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El Gato

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Everything posted by El Gato

  1. I am one of those 3. I also bought the Blue Beetle trades from his 2006 run as well as Graduation Day! I’m doing my part
  2. Aquaman had the same F/M ratio that Wonder Woman did. No idea where the whole “Captain Marvel” is female skewing came from because it isn’t true.
  3. Would you like me to list all the misses DC has had, both critically and financially? FAILURES (20) Superman 3 Superman 4 Supergirl Batman Returns (low box office) Batman Forever Batman & Robin Steel Catwoman Constantine Superman Returns Watchmen Jonah Hex Green Lantern Justice League Birds of Prey (low box office) Wonder Woman 1984 The Suicide Squad (low box office) Black Adam Shazam 2 The Flash SUCCESSES (14) Superman Superman 2 Batman Batman Begins The Dark Knight The Dark Knight Rises Man Of Steel (Critical failure) Batman V Superman (Critical failure) Suicide Squad (Critical failure) Wonder Woman Aquaman Shazam The Joker The Batman Almost a 2 to 1 ratio, though MOS, BVS, SS, BOP, TSS and BR can be argued for either list, DC seems to have 1/3 of a chance at making a successful film (both critically and financially) edit: Forgot about Watchmen, another bomb.
  4. Is DC a cash cow? Lol I have my doubts. Batman certainly is, but everyone else isn’t. and DC is about to bury Blue Beetle after this flop, just like they did Green Lantern when that film flopped! DC just needs to retire when it comes to films, it’s over! In its 40+ year history they’ve had more bombs than hits!
  5. I thought Shazam 2 was the “Dark Phoenix” and The Flash is “The New Mutants”
  6. You can join the countless other on here and on Reddit saying the same thing. Now when are pre sales?
  7. The actor’s beliefs, you can look it up if you’re curious enough. The studio being a Christian based studio, Conservatives in the USA latching onto it and using it as a victory in their culture war narrative (like they did with Target and Bud-Light), and the pay it forward thing (movie playing in empty theaters despite selling out). This movie has just become another right vs left debate… some on the box office Reddit said this being a hit while Bros was a bomb, shows that conservatives show up more than liberals. Im annoyed by how partisan the USA is becoming. Brands, films, games, stores…etc are now being labeled as liberal or conservative and it’s exhausting
  8. This film is so damn controversial that I don’t even want to discuss it for fear of being banned or reported. The box office Reddit is a sh!t show! So many deleted comments and locked threads/comments. Twitter as well! Why is everything so political!
  9. I’m guessing because outside of Black Canary, she had the most tenure on the team in the comics. They weren’t adding Vixen, Fire, Ice or Dr Light for sure, Powergirl/Supergirl is just another Superman character and Zatanna looks to similar to Wonder Woman. It was between Hawkgirl and Black Canary, and I’m guessing they went with Shayera because they had a specific story in mind to tell, which I’m glad they did because Hawkgirls arc on the show is amazing!
  10. Not too accurate. They were off about 35-45M for Spiderverse, 10-20M off for Flash and TLM and I don’t think their predictions were anywhere close to what Barbie looks to be doing. Though maybe this will give us an idea on how BB will do! When do the trades and BOP give their predictions? Should be next week for BOP right?
  11. I’d say Hawkgirl is a big name! She’s literally the 2nd most iconic female on the JL and is on a lot of fans dream rosters for the League
  12. “You’re a superhero cab**n” lol and the abuela with the gun! Awesome! Can’t wait
  13. What I find fascinating is that Blue Beetle god more views likes than all of WB’s films so far, outside of Barbie, on TikTok and YT. It beat out Flash, Shazam 2, Dune 2 and Black Adam… maybe Gen Z will save this film? Gen Z and Latinos to the rescue!
  14. Fans are marketing Blue Beetle themselves because WB can’t! At this point I expect Blue Beetle to flop because they spent all the marketing money on a bomb like The Flash. WB is dead as studio honestly, they’ve had more misses than hits over the past 5 years! Time for someone to come along and put them out of their misery. I will see BB because he’s my favorite DC character but I expect a flop sadly…
  15. Everyone and their momma is expecting Blue Beetle to bomb, but wouldn’t it be a sight to behold if it did the opposite! Love an underdog story and this film has so many rooting against it that I’m hoping it is huge undeniable success
  16. Spiderverse failed. It’s not making 700M world wide and that had stellar word of mouth! I agree with the previous poster, quality isn’t the issue, it’s the overseas audience share has dropped. Maybe they’re getting pickier? Or maybe they’re not interested in American films as much
  17. I think you forgot The Joker so 4/15, though to be fair MOS, BVS, Suicide Squad and Shazam also made a profit.
  18. The Nun 2 has a perfect release date and I wouldn’t say the first had toxic WOM when it’s the highest grossing film in the Conjuring Universe. Blue Beetle has had a good reaction from the younger generation though and its trailer has way more likes than The Flash/Shazam 2 did. So I’m still rooting for it Don’t know the budget for The Nun 2 but it’s probably low. The first film only had a 22M budget so maybe the same range for the sequel
  19. I wonder when we get another trailer? I thought one would release with The Flash but I guess not.
  20. So I’m guessing it’ll do well? I mean judging by the predictions you had for previous DC films
  21. And The Authority are going to be introduced in Superman Legacy. I’m guessing Superman will counteract them in regards to morals and what being a hero is. The Authority is a perfect team to use as foils to Superman
  22. I don’t care what state DC is in, you don’t send Blue Beetle and Aquaman 2 to streaming… all it takes is back to back films hitting streaming to train audiences to wait or expect them on there. Just ask Pixar. Release them and recoup as much money as you can. Who knows maybe they’ll break out. Stranger things have happened and DC is unpredictable, plus in the case of Blue Beetle, it’s break even point is so low that it’s worth the risk
  23. Why would you move Dune 2 to Aquaman 2 spot when the latters first film made almost 3x what the formers first film did. Doesn’t make any business sense. Also Aquaman 2 was on Fandangos Top 10 most anticipated 2023 releases, Flash was not. That list has some merit to it
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