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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I think that something that explore, specially if ownership is not really close to ownership (i.e. need the D+ account to play it and in a short windows you get into the same case than all users anyway). I feel they will either augment the gap between early buyer and non buyer or lower the price.
  2. Russia, UK, Canada ? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10362466/releaseinfo
  3. Are you suggesting that he will play spiderman all is life every 2-3 year's until retirement and that Sony-Marvel will never get into a fight for 50 year's ? (that do sound less and less crazy, but still quite something to predict)
  4. Not sure I agree with Captain Marvel that show up often in this thread RT: Avg: 6.8/10, 79% positive, 6.26/10 from Top Critics with 64% positives Audience: 48% positive, 2.89/5 average IMDB: 6.9/10 Metacritic: metascore: 6.4 / 10 User Score: 3.2 And it is being called overrated by a lot of people in this thread as well (an other side, that it is probably not the case) There obviously some trolling crashing score campaign that is going on, but even from official critics that sound perfectly reasonable for what it was a 6/7 on 10 type of popcorn summer movie, I could be biased because it was on my favorite side of the MCU (could be due to seeing it in theater versus many other on tv), felt almost more on the underrated than overrated at this point. Toy Story 4 mentioned just above fit much more the bill for me, Us Ford V Ferrari John Wick 3 (all John wick after the first half of the first movie) could also be in that conversation I feel like, from the critics reception side, Ad Astra maybe (like mentioned above certainly not by audience).
  5. Certainly airlines do not have yet competition in many scenarios where there is no TGV like theater has from home ent and plane cost so much and cannot do anything else, that there always a buyer at a low enough price, movie theater in a good location can always use the land for something else. And for theater, they make sense if the feature length type of storytelling stay popular, maybe that will not be the case, maybe it is not that people will watch movie at home, maybe in 2050 that 1h10-3h00 format will stop to exist all together outside some niche affair, the either short video or the mini and long series type being popular. But streaming has being going for a while in music and the close to album format and close to radio song length format are still popular, historically momentum is really strong, that transition is more in the 30-50 year's than the 10-15 year's. The fancy giant expensive cinemas yes and maybe the door to the prestige affair a la broadway-opera is close to them, theater sitting and structure is maybe the near future of movie theater, but that a worst case scenario bar I feel like, not them disappearing that fast.
  6. Even if related that a bit of 2 different issues, like when airlines goes down after 9-11 or now that does not mean that Air travel stop in the next 10-15 year's, it shift ownership of those asset (and make Buffet a lot of money). All big cinema chains could declare bankruptcy and we could have movie theater more popular in 15 years than now, that a possible scenario, owned by restructured similar chain, new chain or movies studios/big money tech a la Apple/Amazon/Msft or a mix (say a population that has so much screen time at home that want to take a break for them but that phone dependency destroyed their other hobbies). Until the actual multiplex theater is physically transformed into something else it is not really a death one yet and unlike the one screen small one I imagine it is quite something to transform them in something else. The multiplex that already spent the money to go digital, a bit like airplanes are the type of asset that could change hands instead of shutting down.
  7. Not necessarily, bonus structure for both project can be quite different, say he got around a $4M + 10% to $5M + 15% for the joker, that getting a $50M to $70M payday. Cameron Diaz Bad Teacher deal ended up being maybe bigger than any non RDJ actor got for a single movie in MCU history. Successful franchise sequel money tend to be extremely different than non sequel one, the power dynamic is completely shifted (I doubt you get gross point on that Marvel film deal, really easily possible on that sequel DC movies). And density matter a lot (on how many year of work, engagement, how many junket tour....) it is not just overall money without considering when the flow come in. Imagine he was offered $5M by major role appearance with some pre-made bonus (say $1M for each $50M at the WW BO after 550) on Marvel and $1M for small role appearance, that can get beat by the regular non sequel 90s star deal of 20M+10% goss.
  8. Dunkirk in the UK is a very special case because of the movie historic connection, Interstellar was bigger Intl ($466m to Dunkirk $330m) and made $31M in the UK even Inception was not $80m in the UK. I think using a mix of Dunkirk/Interstellar with a market by market point of view is the way to go, $25M in the UK would not be necessarily underperforming, that Once Upon a time..... in Hollywood level during a pandemy. 80M is not far than what Endgame did in the UK, it is more than the last Star Wars.
  9. Well that would have been probably true without COVID happening, were there any random original $200M movie planned for 2020-2021-2022 ? That something Nolan get or Disney Animation-Pixar (making them not random), not something that exist much. Has for 150M one, did the Red Notice/Irishman model disappear with this situation ? (Maybe, has Netflix do not have to compete use giant budget to attract talent and projects has much)
  10. Everything I named is yet to be in production no ? I did try to look before for my example to make sure they were not already in production affair and made sure to not use movie that already had started to shoot but had to take a break for covid measure. That I doubt, Pixar models of having thousand of employee releasing very few movies a year make them inherently ultra costly, if you start a pixar movie project now you have a between 2024/2026 release in mind, they could very well assume that COVID will be fully in our past by then.
