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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Reading about Uncle Ben's I am not sure how the origin are racist: Our namesake, Uncle Ben, was an African-American rice grower who harvested his rice with such care that he reaped honors for the full-kernel yields and quality. In fact, his rice was of such excellent quality that it came to represent the standard by which all other rice was judged. As the story goes, the proudest boast a rice grower could make was to claim his rice to be "as good as Uncle Ben's." Years later, Gordon L. Harwell launched a company offering to the public the same high-quality, nutritious rice he'd supplied to the armed forces in WWII through his company, Converted Rice, Inc. He chose the name "UNCLE BEN'S" to symbolize the high quality of his rice products. To this day, we preserve the standard that was set so many years ago by the Texas rice grower named Uncle Ben.
  2. Could be true that they have an hard time finding bail to pay: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/10/minneapolis-looters-released-jail-without-bail/ Seem like 98% of people get out bail free.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Comeback_Trail_(upcoming_film) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_with_Grandpa
  4. I was not able to get past 10 minutes of bird of prey so I could be talking out of my ass, but using it as a near miss for an best picture oscar nomination will not really be selling the point to many people. The article just boosted my imdb watchlist with nice title even if a disagree with the main point. I think the author have a mislead opinion about what the Oscar should be about, excellence, it is about a mix of excellence and prestige. There is hundreds of price about excellence way more than the more about prestige like Canne and Oscar award out there, how popular are they ? How much do they do for the little excellent movie they push ? Canne, Globes & The Oscar do a lot for movies because they are seen and prestigious, now that a debate but they are seen and prestigious because they are not just about artistic excellence and there is a balance to strike to achieve their many purpose: Promote the industry, motivate excellence from filmmaker, provide an marketplace that make some type of movies possible, that a line up like proposed would fail to achieve. Jury of movie that honor excellence tend to be paid or at least do not have to pay to do it, there is a long list of for excellence awards show, keep the Oscar about prestige and big, imo, make people discover the Moonlight/Parasite, because they are winning awards that The King Speech just won. And to keep the prestige side of it going, Canne/Oscar need to compromise star power, popularity, campaign, Dior-Channel into the equation and that what happen naturally anyway, you just need to not actively fight too much against it. Or at least keep achieving to please mass audience as part of what excellence mean in annual cinematic achievement (for the Oscars, they use the word best achievement instead of best of the year often in their language for a reason).
  5. I am not agreeing with the point that WB can cancel a film at just about any point legally. 1) Cancelling their involvement in a movie project isn't the same has cancelling a film (specially when it is the movie of a multi-billionaire of one of the most powerful franchise in the world) 2) Studio cannot cancel every film about any point legally, they tend to have some ending close that define under which scenario they can legally do that, studios obviously do not have to follow the law and often do not, but again that a different statement.
  6. I am not sure how much of this hold up in general (in general movies are not made but the studio), they often have the legal obligation to distribute and to pay for production, before the movie start production. You can still cancel (legal obligation are only that), specially if you have deep pocket: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-50369484#:~:text=Woody Allen settles %2468m lawsuit with Amazon over movie deal,-10 November 2019&text=Amazon argued that his comments,case against him in 1992. Or if your partner require to keep a good name with you or the industry, they will often not go to court, big player disrespect clear contract close all the time. Potter could be different and more like disney, it is a very rare non-disney modern case of a movie all financed by WB without much partnering going on, but with immensely powerful producers. But in the more generic case, studio obligation when very powerful people are attached to a project probably often look like this: https://wikileaks.org/sony/docs/03_03/RISKMGMT/Margie Salcido/Kate/Acq-to be entered/Columbia -American Hustle- Fully-Executed.pdf If the movie follow an accepted script, fit inside a pre-determined run time, with an accepted main element crew/cast, made in a budget rande, is delivered within the date, pass a required MPAA level, the money put in advanced in a fiduciary will be transferred to pay the debt the production incurred and will be distributed to the amount of theater before date X, outside a force majeure event or "else". Section 13 describe event that cause a Default that liberate them of their obligation.
