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Everything posted by Cap

  1. Colors of The Wind is just that powerful, I see.
  2. We're having some technical difficulties for the evening. We're going to push this back to the weekend and do one film on Saturday and one film on Sunday.
  3. Bottom Line 1, Ask for 3, Compromise at 2.
  4. I'm still riding on a high, but I've watched it twice. And yeah. It's definitely my favorite Not Related To Steve Rogers content Marvel's produced. Period. This is a proper TV show, and that was a proper resolution of season one, and RIDIC hook for second two.
  5. It’s gonna be more of this going forward. I mean. That finale set things up for 10 years.
  6. You’re gonna **hate** Phase 4 then if you think that 😂😂😂😂
  7. We are doing Wednesday / Thursday!
  8. ETA: Okay due to scheduling conflicts, we are moving The Searchers to either Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on what the Telegram group says. If you have any thoughts @Fancyarcher @lorddemaxus drop a line. Should make the call early tomorrow morning or late tonight.
  9. THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE THE SEARCHERS MONDAY JULY 12, 2021 For my final paper for my final college course I wrote about 3-5k of words on this film. So I will restrain myself and just say this: This is it. This is The One. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5423825182?pwd=T1VuUmJ5OVB1ZjRNQmNHRVpDQ3lkUT09 Meeting ID: 542 382 5182 Passcode: BOT SERGEANT RUTLEDGE WEDNESDAY JULY 14, 2021 1st Sgt Braxton Rutledge, a respected member of the Black cavalry united called the "Buffalo Soldiers", stands court-martial for raping and killing a white woman and murdering her father, his commanding officer. Woody Strode plays Rutledge with a commanding presence. He was the first Black actor to have the lead in any Hollywood Western to date. Just as with The Searchers, John Ford starts to take a harder look at the American West and American ideals in Sergeant Rutledge. While it's not a perfect film, it is an important bridge between the "Classic" Western propaganda of the Old West and the "Revisionist" Westerns of the late 20th and 21st Century. ONE-EYED JACKS SATURDAY JULY 17, 2021 Marlon Brando's first and only directing gig is in the Western One-Eyed Jacks. Made famous, of course, because it's the inspiration for the bar in Twin Peaks. Here Brando plays Rio, a banker robber that was double crossed by this partner Dad Longworth. He seeks his revenge from tracking him from Mexico to California.
  10. "Filler Episode" will always be an anime term for me, lol. That last episode was so good. I'm not really connecting with this show the way I did TCW or Rebels, but there's no Ahsoka or Hera here. Not that's a bad thing. Different strokes for different folks. Cause I think it's just a taste thing. Show's been great, and the animation is gorgeous. I just miss the expansive analogy verse we got from Clone Wars. Hopefully some of those characters will pop up again. There is one that I'm like IF WE DON'T SEE HIM THERE'S NO POINT!
  11. Also from Deadline: The lack of a female turnout here on Black Widow isn’t because Disney didn’t market toward them: They ran ads on female-centric TV programming: The Bachelorette, Keeping Up With the Kardashians and The Grey’s Anatomy finale. HMM… Female Fandom didn’t show up? 🤭 Never would’ve guessed that.
  12. My friends and I are actually really excited for it. It’s giving me serious African Queen, Romancing The Stone and/or The Mummy feels. I think if you just let the rock and Emily Blunt be delightfully infectious, and give some old fashion adventure hijinks, it would be a solid flick.
  13. The only real thing preventing it is how they response to the DGA Eligibility. Disney has never really been that big about awards, so I could see them saying we don’t care. But I could also see them holding the PA a week to get around that rule.
  14. There is one music cue In the last episode that got me more emotional than everything else combined. That note hit, and I was screaming
  15. There is one music cue In the last episode that got me more emotional than everything else combined. That note hit, and I was screaming
  16. BASICALLY. I think they could have co-existed in a perfect world. And I think the TV Shows on Wednesday and Movies on Friday is good going forward. The problem is Marvel Studios wants us to go back to 2013 where it's Natasha Mania. Know what else was insane in 2013? His fangirls are insane. And while things settled for a couple of years, due to the show, fandom basically: I know the show hasn't been clicking with the folks at the TV Show Forum, but outside of BOT, it's POPPING. It's been constantly trending since Wednesday. There is so much fan art and fan engagements. It has a 4.6 on Letterboxd. 4.6! The next closest are WV, EG, IW, GOTG, and TR at 3.9. That's bonkers. And [SPOILERS!!!!!] My kingdom for the SPOILERS. So it's just sucking up all the oxygen in the room. And then next week is the finale, which depending on [SPOILERS] is gonna keep people high until Spider-Man.
  17. Okay I'm about to take off the Admin Cap Cap for a hot second, and put on the User Cap Cap: I have said this for a year: BLACK WIDOW IS NOT AN EVENT. Maybe not vocally enough cause I didn't want to come off as a troll, but Black Widow is NOT Top Priority for Fandom. ScarJo burned A LOT of bridges with the Lady Fandom, and the whole "set after Civil War" aspect was never a HOOK. And I know the "Deadline data" says that the audience is X amount male on opening nights, but the truth is overall audience, according to Victoria, is basically 50/50 55/45 Female. If we don't show up, we're not going to push it over the finish line! And We Don't Care Anymore!! This is not 2013 where my friends and I are standing outside the SDCC "Women In Comics" Panel cornering Victoria Alonso and demanding a Black Widow movie. We are so far removed from that timeline!!! If you looked at the reactions on Twitter, Letterboxd, Tumblr, there is SO MUCH "this is fine but I would've liked it better in 2017/this is too late to matter." Tumblr is all about gifs for Yelena. The only reason it was trending all weekend is cause it was Promoted. The only non promoted trends were about Yelena. And LOKI. No, seriously, Loki is FUCKING with this this. It's distracting Fandom. My friend and I were talking about how if this has premiered BEFORE Episode 1, or even BEFORE Episode 3, MAAAYBE. But GIIIIIIRL. After Episode 3. And FIVE!!! NO ONE HAS TIME FOR NAT. LOKI IS [SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER] AND [SPOILERS SPOILER SPOILER]. Add all of this in with PANDEMIC + THEATERS STILL CLOSED = 82M for Black Widow is LEGIT good number. It's probably what it would have done BEFORE 2020. PLUS 82M is what was on Rth's comic book, so it's just meant to be. LOLOLOL. Okay. I'm done. Back to cool and collective Admin Cap
  18. We use to go there when I lived in Burbank. I remember watching into their "IMAX" for the first time and thinking wtf is this shit.
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