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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. I was extremely hesitant, but now maybe this might actually be for me. Haven't liked an MCU thing in a few years, but this sounds delightful.
  2. You're implying every critic who thought it was messy automatically didn't like the movie, that's not how this works.
  3. Watch it get good reviews and he... doesn't backtrack at all because he said people had a lot of fun with it lol. The hell are you talking about?
  4. Breaking suspension of disbelief is when the world of the film has existed before the movie starts. Apparently.
  5. Jesus, I remember a time where I hardly had a choice and just had to settle for 3D if I even wanted to see any of the big movies. At some point they went away but I have no idea what the last movie I had to see in 3D was. Maybe the last Hobbit?
  6. I'm not in the UK, but my screening in Sweden was also shockingly packed.
  7. A "Feige type leader" and "more movies like Aquaman, The Batman, and Joker" are mutually exclusive goals.
  8. This was great. The lesser of the three Eggers films, but far more exciting than movies at this budget level are usually allowed to be.
  9. I'll trade every movie I might see in theaters this year for this.
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