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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. There is 3 "sources" to the movie, the bible stuff, the direct stuff (writer/artist/muse/fame/woman expectation/etc...) the 2 most obvious and then what the movie is also about: humanity destroying their environment (by but not only global warming, but over fishing, over mining, etc...). The house/Lawrence character represent what make life possible on earth (in many ways, the woman fertility, to the eco-system). When there is the deluge (the sink breaking) the humanity is destroyed at that moment because they were not respecting the rules a bit like in the bible, at the end when the house explode humanity killed itself by asking too much and taking too much from the eco-system (a worst case scenario of were the humanity is headed). The life before and the life after can be seen as representation of the life on earth before the mammals "reign", say like the dinosaur before the giant meteorite, after it is has long life survive (and it will) to humanity earth will be ok, it is just the humans (or the level of life) that would be gone by the pollution, like for the 5 or so previous mass extinction earth went through, life on earth was badly hurt one of them I think 90% of all living things went extinct, but flourished against millenniums after. That is what humans taking stuff, repainting the house, taking part of the house, beating Lawrence are about, that does not make much sense (if any ?) in the writer/artist or bible story line. And like I said, arguably the movie was too subtle and not enough of the nose, because like you I think a large percentage of the audience didn't get it and that why they felt the need to explain it, a failure of the movie in a way, should have been less subtle a little bit imo or if it was not so strong with the biblical stuff maybe the third source would have more naturally emerged among audience. Saying that the movie was too on the noose on is allegory, without getting them (you are not alone saying this) is a bit ironic, and if you miss that, the third act (the exponential nature of what humanity is asking from the earth) must be really strange and not make much sense.
  2. Lot of people say it was too on the nose, who would not get it, etc... but many didn't (not sure I would have without the many clue or knowing the director very active work on the subject), it is a rare case of a movie too on the nose according to some but yet not that understood by audience. An argument can be made that it was too subtle.
  3. Arguably the other way around, I think it was maybe a bit too subtle, I wonder was the percentage of the people without any clue Seem to be easy to mistake the narrative tool used (the bible) with the actual story, like if there is one layer a bit too tick.
  4. There is already a bit of an issue with the Oscar that voters vote without seeing a large percentage of the movie, and they are dealing with only 300-330 movie now, remove the theaterical release rules to make every movie released on earth eligible, it it would become a strange mess (maybe not a big issue too), but we would go from 300-330 movie to over 10/15k. A voter wanting to watch most of them for is opinion to have any weight could not even get close to watch just 10% of them Feature film eligible for best picture right now (they do not accept short films, you need to be 40 minute or more): a. feature length (defined as over 40 minutes) b. publicly exhibited by means (list the projection requirement) c. for paid admission in a commercial motion picture theater in Los Angeles County d. for a qualifying run of at least seven consecutive days, during which period screenings must occur at least three times daily, with at least one screening beginning between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. daily, e. advertised and exploited during their Los Angeles County qualifying run in a manner normal and customary to theatrical feature distribution practices, and f. released within the Awards year deadlines specified in Rule Three (mostly playing in theater the first day of release).
  5. Why not put them in the the Emmy tv movie category ? Not sure how much different an HBO movie is versus a Netflix movie, we had those for ever and them not winning Oscar was never an issue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primetime_Emmy_Award_for_Outstanding_Television_Movie
  6. And what is those and what is what people whine about, why so cryptic in your messages all the time, why not just say what you mean (and remove the strawman about being art because it is slow or as if art / non-art had any relevance about movies). I doubt someone from the toys department was taking decision over the screenwriter/director in BR or some exec of some studios either.
  7. on that subject The frequent movie goers are around 40m people and see in average 16 movie a year, they buy around 50% on the ticket in a year. Are they the general audience or the specialized one ? Not sure if it was ever defined, but if you get 20% of the frequent movie goers to see your movie you start are around 80m at the box office, how much of the 220m unfrequent movie goers you tend need to get to reach 150m, around 3% of them. But yes, the first weekend is not a no one care level for sure, that is Tulip Fever, Friend Request, etc... by the way some reacted in my audience they were non cinephile in there.
  8. Not sure people need to wake up (I mean nothing about any of this matter), but that said the comparable used were not bad choices (Apes hold franchise, sequel, old audience, Sci-fi), Arrival was non sense yes but Denis, Dunkirk was not a bad one either if we assume Nolan fanbase, and it must be compared to other movies, the number alone would mean nothing. Those advance pre-sales are just a small number of a box office total run or even first weekend, and the multiplier will vary a lot from entry to entry, they are still one of the best metric outthere, but like everything regarding tracking how it will play versus what bank of comparable is obviously prone to errors.
  9. That was the exposition I was talking about, how much was needed to not loose audience here is not obvious, but I am not sure there is an amount of exposition that make you understand that she will disappear if the stick break down that will not make you expect it to happen later in the movie, once the movie make you understand that implication it make you expect it to happen (or that it will be at risk), it is almost automatic.
  10. The impact of the destruction of the stick would be nill without exposition about that fact too, being a virtual being everyone would assume she still exist in the last backup on the cloud.
