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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. 197 million Euro is the gross budget, we will probably never know the net budget but it will get 30m Euro in tax credit from france, pushing it in a worst case scenario around 184m US net (depending on the exchange rate used). Except if they need to sales their tax credit at a price, not sure how it work in France.
  2. Yes 490 to 530m should be expected, 21% lost in exchange rate, 10-15% lost from regular franchise fatigue would lead to around those number. A bit similar to Apocalypse from Days of future past, that show how extraordinary Guardian of the Galaxy 2 run was, to achieve to make more than the first, with the same exchange rate and a bit better in China I would imagine it would have flirted with the billion.
  3. Nothing is impossible but that would be a really big surprise if that movie become some success, none of the previous movie of the director reached 3m worldwide, and it is a CBS FIlm+liongates distribution, not a big studio release. Baby Driver was a movie of today, American Assassin look like something of the pass. It could go really low.
  4. Should probably something else than a Logan type, lower than Deepwater horizon budgeted Pirates of the Caribbeans. Giant spectacle, set in exotic location and sea, returning cast or a big movie star, state of the arts best CGI all sound integral to that franchise and all cost a fortune. It is a global franchise that will spend more than 130m on it's release with a last entry that got close to 800m. That why, like you said they must really think twice and have a good hook if they ever do an other one.
  5. Like the previous 2 entry, I didn't like it as much as people seem to have. The score was really impressive, bold and confident like pretty much everything in this movie. A bit of a lesson on what the mpaa will let pass as PG-13 if you cut away soon enough. But the last third felt a bit contrived (or I didn't not understood the current state of the world, like humans were able to flight chopper all this time ? or what the army was eating all this year the way they were moving that easily, nor the presented situation very much) I did not understood the last action sequence very well, the time and space, the apes didn't achieve to make much ground it did seem to me, why were they still exposing themselve to bullet after all this time, why the donkey shot is grenade to the soldier instead of shooting the gaz tank just after the movie clearly show him understanding the plan, huge unnecessary risk that felt was there just to have the protagonist be the hero and have is awesome getting shot by the soldier moment. I did not understood the geography of the new army arriving and how the apes stuck between the 2 escaped and the avalanche cleaning everything felt like a Deux Ex type cop out. The wall building did seem to me to be of too low quality to spent all this time, trouble and resource into keeping the apes alive, specially in the context of fearing them and virus base cataclysm. Specially that they clearly show they still have internal combustion engine working. I felt they made the humans too mustache twisting cartoon villains, in the 1968 version no one is a villains, the donkeys too I'm not sure the movie sold their decision much (outside by talking about it, not showing). On the other way around they made the hero a very mixed one that abandon is surviving child to is rage, maybe that why they felt a need to push the villains side here. The apes a lot of the time felt weightless a bit, they look really good now but their movement and the environment reaction to their interaction and weight felt lacking. Some of the moment felt going toward the cheesy side I would have not cared one second for any of those, probably they would not even come to my mind if I would have like the movie more, still worth a watch with some good emotional moment.
  6. There is a lot of candidate: Cornetto back to the future Apu trilogy 3 Colors Men with no names / The Dollars Trilogy Human Condition Godfather Before trilogy Toy Story Evil Dead Dark Knight Bourne
  7. Wasn't the great review effect (if one exist) fully incorporated in the latest tracking, the embargo was really early.
  8. In the product placement for example, both have a lot of deals with a lot of similar player.
  9. But it is only 4 movie and Disney seem to be going for less than a movie a month, that leave a lot of release date for the others.
  10. Yeah you often hear people describing a movie has average and then give it a score way different than 5/10 at the end, like if average is 7/10 for them, because of the school system they grew up with were below 60% was failure and class average were between 70-80%. Studio is the RT percentage maybe for the reason said above, but mostly I would think because it is the most well known and followed by audience, and they chosen it over the competition, one reason is that it is the only movie metric that exist that really use all the wide range of result between 0 and 100, almost none other do (probably none).
  11. There is still movie getting between 40 and 75 rt score (depending of what you define as middle of the road) https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/valerian_and_the_city_of_a_thousand_planets/ https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/black_mass_2015 https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/miss_sloane https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_bfg_2016 https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/nocturnal_animals https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/avengers_age_of_ultron https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_secret_life_of_pets https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/trumbo https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/fantastic_beasts_and_where_to_find_them You can use : https://www.cinesift.com To easily last all of them in recent year's, Birth of a nation, the last Potter, Age of Ultron, Alien Covenant, Beauty and the beast, Cafe Society, Jurassic World, last 2 hunger games, Central Intellligence, Crimson Peak, Life, Cars 3, Man From Uncle, Fate of the furious, there is a list of giant title or giant director with middle of the road RT score. You could maybe take 500 recent title and break them down by category (0-20, 20-40, etc...) and do the exercise for movie from 2008 to 2010 and see if there is a shift in more all and nothing (with the best site above it would be easy), from a quick test it does not seem to be the case.
