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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. What a ridiculously high level of success for the Blumhouse production/Universal distribution combo once again: Title (click to view) Worldwide Domestic Overseas Year Budget Ratio The First Purge $112.20 $66.60 $45.60 2018 13 8.63 The Purge: Election Year $118.60 $79.20 $39.40 2016 10 11.86 The Purge: Anarchy $111.90 $72.00 $40.00 2014 9 12.43 The Purge $89.30 $64.50 $24.90 2013 3 29.77 With market like Russia/Australia just opening and some leg from the markets that did a 6.73m performance last intl weekend, it should finish #1 of the franchise.
  2. Are you asking if Star Wars is a memorable franchise ? What is going on, would you be a member of that (nice & fun & dedicated most of the time, I admit) James Cameron cult we have seen grow lately ?
  3. Essential for what ? (I imagine not to be able to attend some prestigious franchise space club) To keep a must see status among a certain part of the audience ? To keep our strong sheep mentality going on strong ( I see those just to not miss a part of pop-culture, do like the others) There is probably some truth in that, lot of success come from success itself.
  4. Or have the fighting occur in a VR world and freedom be freedom of intrusive pop-up ads, the genre really need a twist of that sort that make it look different of the others at least in some ways.
  5. If Love Simon would have been a break out it would helped, Fault in our star/Twilight/Potter did very well for non dystopian YA adaptation too. Disney Atermis Fawl the next big budget attempt for a new non-dystopian style YA adaptation ?
  6. We have seen that in action with Guardian of the Galaxy 3 (Or Dr.Strange, etc... it is not like writers/producers do not have outrage culture in mind at Marvel).
  7. The most amusing could have been the fortune they would make selling MoviePass movie going habit data to people angle.
  8. Yes never ending in transition system stock in socialism always still claim they are going to be or are communist. It is usually start like this for communism attempt. A certain regime in place. A communist revolution, claiming they are just implementing socialism as a temporary necessary step toward an communist utopia system. Once in power in a socialism system, the state never make the step to destroy itself, destroy class system and power system for communist (that is an anarchist society without anyone in a position of power or a state like we know it) to happen, they always stay in power once they have it. I have no example in mind in which they actually went with it in a modern setting (at a significant scale and not just a city for a couple of month in France or something like that, like la Commune de Paris)
  9. Yeah I would imagine they would say if 6% of the movie ticket were bought via MP that 6% of the box office can be traced back to it (even in the scenario that most of those ticket would have been bought without it)
  10. Communist was never implemented at any significant scale in modern history. China was socialist, became state sponsored capitalism and more and more capitalist (a good clue if there is a government it cannot be communist): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_capitalism
  11. Considering the non presence of computer or any work related element, I would guess it is a decoration.
  12. Yes under a pure socialist society, all mean of production of services/goods are owned and state controlled. Under a pure capitalist society, none are. Pretty much no country in the world are either, all in the grey zone between those 2 extreme, often called social/democracies or something, with place Hong-Kong Singapore, Swiss, being the most capitalist (most free entreprise) and Venezuela like the least, the US being right in the middle for a rich place a bit below Canada. The US state (local, state, federal) level is spending around 7 trillion dollar or around $21k by person, in that amount a lot of it goes into making good and service that are financed when not controlled by the state, from health, post, road, school, law enforcement, to tax incentive, etc... Capitalism is far from evil, so does the production of some service by a state govern by the people, they both have strength and better in some aspect and combining them seem the logical way to go.
  13. Smaller the movie often mean also a larger proportion of the movie revenues being post theatrical. But yes in general for very small budget getting wide theatrical release, the production budget become such a small proportion of the movie total cost that the rules of thumb using the production budget cannot really be use. A 4m horror movie getting a 35, 40 if not 50+m world release cannot turn a profit making 9m WW, for example. If you take my One Direction example Net prodution cost: 13.2m At a planned world theatrical release cost of : 31.837 They estimated they would need to make around 39.6m WW (so 3 time the budget instead of 2, despite being domestic heavy) to break even. With 18.23m in revenues from theater, 38m after.
  14. The House was one studio movie that pushed it extremely late, until the friday after the previews thursday I think.
  15. Not sure would that even mean. That probably why Hollywood make so little actual action movies or much close to pure visual storytelling, Gravity is just someone turning around the earth, Fury Road just a back and forth car chase, Raging Bull is an asshole protagonist without any arc without much happening, etc... Look like saying actual description of a movie if they were criticism of them. The lack of narrative making a movie a bad one or cannot be good because of it make very little sense, who listen to And say after hear, that a bad song nothing even happen in it, there is no story told in that song ? Have you ever heard anyone say that about music ? Why about a movie ? Fury Road world building is dense, the religions, cultural element of the cast system and sub-culture in that world, the strange economics and they all make it possible for an audience to built an interpretation of the real world into them, with some strong commenting by them and it is a Cirque du Soleil show on screen.
  16. The range for a 10m budget movie P+A can vary a lot (Get Out had a giant P+A budget with a 4-5m or something type of budget, low budget movie can have close to blockbuster type P+A cost in the USA, not having product placement to help), but that one with a pre-establish fan-base with pre-awareness aiming only at said fabanse could be on the lower range of it. But it is still a studio release and getting over 3,000 theater, who knows what kind of targeted online push it got and how much those cost. Very fanbanse driven / low budget production example of P+A cost, actual prints for them can be close to $0 now, but you often have some fee to pay for theater chain to transfer to digital conversion still. If we look at something like One Direction: This is Us The 40m or so guess would make sense: DIRECT PRODUCTION COSTS (13,220) Theatrical release cost of 37m DTH MARKETING (18,070) DTH PRINTS (COS) (3,025) DTH WPF, DUES, OTHER (COS) (2,020) ITH MARKETING (9,000) ITH PRINTS (COS) (3,500) ITH WPF, FREIGHT, OTHER (COS) (1,500) Home: DHE MARKETING (3,225) IHE MARKETING (4,508) TV MARKETING (200) Totals marketing cost of 35m.
  17. Just looked at the trailer, do seem to have a narrow band for the target audience age, the twilight, divergent, hunger games played close to 50-50 above and under 25, even 50-50 gender split for HG by the end of the franchise. That look like it would play quite longer and that can be thought, even when a movie is Love Simon good it can be hard, seem to have been budgeted on consequence.
  18. My feeling was that it was not a set picture at all but some weird Photoshop. But photography did start last june, so maybe it is just a really bad one.
  19. Would imagine saying no to Reeves that soon is not easy and would have made the buyout of Jungle Book quite strange to pass on this.
  20. He gave it a really good 3/4 score https://www.geek.com/movies/moviebob-reviews-a-wrinkle-in-time-1733043/ Cars 3 got also a passable 2.5/4: https://www.geek.com/movies/moviebob-reviews-cars-3-1703366/ I think the last pirate movie ?: 1/4 https://www.geek.com/movies/moviebob-reviews-pirates-of-the-caribbean-dead-men-tell-no-tales-1700713/
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