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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Curious about that one, Fincher one was acclaimed and oscar nominated, much close to when they sold that 80m book or what not and still lost money.
  2. Should be easy with a massive production to make a small video in the best possible environment to look good. Imagine a big budget movie not able to do that.
  3. Matt Donnelly ✔@MattDonnelly Gina Rodriguez may have finally found a film worthy of her with Sony's #MissBala Hardwicke > Garland !?!
  4. I always feel potential for a Berg/wahlberg movies, but... the last 2 went 61m and 31m despite being really good with one of those being a giant 156m budget studio movie with a giant studio release, and this is an STX movie. In 2017 #15 summer was 75m 2016 #15 was 97m 2015 #15 was 81m They wend over 75m only one time ever with Bad Moms. Will be an interesting one.
  5. Also and it is probably important, moms like The Rock. If it get clobbered by IW, it would be unfortunate to have a movie so weekend days heavy have only 4 of them.
  6. Hart is pretty much domestic only too no ? Jumanji was a global success, on the domestic market in a comedy I think Hart is pretty much has big as Johnson, Ride Along opened higher than Central Intelligence after all. But in many other market that was Johnson. I am not sure I get the Jack Black being a bigger draw than those 2 narrative, is movies even acclaimed one sometime do not cross 10m.
  7. Around 50% Gosling movie's did not reach 10m domestic too, even really good movie with giant marketing like Nice guys, Drive and Blade Runner lost money. Maybe La la land changed that for him, but I am not sure.
  8. Great Gatsby is one of the biggest book of all time too, with an over 100 million production budget. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_books#Between_20_million_and_30_million_copies That help quite a lot (the 70s adaptation was also a large financial success without good reviews). Revolutionary Road is more what usually happen for a period drama with mediocre reviews if they do not have a giant pre-made fanbase.
  9. The gap between AQP and Rampage is so different weekdays vs weekend days on fandango.
  10. At the top top seem to be around 12-18 year's often, Jim Carrey (1994 to say 2008), Arnold (1983 to say 1998), Will Smith (1995-2013) Using this as a gross lazy way to give an estimate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_Ten_Money_Making_Stars_Poll Delta between the first and last apparition The ridiculous: Wayne: 1949-1974 (25 year's) Cruise: 1983 - 2007 (24 year's) Hanks: 1988-2013 (25 year's) Those are exceptional Usually it look more like Mel Gibson (87-2002), 16 year's Roberts (90-2004) , 15 year's Arnold (85-1996), 12 year's Carey (1994-2004), 11 year's Will Smith (1997 to 2008), 12 year's Pitt (1995 to 2013), 18 year's Denzel (2001- still counting) Johnson reached that kind of top around when, 2011 when he joined the Fast&Furious franchise ? Could see him stay at the top until 2026/being 55 year's old if the movies quality follows.
  11. The brand has an expiration date but he is getting close to 50 anyway. Maybe some director will have some interesting role for him when is body will start to worn out, the older SH will maybe be a mini-genre for a while. Liam Neeson is 65, Taken was 10 year's ago, male actor seem to be able to push it quite long in the action genre. Well not sure how relevant to anything most people here are, what do they know ? What does it mean for them to be wrong ? (the idea that a non strong IP would have some floor and one that high is just ridiculous). Has for the good WOM it is not all because of Johnson, but I think he is the element that was mentioned the most in term of making the movie worthy of being seen. It still did do quite better than TR opening weekend. Comparing 30 market that both have OW info on Mojo TR did 69m OW intl, 23.6m DBO, 92.6m in those 30 markets Rampage did 88.4m OW intl, 35.7 DBO, 124.1m in those same 30 markets That 50% better domestic (I would say that is definitely much better), 28% better in those 29 intl market and you are comparing Rampage a very small game in today cultural footprint to arguably the biggest pop-culture games of the 90s with a popular recent reboot of the game still selling well.
  12. Probably true but that is not 100% fair too, Johnson physic make it almost impossible to portray a character like that. The way Suicide Squad and Focus played Internationally it show there is some left in there (even collateral beauty in some market) and it is always easy to over-analyse and be wrong, but I am not sure about sudden. After Earth / Winter tale combo could have caused it or just be the symptom. http://www.metacritic.com/person/will-smith There is no movie starring Will Smith in the green since 2007. I think it is mostly simply that, combined with the franchisation of the box office of the type of movies he was often doing is biggest buck.
