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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Has anyone seen Monster Truck or Gods of Egypt ? ... ... Also, apparently it is much much harder to do attrition than addition on human with CGI, and that seem to prove that rules of thumb:
  2. Captain Marvel was a movie particularly free of any politics message (we are far from Casablanca / Gone With the Wind / Top Gun or even Batman V Superman), has for the no one want it: Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $374,133,563 36.0% + Foreign: $664,099,896 64.0% = Worldwide: $1,038,233,459 Or maybe I missed it (not being American make that easy), what politics were inserted here (free college, medicare for all, stopping supporting Israel, building the wall/limiting immigration being favoring finding a new home to refugee instead of welcoming them , breaking big techs ?), if that what pass for politically charged movie nowadays they really did become quite toothless.
  3. This is not really the same thing at all the real economical gap between gender is the annual average/median gap (that the real gap) and an relevant metric./subject, the reason why does not empty the question, but bring new one. Same for say cops shooting, study show that you are not more likely to be shot if you are black when you are arrested, that do not empty the shooting gap question. This is just a strange comparable, imagine someone saying Ocean 8 open at 41m, The Revenant under 40m in one particular market and are seen has a big success but Ghostbuster open at 46m in some particular market and is seen has a failure...
  4. That a good question, I imagine not that different than when HBO play a movie made by WB or ABC a movie made by Disney, the TV segment of the company will give the movie production company a certain amount that is some "market fare value" (maybe what would it have got from Netflix at the starting year's) ?
  5. The rules of thumb tended to be around 2006: 2 time your production cost, movie is a nice success, for an extreme example of that era: https://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=gridirongang.htm Gridiron Gang Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $38,432,823 92.7% + Foreign: $3,048,028 7.3% = Worldwide: $41,480,851 Production Budget: $32.95 million, with a 50m marketing budget Sony made money on that (almost 3 thousand bucks) and the third party partners lost only 7m Post DVD crash: 2009-2014, 2 time (production budget + participation bonus) you usually broke even. But it depend a lot of the markets, the budget range, a little bit on the genre, in recent year's who knows but looking at 2017 movie release projection: A movie with a 30m budget and a 70m release budget like Clooney / Roberts Money Monster can need to make 2.35 it's budget while a, a 50m movie with a 100m release cost could need to make 2.76 time the budget, while a 200m movie with a 165m release cost can need to make only 2 time it's budget.
  6. That is almost impossible to say, we do not know Shazam production budget, I do not know how Johnson Seven buck / New Line / Peter Safran deal look like on this. For WB, could be around 155m, could be around 235m.
  7. The Equalizer budget with participation bonus was about 79-80m, they spent around 80m on it's world release not counting the future windows marketing spending. A 160M type of real budget. It made 192m WW or 60% of Shazam break even point estimate, not only did it got a sequel but one with a larger budget. 80m + 80 WW P&A would be quite a small budget for a movie opening like this.
  8. I imagine new here (looking at the post count), welcome to the box office theory message board. He is indeed so much of a fanboy that he teach DC screenwriting seminar according to is linked page. Marketing could not have been much less than 80m for such a movie with worldwide ambitions could end up around 90m, I really doubt a mid budget movie like that need to make 300m just to break even, specially how domestic heavy it is playing. Shazam was probably around the cost of say Grown Ups 2 for a comedy in that price range (that had a 93.5m net budget and a 70m marketing budget), that made 62m in profit with a 247m box office run and started to break even between 165m and 180m. At 80m that the first grown up movie budget, that The Magnificent Seven / Jack Reacher 2 a bit higher than 22 Jump Street, do you think those movies were greenligth with the studio thinking we need to make 400m+ for them to be good investment because at 290m they were still maybe loosing them money ?
  9. Forbes is not reliable at all about movie entertainment stuff figures, when it is Forbes they tend to write it small somewhere those are just gross estimate (highest paid athlete, stars, etc...), when it is collaborator I would imagine near 0 reliable, my bet no one at Forbes did any work on a collaborator blog post and said collaborator: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markwhughes Never worked either in movies production/distribution (or movies at all). No more than $40M in marketing for a big wide world release seem quite impossible, will probably end up spending more than that in just one country.
  10. I doubt the Chinese government care about the MPAA ratings that much (if at all). They often get released from The Revenants, Blader Runner 2049, Elysium, Logan to Kingsman... I imagine the studios would have not burned a slot for most of the R movie that are not released even if they would made the PG-13 cut in the US.
  11. Probably not a typo, could have been back in the days that I made and run my own application that was fetching fandango sales, not knowing about the website doing it.
