook-victims-alex-jones-lawsuit-conspiracy-theory-a8310266.html Is really hard to beat in term of toxicity.
  22. I am not sure about that, even if you want to hire Elba that does not mean you say no to Craig that want to do an other one. That make sense and also just in general the first non Craig Bond would be in so many year's anyway.
  23. The people taking those decision and talking are not the same as the people voting, the governor are people that have worked on blockbuster like Laura Dern, Whoopi, people that worked on Men in Black, people that just worked on the Wonder Woman/Justice League/Marry Poppins Return/Mission Impossible Fallout, etc... The editor of Terminator 2, Rise of the planet of the apes, E.T., Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the people making the score for Star Wars, writers of the Hunger games, etc.. http://www.oscars.org/about/board-of-governors It is Spielberg, Jim Gianopulos , etc... when you get there you often have made the industry a lot of money and worked on big projects. I do not think it is fair to compress the leadership/board of governors and is voters, probably that would it have been in the control of the first after the first year of #oscarsoWhite we would not have had an second all white acting nominees in a row, Dark Knight would have got in BP and so on. The leader of that group allegedly complained the BP line up matched too much the Spirit Awards one. The creation on an incentive to try to make the next Titanic/Avatar movie is the good public one to have for this, saying that it is rating or angry of the most powerful people in the industry that want more recognition would both be bad PR.
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