  13. Not sure if it is that close of Smith prime it is just a different era, Will Smith was doing stuff like that on non sequel entry 2 3 I Am Legend WB $256,393,010 3,648 $77,211,321 3,606 12/14/07 3 5 Hancock Sony $227,946,274 3,965 $62,603,879 3,965 7/2/08 5 11 I, Robot Fox $144,801,023 3,494 $52,179,887 3,420 7/16/04 7 4 Men in Black Sony $250,690,539 3,180 $51,068,455 3,020 7/2/97 8 2 Independence Day Fox $306,169,268 2,977 $50,228,264 2,882 7/3/96 11 7 Hitch Sony $179,495,555 3,575 $43,142,214 3,575 2/11/05 12 13 Wild Wild West WB $113,804,681 3,342 $27,687,484 3,342 6/30/99 Wild Wild West was seen has a major flop back in the days, it opened at 41.34m in 2018 US dollar, with just 3,330 theater and pure normal 2d ticketing. I am legend was around 93m OW in 2018 dollar with just 3,600 theater and no 3D.... Without adjusting for ticket price, 3d, theater count, just by dollar, look at those opening weekend in 2018 $: I am legend: 93m I-Day: 79.89m Men in black: 79.3m Hancock: 72.56m I robot: 68.93m Hitch: 55.12m WWW: 41.43m They look like the non-avengers MCU numbers.... DiCaprio/Nolan together on Inception did 71.85m, the only time DiCaprio went over 55m in 2018$ dollar OW in is career, Will Smith did it 7 times. Johnson biggest non-sequel/remake live action openning in 2018 dollar San Andreas: 54.5m Central Intelligence: 37m Rampage: 36m Hercules : 31m Race to witch mountain: 27.92 Game plan: 27.6m Run Down: 25.16m Pain&Gain: 21.64m ------- Great obviously, but a clear lower tier than prime Smith. He was pushing movies like Hitch and Pursuit of Happiness above 200m adjusted, Johnson never came close to do anything like that, no one really is right one. To give a sense of how big he was, Puirsuit of Happiness made 400m in revenues from a 50m budget Hancock made 660m in revenues on a 166m budget, Smith was probably paid over 100m on that one (the talent bonus paid by the studio was around 113m). Just a different era, and Eddie Murphy was also ridiculously big. Will Smith international metric are some of the best of all time, if not the best: Awareness: Smith, Will Australia 0.98 Smith, Will Brazil 0.98 Smith, Will France 0.99 Smith, Will Germany 0.98 Smith, Will Italy 0.966169154 Smith, Will Japan 0.90029615 Smith, Will Korea 0.942439996 Smith, Will Mexico 0.99 Smith, Will Russia 0.96829689 Smith, Will Spain 0.99 Smith, Will UK 0.99 Smith, Will Int'l Average 0.970654745 Fan among aware: .77 That a ridiculous .75 international score (awareness * popularity among aware). Eddy Murphy: Murphy, Eddie Australia 0.979062812 Murphy, Eddie Brazil 0.993 Murphy, Eddie France 0.980059821 Murphy, Eddie Germany 0.983050847 Murphy, Eddie Italy 0.984031936 Murphy, Eddie Japan 0.927 Murphy, Eddie Korea Murphy, Eddie Mexico 0.984047856 Murphy, Eddie Russia Murphy, Eddie Spain 0.983084577 Murphy, Eddie UK 0.982 Murphy, Eddie Int'l Average 0.977259761 Fan among aware .65 Dwayne Johnson in 2012: Johnson, Dwayne Australia 0.87 Johnson, Dwayne Brazil 0.92 Johnson, Dwayne France 0.57 Johnson, Dwayne Germany 0.79 Johnson, Dwayne Italy 0.689163498 Johnson, Dwayne Japan 0.24 Johnson, Dwayne Korea Johnson, Dwayne Mexico 0.94 Johnson, Dwayne Russia Johnson, Dwayne Spain 0.812202097 Johnson, Dwayne UK 0.82 Johnson, Dwayne Int'l Average 0.739040622 Fan among aware: .49 Every time a make a list of "do you know how rare it is for a non-horror live action without a strong IP movie to do something ?", like talking about Rampage chance of doing less than 40m OW. A ridiculous percentage of the movies that will have achieved to do it are Will Smith movies.