  12. https://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=wolfwarrior2.htm Production Budget: $30.1 million Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $2,721,100 0.3% + Foreign: $867,604,339 99.7% = Worldwide: $870,325,439 I imagine cheapest 700m, ET cheapest 800m, Wolf warrior 2 cheapest 900M will be this one cheapest 1000m Jurassic Park
  13. Acclaimed being a bit of a big word, going for well receive (green on MC). First Conjuring, Split, Don't breathe and A quiet place, Get Out, Borderline case: Annihilation (more sci-fi), Cabin in the woods (more comedy, but so was Get Out and It), Black Swan (thriller), Crimson Peak (Gothic romance), 1408 (was more than 10 year's ago by now already)
  14. I think that Us playing more like a franchise movie than an original, because the Horror genre kind of is at this point (to the point we are using IT multiplier in the conversation). Since the Will Smith days, there is not much live action film comparable to judge the legs of such a big opener (Avatar was too a long time ago and obviously an outlier and American Sniper did it with a platform release / award season play). Is it not well liked or it did find it;s very hyped audience right away like a Civil War did without them being able to bring less interested people in, always a bit hard to say but the comscore data did seem to indicate the later.
  15. Estimate of who ?, deadline had Thursday: https://deadline.com/2019/04/shazam-pet-sematary-weekend-box-office-opening-1202588955/ A lack of familiarity with the character abroad is not expected to have a major impact. Sources are seeing the international opening in the $100M range with some more aggressive figures up as high as $120M. All in a global blast-off between $145M-$170M. A day ago isn't an old post, come-on now you seem unhinged.
  16. If it is not a bug, selling $55M after 2014 for a 2011 release would be extremely impressive. First Thor / Iron Man 1-2, Batman Begin, Dark Knight, have been stuck for a very long time, would not surprise me to see some similar boost to them.
  17. That interesting, what is the average screen size, if it is 150 ticket and the average price quite high during a movie like first weekend it could mean Say a 55m previews, it would mean that the weekend capacity of 12,000 screen would be about 350m (350 * .7 = 245m). That $29,166 per screen, at $10 ticket average and 150 seat by screen average, that would be 19-20 show during the weekend by screen. I imagine those movie get all the biggest screen and the biggest ticket price, so it could be more $12, 180 seats for a 13 shows by screen average. Sound reasonable imo.
  18. The Netflix equivalent in China, is making revenues in China somewhat close to Netflix in the US this year, I am not so sure it is still a case of studio making only 22-23% of the BO at that's it like 5 year's ago. Specially with the rumored buy out price we see talked around, post theatrical could be existing by now. And even just pure bo return wise, a 25m from China would be more than 20% of the profits of almost any movies and still a big deal.
  19. That was a bit of a strange era for WB production budget, at the time the movie were sold to a Bank that owned them and were leasing them back to Warner Brother, making them UK production and actively participating to a massive tax break (that became a little bit of a scandal). I think that was the bank shell company for BB: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/04985705/filing-history That would be Goblet of fire: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/05039001 https://www.metacritic.com/company/patalex-iv-productions-limited I am not surprised that era is filled with unknown budget (putting 150m filler type) despite the very "public" nature of them, but Begin do look quite more expensive than that.
  20. Johnson is rumored to be a profit participation type of deals (like most newer stars I think), no first dollar gross: https://www.businessinsider.com/the-rock-dwayne-johnson-salary-for-a-single-movie-2018-3 If it was the same for Rampage, is back end does not make the break even point move, but they are movies with 50% of the profit not going toward the studio pockets in exchange.
  21. I imagine Poppins was a bit more expensive than that: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/09950815/filing-history Using today exchange rate, 142m after tax credit by the end of august 2018. 172m dbo too, not bad at all.
  22. I think the profits deadline champion list should put Disney budget in perspective, I am not sure how exact every movie budget are exactly but if they are in the gross zone it would make a lot of sense for Disney to "buy in advance the movie profit" instead of keeping the cost and risk down in exchange of a profit participation. A bit of what they do in term of partnership/investor, they do not take much if any of them to keep all the profits, I suspect they do a bit of the same with the people / production studio that work on those movies, more upfront money, bigger payday for the studio when it work. Blum often make movie that cost over 100m but with the risk of a low budget one. Something you can afford when the batting average get that high.
  23. I wonder how true is that rumor, I would imagine that if true a lot of the set piece were already decided / started before he even started writing the filling minutes between them ? Wasn't tele that said that it was almost impossible for that rumors to be true ? He signed to write SS to the very latest in September 2014 (when it became public), shooting started in April 2015, I am not sure what 6 weeks to write a screenplay would exactly mean in that context, we want a V1 by mid November 2014 so we can start prepping the set piece ? That sound possible, but that would not exactly mean ready to shoot.
  24. That exactly the keep it small enough strategy. Wasn't Aquaman full of previous movie reference, the population did seem to know who he was and everything,
  25. Because they contain world changing realities, if something big happen where and what Superman doing will be on people mind. That one big issue with those shared universe you either have to find convoluted way and loose actual movie time explaining why others are not helping, or keep it small enough or have a % of your audience asking themselves why is this not big enough for the justice league to call each others.
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