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Everything posted by Cap

  1. YOU JOKE BUT I CAN'T THINK I'M JUST PURE FANGIRLING And like this drug is STRONG after 2020 where that hasn't existed.
  3. Remember that amazing time when George Lucas and Steven Spielberg were considered bold, young filmmakers instead of the old hacks that created the modern blockbuster and thus destroyed adult cinema? Me too! We got two of their films up this week. Lucas's THX 1138 is tonight. Come watch our young Anakin before he turns into Darth Vader. Cap is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Cap's Personal Meeting Room Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5423825182?pwd=T1VuUmJ5OVB1ZjRNQmNHRVpDQ3lkUT09 Meeting ID: 542 382 5182 Passcode: BOT
  4. Bestie and I were like “those would already be on the menu at Galaxy’s Edge If the parks were open 🥺🥺
  5. Join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5423825182?pwd=T1VuUmJ5OVB1ZjRNQmNHRVpDQ3lkUT09 room opens at 1:50 and we start at about 2:05
  6. We obviously don’t have a crystal ball. We don’t know how the vaccine distribution will go, if people will take them, etc. And we all know that most of the theaters will not survive their current form without another six months of content. That all said, The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the Gold Star Standard when it comes to IP/Brands. It is. Full Stop. Haters to the left. Before the pandemic, they were one of the only large fandom properties that consistently got people in to the theaters, that consistently created positive buzz on social media, and that consistently turned a profit. If there is anything that will get people back to a movie theater in May, it is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They have WandaVision coming in January 15, 2021. No reason to drop Black Widow on Disney+ before May. They’re going to be able to keep the stans subbed up from Jan-March on that. The Falcon and Emo Boy are coming around June-July. That is a nice bit of content with no overlaps (which is how they normally do it). I never expected Black Widow to make like 100+ on its opening weekend. I felt that between her arc already finishing in Endgame, the movie coming out probably like five years later than it should’ve, and ScarJo being ScarJo, we were going to see some cooling off before the A Team (Eternals, Strange, Thor, BP) showed up. That said, I still think it can open strong. Particularly if Marvel does Marvel and markets it as “We’re Back and So Are The Movies” Event of 2021. But it’s not going to Disney+.
  7. I feel like the pilot of the Mandalorian was a classic throw back to the 1950s and 1960s serial westerns. I thought it was fine. But I won’t lie… I went from 0 to 180 in like 2.5 parasecs When I saw Baby Yoda.
  8. YES. YESSSS YOU SHOULD WATCH THEM ALL NOOOW AND THEN REBELs. noooooow!!! SEE THE TRUE POWER AND BEAUTY OF THE UNIVERSE. Ugh. Fine. Tones it down to an 9 instead of 11. Got it. 😘😘😘 True Facts: The beautiful about Clone Wars Is the series consists of mini episode arc’s. So while watching all 133 of them gives you a complete view of the world, you could really get away with watching may be two or three arcs if you want a real sense of Ahsoka without doing a deep dive. Episodes Arc Names 2.04 - 2.08 The Second Battle of Geonosis 2.11 Lightsaber Lost 2.20 - 2.22 Boba Fett’s Revenge 2.18 - 2.19 The Zillo Beast Duology 3.07 Assassin 5.02 - 5.05 Onderon Arc 5.06 - 5.09 The Young Jedi 5.17 - 5.20 Ahsoka Arc 7.05 - 7.08 Ahsoka’s Walkabout 7.09 - 7.12 Siege of Mandalore These are a pretty good place to start. The Zillo Beast Doesn’t have a lot to do with Ahsoka, but it is space Godzilla. Same with Boba, but considering he just showed up, this fun backstory. The Young Jedi Arc is Ahsoka with a bunch of kids. It’s adorable. But probably not what I would prioritize if you’re looking for only like ONE episode to watch. I really like Assassin, because it’s Ahsoka and Padme being bad ass. Her big character arcs are in season five/seven. But those might not quite slap as hard if you haven’t watch a lot before you. Because that is going to break your heart. As for Rebels, she shows up in Season two. But I don’t think you should scrub through Rebels. That show should be enjoyed, and appreciated, for the masterpiece that it is. And a lot of her stuff comes at the end of the series. So it really wouldn’t play if you just skip to it.
  9. But our resident hero is like barely holding it together. He’s not exactly a bad ass. And it’s Ahsoka. She will upstage whoever she damn well pleases because she is the greatest gift of all time. 😂😂😂😂 anyway, That episode was fantastic. More baby content is always wanted. More baby and dad Mando content is always wanted. Yay for Carl Weathers directing. Woot!
  10. They just dropped an article about moving things to Disney+ and Widow was mentioned as a non-starter. There is also no real incentive to do it after Mulan premiumgate was a flop. May 2021 is a go.
  11. Ah, I see. They are so going to take the L for tax reasons and write it off while trying to snag some new subs for HBO Max. Have my cake and eat it too. That said, I'm already calling my theater to rent out a theater as a Christmas present. LOL. I might bitch and moan, but I will always support my girl.
  12. The room is open! Please join us!
  13. NOVEMBER SCHEDULE So for November and December, the group's selected some of their favorite old movies. Nov 14 Gun Crazy Selected by @Rorschach Nov 18 Young Frankenstein Selected by @4815162342 Nov 21 Indecent Proposal Selected by @MrPink Nov 25 Duel For @Eric Karga's Spielberg Countdown! PM him your submissions by November 30! Nov 28 Only Angels Have Wings Selected by @Jake Gittes
  14. I kind of forgot about it and everyone was stressing and we just didn’t do it. I’m sorry I didn’t post it here I totally spaced out. But we are absolutely doing something on Saturday. I will post the November schedule tomorrow
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