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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Know little about the situation, but at first I feel like the idea of safety concern (felt that the teacher point of view would motivate a follow anthropology student would attack them, really ?) is either a lie or a moral panic one that would be laugh at if a pro-life supporter said a teacher made them unsafe because of their view on abortion and should probably laugh at here as well. But then again having been in her class maybe it would be clearer. But, the part saying that she had a sign on her office door explaining her views sound like her boss could have been looking for excuse to reprimand her for a while not for the content of her class but surrounding distraction creating activities, specially for the nature of the role she is getting out of.
  2. Netflix stream in many country is terrible, but it is not necessarily because they play on resolution. A 30 Mbs 720p stream would not look blurry at all on a 55 inch (nor a movie theater screen). There is no limit on how ugly a 4K movie can look you can compress it to be way less good looking than an dvd and we have never seen just how good a 720p could look either. Unlike sound we didn't push the quality of digital display media transfert to it's maximum. Some of netflix and other streaming lately went under DVD quality.
  3. resolution and bitrate are quite different, I have no doubt that Netflix simply is streaming low bitrate 4K (an error to do so, a 720p with a similar bitrate being probably a better choice but they do because clients are paying extra). On a 55 inch seeing a difference between similar bitrate 1080p and 4K isn't obvious except being sitting at less than 5 feet from the screen, but in general people prefer the 1080p imagine: https://www.tek.no/test/i/wP06nA/blindtest-4k Your movie theater screen is often 2K after all, even Imax one. Netflix 1080p could look better than their current 4K stream, but a nice 25 mbs (or 30-40-50-60-80 Mbits) 1080p would be harder to sell than a lesser looking 25Mbits 4K option marketing wise.
  4. Abortion, euthanasia, economics, gun rights, voting age, what territory should be a country, how to handle climate change, how to handle a pandemy there is about no mainstream debate that can be settle by science, this is not particular to this one. Even reconstructing ideas around sex and gender will not tend to close hard question debate (what to do with a young child, sports, etc...) that are far from being scientific questions.
  5. I doubt that realistic or more than 1% of the people actually want it (if you go to a peaceful protest and ask people if they want police disbanded I am really not sure it would be popular). I feel like the cause is much more: - Police qualified immunity - Police level of formation (here it is 3 year's of school + special police school intense training, in the USA it is really low) - Police union strength (correlation between police violence and the strenght of their union protecting them is really strong) - Police demilitarization If demilitarization save enough money to pay for #2 and buy r how much it would cost to removing number #3, maybe you can defund, but for better police people need to be open to pay more not less.
  6. That was so much of no where (not on google, not on imdb....) and exceptionnal to have 2 movies that I had to check the article in the link, it is because they are not movies, those are 2 episode of is upcoming tv mini-series : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3464896/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_1
  7. Normally if you need to be in jail (imminent threat of violence, flight risk, etc...) you will not receive a bail deal by the state.
  8. It is so weird I had to check, wonder if we not in a strange era that the Oscar will get more respected than RottenTomatoes by a certain crowd.
  9. Pushed is false map a bit too much with Utah streaming Boogies nights more than any big Disney+/netflix release is a nice thought, I imagine public information and statistics society is made up but sound real enough or Green Lantern..... That said I imagine there is a joke with the title/theme of the movie with the state said here that I just do not get not being american.
  10. That a bit of an exaggeration at least as long Disney cannot (or is not ready) to buy theater they obviously do in normal time, otherwise why was Disney respecting the theatrical window, why Disney was not asking and getting 65% on all their release ? They are a necessary link between them and billions at the box office.
  11. Or a series, Alexander mother in itself. I will try to watch this in no so long as well, very just learned recently about the Soprano aspects of that family, having bought the Hardcore History podcast series for the pandemy podcast listening.
  12. They did open the door to make that possible right ?: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Paramount_Pictures,_Inc.#Effort_to_Terminate_the_Paramount_decrees Are they still going for an opening weekend type of release ?, I would have thought they could have changed it for a tuesday one or something, but maybe it make more sense for multiplex theater to be able to be close than fully open instead of low business all the time even if it would be more secure. I could imagine the reduced capacity being an issue in single-2 screen theater and IMAX but not for the large multiplex certainly, if this play 80 times in a multiplex a Saturday like an Avengers/Star wars, even at 20% of the seat available it could be not too far for what a Tenet would have usually got in seat by day (if not more) and it should be expecting less audience than usually.
  13. Apparently tv was watched extremely more: https://www.mlive.com/coronavirus/2020/05/covid-19-tv-habits-show-a-staggering-change-in-viewing-hours-and-what-were-watching.html But: https://qz.com/1824422/coronavirus-has-stopped-the-decline-of-broadcast-tv-ratings/ It went into watching news that had some best in decade rating (could be a competition to other type of content). Americans are always been a bit on the crazy side in term of watching a lot of tv but those numbers: MORE WEEKLY CONTENT According to the data from Comcast, the average household is watching TV at least 8 hours more per week. That’s a full workday more. In early March 2020, the average household watched 57 hours of content per week. That’s now up to 66 hours a week.