  7. Not sure about that. Take Dwayne Johnson Red Notice, when Universal walked out the movie was not cancelled, they had the ability to sell it around. In the past those movies were made under a first look deal I think, they could not look around for an other financer-distributor before pitching the script to WB that were able to say yes first. Considering how strong as a position Rowling had in 2013 when negotiating this deal and how protective of the movie/property she has been historically, it would not surprise me if : WB cannot do a movie she does not approve Can start make them elsewhere if WB walk out of them (a bit like Marvel win back the Spider adaptation right the moment Sony stop making large budget Spider Man movies but in even better term).
  8. I imagine that is true because if they ever do start to bother people (ask for society to pay for something, ask for workspace to accommodate something, ask people to call them the something special, force veterinarian to commit medical act on them), etc..... I would imagine we will rapidly hear about it a lot of online money to do with the first few anecdotal case.
  9. Wonder how much of a say WB has in this versus Heyday films, in the past at least they were barely involved in the movies production side between the moment they approved a script to seeing a first rough cut. Maybe it change for the Fantastic Beast iteration
  10. really good, but really strange at the same time (saying who cares about what he has to say, that he will continue to shut up about it while talking a long time talking about it on the world's biggest platform release just after saying that,...)
  11. It is considered to be one of the best movie ever made by a large amount of non white people, notably by 12% of adult african american that has seen it: I would imagine in big part for the leads love story.
  12. Maybe for the specific project/genre, because Gadot is at least B+ (and A in a certain genre) For the target audience, Benning-Branagh could be B (specially in the UK), but you are right it is a step down from the assemble of the first one that did so well (Depp, Pfeiffer, Cruz, Dafoe, Ridley and maybe the most important for the genre Dench). That said I doubt the audience for this hate Gadot for her video and have any idea what you are referring too for Hammer.
  13. I imagine you can find some but not many, it was simply by far the path of least resistance to a demand that was not engineered by the studio/right owner.
  14. Strong measure can go both ways communicate risk, but if the risk are already well known it can communicate that it will be somewhat safe because of the strong measure and help the business attract people, like having mandatory mask at costco.
  15. I feel VOD/HBO target audience is a bit older/richer than other more popular affair like SVOD, it was the favorite movie of the 50-68 in 2014. In 2014, http://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/5bh4hvl9d5/econTabReport.pdf, A giant 30% of american aged 18-29 remember having seen the movie, 47% for the 30-44, 76% for the 45-64. Among those who remember seeing it those who find if good, very good or one of the best movie of all time vs percentage of those who said it was not very good or worst: 18-29: 61% / 16% 30-44: 87% / 0% 45-64: 83% / 3% 65+: 95% / 1%
  16. It is possibly the movie with the most fans in the USA and very popular worldwide, it aged incredibly well unlike say a Citizen Kane more like Casablanca/it's a wonderful life/Titanic, it is often the old release that make the most in theater: https://theharrispoll.com/it-may-have-premiered-75-years-ago-but-it-would-appear-that-wind-has-still-got-legs-when-asked-to-name-their-favorite-movie-of-all-time-the-septuagenarian-civil-war-epic-gone-with-the-wind-is-ameri/ What is your favorite movie of all time? Unprompted responses Base: All adults 2008 2014 Gone with the Wind 1 1 Star Wars 2 2 Titanic 3 The Godfather 9 4 Lord of the Rings 4 5 The Sound of Music 5 6 Dirty Dancing 7 Wizard of Oz 6 8 It’s a Wonderful Life 9 E.T. 10
  17. Yes but like for your Dark Phoenix example, not necessarily because they do not care about Marvel/X-Men anymore, I doubt the interest for some Hobbit sequel/spin off is there, that not saying that the interest for the middle earth franchise is nill.