  11. I think that was Jurassic World opening higher than Ultron for me, the over the sea/visible part of the movie interest Iceberg is probably a rather small one ( I imagine the vast majority of people don't advertise what they want to see), correlated with reality but still a small percentage, specially outside the more popular film internet genre. I think one other aspect concerning BR, is how fast word of mouth can be now, outside the Thursday night preview, all that follow look like it can be influenced by the movie reception, it started by sunday, then saturday, now even the friday.
  12. They quite liked the last Apes movie, The Revenant did close to Rogue One, I for one do not assume knowing their taste to much (outside if movie feature a lovely dogs that seem safe to predict)
  13. No clearly she said to have maid 200b in profit the year before ( a joke high amount, much more than Apple I do not think they ever reached 100b in gross profit), it is clearly not for more money, it is to get recognition, she want to be a global star business woman like Steve Jobs/Jack Welch/Buffet and so on. Still does not make much sense, it would fail, nothing in term of legalization because of terrorism would hold there is no such thing as cannot roll back because you said so/signed something mister President, and more importantly consumer would not buy from the crazy company that nearly killed everyone. Felt the same as you overall, collection of scene not that cool with nothing making sense.
  14. If you go back to the 60's, an argument can be made about the quality going down in some of what were traditional popular with the academy market like Italy, while the quality went up from Iran, South Korea and so on. I think one aspect is budget, did the difference in budget for academy type movies from Japan/Italy/France and the United State became bigger ? The more important aspect is probably the distribution you are pointing out, people watch less and less foreign language movie, making studios not getting involved with them (Weinstein having been one of the last to make oscar campaign for them), removing them of the competition regardless of the quality level.
  15. If it does 80m first weekend, should it not easily go pass 200m WW ? Specially with Japan (that should be good market for it) still to open, 2.5x no China global opening weekend is really not good legs. Even BvS did 2.07x is global opening weekend that had China in it (that dropped hard), Fast 8 made 2.33x It should not get close to Fury Road 3.46x global opening multiplier, but should reach 2.5+ right (specially with those 3 significant big market yet to open, Arrival made 25% of is intl performance in them after all) ?
  16. Chance are that Sony/Alcon are paying a share of the dom distribution cost (Apparently Alcon was in charge/control of the marketing) and a 70-80m domestic release is really a lot, Spider Man level, the average studio movie was around 70m WW, was probably in the 30 to 45m range domestic. They had a very reasonable united state TV spending: http://variety.com/2017/digital/news/american-made-tops-studios-tv-ad-spending-1202578260/ And considering the old age of the target audience, must have been the biggest spending of the release. And they are also in charge of USA Home Entertainment like you suspected: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1856101/companycredits Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (2018) (USA) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (2018) (USA) (DVD)
  17. A bit the other way around imo, (if you are not referencing the runtime), so much of the movie experience is on the visual/music that it is something to watch in theater and make maybe little sense on a regular tv, kind of movie that if you are to ever watch it, in theater not necessarily worth it on tv. That said I preferred gravity in 2D on a tv than 3d in theater, so who knows....
  18. Easy to follow, the plot do not require the original, but it is referenced a lot, (impossible to really put myself in the brain of someone that have not seen it to know how much of the experience is lost) and it continue to play a bit with the big question.
  19. And I'm not sure it play to someone that has not seen the original Blade Runner, it is referred quite a lot, that could hurt the legs, unlike a MadMax that really didn't need to have seen anything to work.
  20. From I what I understand if is a 50/50 split with Sony and Alcon (they probably share all revenus with usually sony paying themselves first a little bit), WB is distributing domestic in exchange of a distributing fee (say 20% or something of the domestic gross)
  21. You can assume they have, most of the time, DiCaprio is attached to 15-20 projects for a reason, he is the top choice a lot of the time and he must say no to a tons of project, it is not like we would know if is agents does not want us too. Walbergh said he started is production company because the only script he ever saw were only for roles DiCaprio passed, were offered to Damon that passed, then to him.
  22. Fanbase movie with a movie following the original I guess ? (and a cinemascore that had screening with fans of the first....), I imagine that score will go down by weekend ends if it is updated. It is beautiful but quite slow without a really rewarding ending like they say.
  23. I expected Ultron to be the number one movie of the year worldwide (i.e. over Force Awaken, witch would have fought and maybe won domestic too), it ended up out of the top 3, but I was very new at following box office stuff.
  24. 72% is not that far and that was in 2015, in 2017 it would have been closer to 75% I think 60% of the last Bourne audience was over 35 on a 60m opening, I cannot find the 25 to 34 audience number, but 60% over 35 on a PG-13 was impressively old and must have been around 80% over 25. In 2015, Rogue Nation was 81% over 25 with a 55/56m weekend : http://deadline.com/2015/08/mission-impossible-rogue-nation-vacation-box-office-1201488017/ While in 2011 Ghost Protocol was only 65% over 25, that show how big the trend into older audience is (or the disappearance of the young one) has been in the last 7 year"s. A movie like SALT was only 59% over 25 in 2010, today I would imagine that it would be around 65% if not more over 25 (well today they would probably simply make it R and have a 75/80%+ over 25).
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