  12. I know "casuals" for who: RT score: change to have a good time in theater Average score: How good it is if I connect with it. Not that a disagree totally with the impression but that was not the point made for which I was responding at all, the person talked about critics reaction to the movie, not RT.
  13. That is mostly a misunderstanding of the RT score (arguably exclusively an misunderstanding of the RT score) The same percentage of critic think that SpiderMan Homecoming was a 6/10 or more movie than Dark Knight, that does not mean they graded the 2 the same. Dark Knight: 94% Average Rating: 8.6/10 Reviews Counted: 324 Fresh: 304 Rotten: 20 SMH 93% Average Rating: 7.6/10 Reviews Counted: 262 Fresh: 244 Rotten: 18 How much one is above to the average vs the other is significant, 8.6 v 7.6 is a lot.
  14. He still has 2 franchise title with a release date to recover even if that one fail with MI-6 and Top Gun 2, that an advantage actor have over director in that regard.
  15. They are fanboy driven, but much less than youtube video rants about a movie like that. But Apatow movies tend to have more starpower in them also (in one era were it clearly still matter is comedy), that make that one look more arthouse than those with Ferrel or something like Trainwreck. Maybe it is not at all in the actual content but not one have seen the movie before buying is ticket.
  16. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/02/24/movies/oscars-state-by-state-movie-popularity.html You can see some "black movie" being really popular in the south east of the US and less everywhere else (and vice versa for a movie like Arrival/Hell or high water)
  17. Not many, one of the exception: The Day After Tomorrow - Official® Trailer [HD] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku_IseK3xTc
  18. I have not seen everything, but I do not know the big hook and how it is different than the previous from what I saw (to be fair like I said I did keep away from trailers since I know that I will see it one day already)
  19. Soft reboot maybe, there is so many thousand of year between war and Planet of 1968, there is a lot of room to keep it in the same universe.
  20. In the past that would been really good for a 12m budget, to make 3.5 time that in domestic alone. As a resume of example of the past of high domestic, low intl movie by design: Prom night 43m dbo/ 13.2 foreign -> 79.5m total revenue, 1.41 it's world box office Strange than fiction 40.66m dbo / 13m foreign -> 90m total revenue, 1.67 it's world box office Death at the funeral 42.7 dbo / 6.3m foreign -> 93.744m total revenue, 1.91 it's world box office 30 Minute or less 37.7 dbo / 3.5m foreign -> 80.4m total revenue, 1.91 it's world box office Movie like those tended to do around 1.3 to 2 time their world box office in revenues during their lifetime, has the situation regressed to the point that it would not a really good performance to do 40m dbo for a 12m movie that used a plateforme release ?
  21. Looking at youtube views I suspected that it did match your point very well for cities (I have no knowledge except the biggest one for rep/democrate) That said with 80% of the population being urban (depending of the metric use) that was almost certain to be true.
  22. And Rises did it with midnight previews (1.25 million) Dawn starting at 10pm did 4.1m Fridays BO: Rises: 18.25 Dawn :23.545 War: would be 13m.... Could it be a misunderstanding and that the 18m figure would be for just friday and not the first 2 days ? (closer to a 23m OD like Dawn ?)
  23. Some did try to make some break down in movie popularity by US regions: http://www.thewrap.com/oscar-movies-popular-states-voted-trump-la-la-land-hacksaw-ridge/ It is not using actual box office, so it could misleading (would imagine you need some access to more precise data), but youtube views, they match well enough facebook mention methodology movies too: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/02/24/movies/oscars-state-by-state-movie-popularity.html Some surprise in there, La la land was very popular in southern California obviously but after that it was Utah/Idaho/Wisconsin were the movie was more popular by capita.
  24. That was almost 10 year's ago. But BvS did a lot last year Will probably end up being out of the top 10 annual domestic no ? and despite an has good/better reception and a great first weekend will do about 55% of what an upbeat Wonder Woman will do, it is an ambivalent example.
  25. Think is, the last one reception was not that far, not a batman begin to Dark Knight jump. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (and I would imagine some like IMDB/letterboxd were higher the week of the release): RT score: 90% / 7.9 average rating RT audience score: 88% IMDB: 7.7 went from 8.9 to 8.6 during the first weekend Letterbox: 7.4 MC : 79 War RT score: 94% / 8.2 average rating RT audience score: 91% IMDB: 8.3 Letterbox: 8.1 MC : 83 Twitter maybe became a bit more hyperbolic movie wise since ? because the critical/audience reception is really close between the 2 I think.
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