  18. Source ? https://www.forbes.com/sites/csylt/2019/06/30/revealed-the-worlds-fastest-growing-theme-park/#4fc949f55cd9 https://www.mugglenet.com/2019/07/potter-magic-has-cast-a-spell-on-theme-park-attendance/ https://www.goodreads.com/book/most_read ( Books marked as finished on Goodreads this week) Audible best sellers The Tales of Beedle the Bard, at #15 https://www.audible.com/adblbestsellers?ref=a_adblbests_c5_pageNum_0&pf_rd_p=e1595489-c152-4314-a5d7-ed60b7e2ecc8&pf_rd_r=796D5VW7BMC1R1PCK5Y9&page=1 The potters still showing up: https://www.audible.com/adblbestsellers?ref=a_adblbests_c5_pageNum_1&pf_rd_p=e1595489-c152-4314-a5d7-ed60b7e2ecc8&pf_rd_r=YTP7SZMD478DSKFRG2A7&page=2 https://www.the-numbers.com/home-market/packaged-media-sales/2020 https://www.the-numbers.com/home-market/packaged-media-sales/2019 Collection in 2020/2019 still selling similar to the giant phenomenom that was Game of Thrones Arguably quite below average movies sequel of an average movie to start with with kind of a weak link to the franchise in some ways made 655m at the BO. That seem quite pushing it.
  19. Seem to different subject conflated, where would you need to present a certificate to enter a bathroom ?
  20. That sound like a strawmen, she said: A man who intends to have no surgery and take no hormones may now secure himself a Gender Recognition Certificate and be a woman in the sight of the law. Many people aren’t aware of this. Reading the rebutal to her claim, start with the word But: https://variety.com/2020/biz/news/j-k-rowling-trans-issues-sexual-assault-survivor-1234630367/ But according to official government materials, applicants for the Gender Recognition Certificate must be 18 or over, diagnosed with gender dysphoria, lived in their “acquired gender for at least 2 years,” and “intend to live in your acquired gender for the rest of your life.” Further, applicants “must provide medical evidence” of their gender dysphoria diagnosis from a registered doctor or psychologist. But seem to say that she is perfectly right, there do not seem to have any condition that require transition surgery or transition hormonal treatment.
  21. Not sure how much the writer did choose the title (the article is not even attempting to demonstrate white suprematisme has to do in 2020) It is a very weak correlation argument but Isn't white majority country tend to be by a good amount where transgender is the most accepted by society ? https://spartacus.gayguide.travel/blog/spartacus-gay-travel-index/ In the USA for example: Democrats’ views also differ by race and ethnicity. Some 55% of black Democrats and 41% of Hispanic Democrats say a person’s gender is determined by their sex assigned at birth, a view shared by just 24% of white Democrats. White Democrats (68%) are also more likely to say that society hasn’t gone far enough in accepting transgender people, compared with 46% of black Democrats and 50% of Hispanic Democrats.
  22. Make sense, I doubt they could have achieved to do it without good reasons like those.
  23. You are certainly right for Ontario (and Alberta): https://www.thespec.com/news/ontario/2019/01/07/free-speech-policies-now-in-effect-at-ontario-s-colleges-and-universities.html Not sure it is true abroad Canada in general, for example: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-controversial-nova-scotia-professor-rick-mehta-fired-after-fire-storm/
  24. That sound a bit of an easy statement to made, there is a ridiculous high amount of university in the USA does any tenure teacher fired in an American university for that type of talk occured ? I do not imagine it would be common in the over 4,000 college in the US for someone with that level of job protection to be fired for this. Lindsay Shepherd was an graduate student and lost her teaching assistant gig, different than the Alberta tenure teacher (Jordan Peterson was never fired for example, because of how strong that job protection statue is in the anglo-saxon world).
  25. Teniard in the university concept is supposed to be a good protection against that (I imagine that why she is keeping her teaching job)
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