  11. To make this clear, you are predicting there is absolutely no way, no scenario that the production of Guardian of the Galaxy 3 or Thor 4 or Black Panther 2 or Aquaman 2 or Captain Marvel 2 or a Pixar movie start before a movie make near 1 billion in theater ? (And that Netflix will profit of the occasion to reduce talent cost and make cheaper movies, that make sense). So under that prediction it is impossible that we learn that the next Spider Man production will start until a movie reach a giant mark ? If not we will learn that the planned fall shoot will be reported ? I think that for the safest franchise sequel (that will have by now 2022 release date), that they will go for it.
  12. She own the brand, no ? They need her to keep being involved, a bit like Lucas before he sold. In her first deal she had blocking rights and after all the billions and how big Potter became after that first deal, her new deal must have been even better and at a minimum she has total control on what happen in that franchise movie wise.
  13. It depend how one define money looser and direct sequel but Inferno is one, Sony did loose 26M on Angels & Demon, but that was less than the 62.25M Hanks, Howard and co. got in first dollar gross bonus. On this one I am not sure Scream 4 was a money loser, almost $100M for a Weinstein release in 2011, if it loose money it must have been marginal, it could even have made some money. A bit the same for Tokyo drift, that was a 2006 release an absolute peak in Hollywood history in revenues, in those days it was possible to break even at 1.4x your budget at the box office under some circumstance, I am not sure that lost money, a movie like Nicolas Cage Ghost Rider for example made a little 32 M in profit despite a 140M production budget + participation, with a $230M box office, it was a different time in a DVD bubbles. Some could for example give Hellboy 2 has an example, but Sony turned a small profit on the first one.
  14. And Universal for international. Under the Sony deal/model into which Sony didn't saw any of the post theatrical revenues, the release would not made sense from their point of view I would have imagined. Under the Universal deal they are rumored to be in charge of HomeEnt has well, but I would imagine that like for Sony it was a low margin affair for the distributor, Bond 24 needed to make 524.5M WW for Sony to break even, 1.546B WW to make have gross margin of 10.2%. Considering the different force in place 2 distributor vs the producers and their relative power (say if all the hit of a bad domestic release goes purely on Annapurna-MGM, maybe Universal could push for something that make no sense overall for the movie but do for them), maybe it could surprise us, more players can make it harder to predict.
  15. Old thread, but the fact that Operas are still going strong and theater still goes on even if they are not what they were on their peeks, show that the easy answers is yes. And looking how much a movie like Tenet can do in some markets during a world pandemy leave little doubt to me. For an extremelly short term like 10-15 year's, would they continue to be massively mainstream or more what theater-opera is today is a better question imo, vynils and Dvds still exist, existing is such a low bar.
  16. That would be a good (and better) way to define it as well, but it is harder to know a writer target audience intend versus looking at the result how much it is popular with teens, in some case like Tolkien he said explicitly that he wrote The Hobbits for is kids, making it explicitly YA. I am not sure you can be grossly mistaken, it is not scientific at all, same goes for Horrors or not (2001 a space odyssey play has an horror movie to some people) The American Library Association has classed Dune has Young Adult, NPR did, most people here that talk about it and I read it before the movie project was announced I would venture to guess read it before turning 20, but those are fuzzy and like for Lord of The Rings, YA adjacent, it does not score 100 on the scale like a Hobbits, Star Wars Phantom Menace, Harry Potter or Hunger Games, but it is not close to 0 either.
  17. Not sure what does that have to do with YA, Hobbit, Harry Potter are great writing and the most popular YA novels of all time
  18. I am not sure of the opposition your are trying to make, YA or not has nothing to do with being good or not, it just mean teens and young adult in a significant number are attracted to the material, like Hobbit, LOTR or Harry Potter. There is 0 judgment on value attached to that term a bit like calling something SCI-FI or epic.
  19. It is YA adjacent at the very least (like a Lord of the Ring is) https://www.npr.org/2012/08/07/157795366/your-favorites-100-best-ever-teen-novels Ask yourself, at what age did you decide to read this ? Villeneuve read that when he was a teenager himself. It is a book massively popular among teen and it involve a young lead character and is quest toward adulthood.
  20. Female editor is not enough, but I get the point that 2 department head will be common: Casting Director, Cinematographer, Composer, Costume Designer, Director, Editor, Hairstylist, Makeup Artist, Producer, Production Designer, Set Decorator, Sound, VFX Supervisor, Writer Many of those like Casting, MakeUp, Hair is probably quite female/LGBTQ+ heavy. If a film like Locke pass, then I am not sure there is much point to those rules.
  21. For a studio sure (like you said regardless of the movie they could all start with 2 of 4 in, maybe that the rules are even irrelevant for them). Imagine if a movie Locke was considered an American movie, would he be ineligible in the best picture category ?
  22. *If you exclude the mission impossible one or one of the absolute biggest movie phenomenon of the 2010 that was The Greatest Showman. Colin Farrell lost that status of kiss of death in supporting role a good while ago.
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