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El Gato

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Everything posted by El Gato

  1. Sunday is going to have very muted walkups so hopefully that 25M number for Blue Beetle takes CA’s hurricane/storm into consideration. I see nothing but teens and young adults, no kiddos or parents like normal lol Hopefully families show up next week, but anyway im about to see Blue Beetle, finally! Hope I enjoy it!
  2. It won’t effect Superman Legacy or even Brave and the Bold because those two are DC’s most iconic characters and they always have an audience. It will however effect all those other projects Gunn is trying to launch! Why on earth would you do The Authority, Swamp Thing, or Supergirl when the likes of Green Lantern, Flash, Shazam, Black Adam and Blue Beetle all bombed? Gunn needs to prioritize the A-listers! Get a new Wonder Woman and Aquaman film to go along with the Batman and Superman films, otherwise it’ll just be a repeat of the DCEU. If you want to adapt the B-list characters, send them to Max as a show (like Booster Gold and Peacemaker). If they prove popular enough, bring them into the films edit: Superhero fatigue is very real
  3. In what reality is Ted Kord the more iconic Blue Beetle? Lol Jaime is infinitely more popular than both Booster Gold and Ted Kord. He has more solo issues than both those characters combined! If any character is a team character it’s those two, who need the JLI cast to be interesting. But yes I agree, Jaime should have made his debut with the Teen Titans first before being spun off
  4. I think the prior plan of having lesser known characters debut on Max then make the move to theatrical, if they prove popular enough is the way to go. Only difference is I’d do a show instead of a movie! Films don’t belong on steaming
  5. That’s stupid! Blue Beetle may have bombed but at least he’s not a race swap and an original POC character. He should have been introduced in a Teen Titans film and then spun off into a solo. He has the lore to support a franchise just sucks that everything went wrong with his big screen debut! Also hate how DC has just become the Batman show. WB has done such a horrendous job with the brand that only Batman can sell! James Gunn has his work cut out for him but if I were him I wouldn’t even do the likes of The Authority, Swamp Thing, Supergirl or another Batman film (when we already have Pattinson). DC can’t even sell their A-listers to audiences, outside of Batman, those B-listers are DOA as well (like Shazam, Black Adam and Blue Beetle).
  6. Nope, I mean what I said. Releasing on streaming would have brought in zero revenue while losing the amount of money spent to make it. At least now they can recoup some costs through theatrical release, VOD and merchandise (wouldn’t exist if it was straight to streaming).
  7. Still 125M more than it would have made on streaming lol so that’s a plus. Let’s see how it does on VOD/Max… have a feeling it’ll do good there because studios have trained audiences to not go the theaters unless it’s a big event lol
  8. Blue Beetles biggest problem has always been his name. The character is cool, the suit is amazing and the power set is so versatile, plus Jaime is a very relatable character. Then again Spider-Man, Batman, Ironman are ridiculous names as well but they’re considered cool now because of years of media exposure and being built up. Blue Beetle has a young fan base, so that bodes well for the future of the character, especially if Gunn sticks to his word and keeps him around in the DCU
  9. I’m curious what the legs for Blue Beetle will look like. Its target audience really enjoyed it (Latinos gave it a 90%). Kids seemed to really enjoy it too at 99%, the issue comes from the 66/34 male/female split, not as bad as Flash but DC definitely has a female demographic problem, which is odd since back in 2017/2018 they didn’t. Surely it shouldn’t get the terrible legs that Shazam 2 and The Flash got
  10. 25M is still 25M more than it would have made going to streaming, so there’s that. maybe it’ll have a good 2nd weekend with national cinema day being next weekend
  11. I meant that the GL franchise is considered one of DC most important franchises, usually depicted alongside the Trinity and Flash as a part of the Big 5! After his film flopped, they stopped pushing GL in outside media (all of them). I’m afraid that’ll happen again with all the characters I mentioned above. And yes I agree, Jaime should have been introduced in a Teen Titans film first before being spun off into a solo film. That’s how you build up your obscure characters! But hey, Jaime is continuing into the DCU and the character is no longer obscure, so that’s a plus. Maybe he’ll get another film in the distant future if Xolo really becomes a star and audiences enjoy his future appearances in the DCU… Gunn has his work cut out for him as superhero fatigue is a real thing and shouldn’t be taken lightly
  12. Of the 11 live action films DC has released since 2018 only 3 have grossed over 400M world wide (Aquaman, The Joker, The Batman). How is it trolling when the evidence backs up what I’m saying? DC’s brand image is in horrible shape, to the point of people actively avoiding their films now. Also didn’t WB bench Hal (and any other Green Lantern) for the past 10 years because his film bombed? GL is one of their heavy hitters, if they did that to GL, imagine how the more obscure characters will fare (Blue Beetle, Shazam, Black Adam…etc). I mean look what WB did to Superman after the MOS/BVS/JL fiasco You may not like what I’m saying, but it’s being backed up by evidence.