  14. I think Baywatch show that the Rock draw power on it's own isn't quite enough to open something to $20m (at least if you remove from him is nice pg-13 family audience), not sure anyone can open to $20m on their name alone. Some can if their name is matched to a particular genre. Certainly not $40m. Denzel being probably the closest but even is power alone could not push a Roman J. isreal, Esq with that release money to a 5m OW. Good news it that Skyscraper is far to being sold on an actor alone, it is a very proven movie concept with a giant production.
  15. You seem to be right ( I could be remembering only the 70 part of the number correctly), at least according to wikipedia resume: Lee takes a toy space shuttle from Beau, warning him that its noise could attract the creatures. Regan returns the toy to Beau, who activates it when the family is near a bridge. Its noise causes a creature to appear, killing him. A year later, the family survive on their farm. 8x days + a year would have it at 470-something days
  16. 0% on RT with few reviews https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/kings_2017/ http://www.metacritic.com/movie/kings From a distributor that achieved to reach 5m once in their 41 releases, never achieved to get 600 theaters: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/studio/chart/?studio=orchard.htm
  17. first international weekend was $114.1m also in 61 markets.... With China being a large portion and them having usually solid drop, hard to judge if a 50% drop is bad, average or good. So a 283m total with a 77m or so weekend with some main market yet to open, make 425m or so still fully alive right ?
  18. It is not Cruise in tropic thunder level imo, she does not really steal any show. The movie does everything exactly what you think it will do reading is title and is completely by the numbers, it miss execution wise one big key moment but is still watchable, Schumer do really work here.
  19. Did you try to test the alarm with the test button, one would imagine the low battery one would sound weaker.
  20. By much ?, I think it stabilized around 2011 and started to go up a bit around 2016 when unphysical growth started to make up for the loss in physical, peak around 2006 and decline until around 2011, when Elysium went on home video the dvd bubble was fully popped by then I think, already around 50% the dvd revenues in adjusted dollar than 2006: Home Ent Was around 20.5b last year, higher than 2013: http://deadline.com/2018/01/u-s-home-entertainment-spending-rises-to-20-5-billion-1202239252/ You need to remove some of that misleading 9.5b from sVOD that is hard to know the split between being an Amazon prime member for shipping, but you are probably a bit higher than the 18b of 2013/2014 of Elysium time at least unadjusted. Warner Brother for example in 2013/2014 average http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?item=UGFyZW50SUQ9NTcyNDQyfENoaWxkSUQ9MjgxMzE0fFR5cGU9MQ==&t=1 http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?t=1&item=UGFyZW50SUQ9NjYzMzAxfENoaWxkSUQ9Mzc1NjcxfFR5cGU9MQ== http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/TWX/574216884x0x172551/CA55EB21-7F45-47BA-BE51-BFF899548A24/2007AR.pdf Rental share of the total theatrical product revenues 2012: 31.3% 2013: 35.2% 2014: 33.7% 2015: 30.68% 2016: 38.8% I am not comparing it to a 2004-2008 release, that is true it was a massively different era. 2006: 21.67% !** 2007: 29% 2008: 26.7% 2009: 32.11% ** (Some year's like 2006 apparently some studio went below 10% of revenue from domestic box office, yet that what was almost 100% what the press talked about)
  21. Is Mowgli still getting a release in 2018 ? Hard to predict that one specially without any trailers yet, talking animals have been huge, Jungle Book is one of the biggest movie franchise of all time, but a lot of but. FB2 could have an hard time doing more than FB1 and Aquabro could do also in that range, making it somewhat possible for Mowgli I guess ?
  22. For a global movie, healthy is pushing it I think you like to get close to your budget on the dbo, but at least it is not hurting you by having a theatrical release costing significantly higher than your rental that make it hard to achieve success from a good International run a la Warcraft type. Just imagine how much it would have changed for Blade Runner or Ghost in a shell to make 75% of their budget domestic. Now is 120m budget close to the truth ?.... if so it is a very direct comparable to a movie like Elysium (close to 130m production cost, around 100m world P&A). Domestic revenues from is 93m run (I imagine that close to where Rampage will end up) 48.55m theatrical 62.874m home ent Dom TV: 25.745 137.17m domestic Elyisum made 167.3 intl-China Intl estimate, if Rampage reach nearly 180m there it could mimick Elyisum Intl revenues 74m theatrical 42.5m home ent 45.6m Intl tv 162.1m intl Add Airlines deal and that 300m + What you can make from an over 130m China performance
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