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Everything posted by HouseOfTheSun

  1. Always a pleasure to see people who have no experience with Presales tracking extrapolate an opening weekend number with absolute confidence.
  2. 70% above Infinity War. I know Avengers and Marvel are an urban trending franchise in China but with these numbers it had to have made significant penetration in those lower tier cities
  3. I don’t know if it’s the same for you guys but Pikachu is almost solely selling tickets for Thursday. Friday and Saturday seem rather bear. I’m preparing for a lower internal multiplier. Aladdin is doing ok, Wick 3 also rather impressive.
  4. The math to 3 bil I would still qualify as a tad optimistic. If Pika fails to really break out I could see it potentially happening
  5. I really don’t see it doing “just” 150 if this is accurate around the country. Walkups will actually be existent this weekend.
  6. I feel like Pika could have broken out 120+ over a 5 day memorial holiday
  7. “Found dead in a ditch” was a headline joke. Those are made for a ton of movies.
  8. Why hold back when they’re coming acting into an Avengers thread acting like this?
  9. On the contrary. They’ve been inciting since the very beginning. First pushback and they run around like headless chickens.
  10. Avengers Endgame. The movie that made Cameron fans stoop to desperate and basically impossible ranges.
  11. Antman has some pretty unique visuals with the shrinking stuff. Pokémon action is likely just a beam off like most of the anime is. And Shazam has more family oriented stuff than any superhero movie I remember seeing. Maybe you’re right but at this point with Presales and general vibe of the movie I’m not seeing an Uber massive breakout. I’ll stick with say...120m or so.
  12. Pikachu is simply seeing a normal increase (maybe a little below it tbh)
  13. 610 max lifetime does not seem accurate. That was what we were talking about when we though Wednesday was going to be 380s or so
  14. Shall do about 0.5EG. Maybe 0.6EG if it gets the same favorable exchange rate as the former champ avatar
  15. Simply a comparison to the king of the box office. It is the best way to compare don’t you think?
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