  13. We aren’t getting Flash, Shazam, Black Adam or Blue Beetle anytime in the next decade if Green Lantern is anything to go by. Hell they seem to have even abandoned Wonder Woman too and if Aquaman bombs in December, which is looking likely, we can also kiss him goodbye. I dont know how Gunn plans on making The Authority, Supergirl or Swamp Thing hits when DC has shown very clearly that they can’t sell anyone other than Batman to the general audience. At least Booster Gold, Waller and Creature Commandos will be kept to streaming but as we’ve seen with Marvel, that’s not a good thing.
  14. It’s over for this film! There’s no way it makes a profit. Maybe it can be a hit on streaming, but we aren’t ever getting the character again, regardless of what Gunn says, executives will probably veto him, especially if Legacy underperforms like I think it will. I don’t know how you fix DC brand image honestly
  15. well at least those who have seen it like it and now the character isn’t niche! Have a feeling it’s going to be popular on Max but I’d rather it go to Netflix to get the character more exposure (plus Cobra Kai is on Netflix)
  16. What I’m getting is that we get the scraps of Hollywood… DC, Transformers, and musicals. at least there’s Jenna and Melissa carrying the Scream franchise! Marvel needs to give me that Namor film already! I need more Tenoch in my life
  17. Either that or their reputation finally caught up to them! All the causals I know associate DC with bad films, outside of Batman of course. Gunn has his work cut out for him
  18. they’re all Batman characters so it’s not the same thing. Make the BCU happen! lol I don’t care for the concept but it’s the only way DC gets back to being successful
  19. It did bomb at the box office and all of those films i mentioned starred Latinos so my point still stands. Latinos don’t care about representation so it doesn’t matter if you cast a Latino in the role or not. Maybe a Namor film could do numbers? Or a Bane film
  20. Yeah make a strong Batman film, introduce Robin (spinoff into Nightwing), introduce a new Robin (spinoff into Red Hood), introduce Batgirl (spin off into a REAL version of BOP), build a Suicide Squad off of the captured Batman villains in Arkham… Joker and Harley could even have their own Bonnie and Clyde type of film and Catwoman could get a proper film this time! Plus a Batman Beyond film with Keaton and Pfeifer returning… You can still do Superman and Wonder Woman at lower budgets and I’d try a Teen Titans film as well but after the performances of Green Lantern, Flash, Shazam, Blue Beetle, Black Adam, Constantine…etc the B-listers and below should be off the bench. No more shared universes either
  21. I think DC is pretty much a dead brand and the only character they have that can sell is Batman. They should just focus on creating a BCU because nobody care about the other characters
  22. Not really Transformers, just the other two. This is the 5th Latino led film in a row to bomb! Encanto, ITH, WSS, Rise of the Beasts, Blue Beetle… Snow White is next (Hunger Games count?)! At this point, if I were Hollywood I’d stop casting Latinos as leads lol we’re box office poison! And Latinos don’t care about representation either so there’s no point
  23. That’s horrendous! Maybe they should have just kept it to streaming. DC as a brand is extinct! Also this is like the 5th Latino led film to underperform in the last few years (Encanto, ITH, WSS, Rise of the Beasts and now Blue Beetle). Guess Latino leads are just box office poison xD
  24. Damn really? I hope I get a refund then lol or a chance to watch another day since I’m in the LA area. LA/OC/SD being down is going to effect Blue Beetle since those are Latino majority areas… this film can’t catch a break 😕
  25. Well with the way BB is performing in Europe, it’s going to need Latin America to do a lot of the heavy lifting, especially with no China and Korea not really liking DC. That’s when I go see Blue Beetle! Lol though to be fair I bought the tickets before the hurricane was even a thing lol! Just my luck oh well, it’s only rain after all
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