  14. Prediction on what a movie will do for me sound almost impossible to do, we can try to use the latest movie drops just before theater close as a limited data set, but it seem really chaotic with how low it could be, how leggy it could be or not at all, I have very little hunch.
  15. It is a gray zone, it is probably in principle illegal but much harder to apply versus a regular download. Say you watch on youtube something that had is copyright infringed, it is in a way has illegal than what described above. That in part why it got so popular over torrent (that and it is way simpler for unaware tech, you do not even have to install anything you can buy the device with already the setting changed and the apps installed)
  16. I heart Huckabees was probably not shoot when they wanted to start that shoot (and started to cast right after 3 kings) if the story is true at all: https://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/19/movies/the-nudist-buddhist-borderlineabusive-lovein.html I doubt you get to even try to bully a now star Batman director about giant studio's movies casting. Or the media got the coverage wrong and movie project mixed up, because yes the era where he wanted to make the Prestige juste before Batman would fit directly with I Heart release date.
  17. And he play the movie director in Inception I think: https://screenrant.com/inception-movie-christopher-nolan-characters-actors-meaning-confirmed/ Jude Law was cast for the Memento lead role I think.
  18. Out is an important variable here, theater is getting back inside in many ways..... Beach, terrasse, camping will be more popular than theater I would imagine. Still it show state pretty much gaining around 8-20% people back in just 8-10 days after opening, could easily be 50% in just a month and close to normal by early-mid july.
  19. If you would have torrented doom how much more of your monthly limit that would have gone ? Any legal download (would it be Netflix or your game you bought) vs torrent can rarely be explained by monthly cap. Good quality 1080p torrent bluray rip are about the same size, I do not imagine a streamer made to be run on very weak hardware like a smart TV to be better than the best modern compression made to be run on powerful device. If someone is streaming content in 4K, datacap is probably not the reason (if Internet neutrality is still going on in the USA, in the Canada there is no Internet neutrality and Internet provider can if they want not count youtube-netflix-regular tv via the web in people data cap). Has for the library, like you said many watch only one time and TV content would be the most popular (in that case no need to keep a library), more complicated to do than simply press play on your smart TV for the richest people on earth already use to spend huge money on content is probably a big reason why, law being more serious about it because people are pirating American made stuff a lot being an other one (and American taking stealing more seriously than many other culture). Japan for example do not do it, I do not imagine it is necessarily because of lesser monthly data plan. Or take a much clearer example, torrenting music vs streaming it, even in a place like Canada where it is not illegal to do so, someone that stream music (legally for free on youtube or spotify or paying for it) instead of torrenting it is certainly not because of data plan (mobile data cost way more than pre-downloading it) or because a collection of music need a complex multiple large hard drive.
  20. Considering Netflix/Disney+ popularity in that market I am not sure that much of the issue (torrent fan take no data cap options), with ott streaming you use data for every watch, with torrent it is a one time deal: https://www.allconnect.com/blog/internet-service-providers-with-data-caps They pretty much have an unlimited offer and modern data cap seem to be 150 GB and up.
  21. It is the windows difference, people are ready to pay more to have it in advance. I imagine bluray will have a good delay Illegal streaming got really popular instead of illegal downloads it is in term of law facing consequence judged quite safer, it got so popular that they sold pre made android illegal stream box for it, free youtube and OTT at low price are also big competitor to illegal content, USA has the richest people on earth for country with not a very small population use to spend a fortune on their TV/movie (the average cable user in the US spent $100 US monthly on it and you could think that cable/satellite would be niche in that country considering the very rich and generous free TV offering they have and high cable price, no it is still ultra popular). That said the USA in absolute numbers is still the country with the most traffic in piracy sites (at least still was in 2018), almost twice as india (maybe not by high bandwidth/data cap internet people): https://www.statista.com/statistics/786046/media-piracy-site-visits-by-country/ # Country Billion visits 1 United States 17.38 2 Russia 14.468 3 India 9.589 4 France 7.339 5 Turkey 7.335 6 Ukraine 6.126 7 Indonesia 6.075 8 United Kingdom 5.75 9 Germany 5.356 They change a lot country to country in a lot of country it is not even illegal to stream pirated content and in some like Canada it is not illegal to download pirated music and in term of application most country do not really apply them (in Canada internet provider refuse to give info to studio about who client IP addresses is responsible for the downloads)
  22. That a VOD price for the first week, Avengers End Game bluray before it release in theater could have sold a big amount. It is maybe more rational to wait for a $1 redbox or free torrent if you have the bandwidth, it is a long time determined that agents are not rational.
  23. I am not sure what you mean about not making sense. Certainly not for Universal considering the amount (they can rent it-sell it again to the same customer, someone said that in the UK many family did rent it multiple time, not sure how true that was). And hard to argue for the customer, it made sense for millions of them. For you and me, obviously it make no sense, but it we would have never considered buying it on digital or physical either.
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