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Everything posted by Cap

  1. I feel like this is a false flag example. 1. As much as people don’t want to admit it, we are STILL dealing with the PTSD of COVID + a nasty flu season. Makes sense why people aren’t going back multiple times. Moreover, that film was not fun. I saw it twice, cried both times. It doesn’t have a breezy “this fun, let’s watch again” vibe. It has a “rewatch in my room where I can ugly cry in peace” vibe. so I don’t think you can say that the demographic that re-watches movies is gone based off of that film. That’s not really how it works. 😅 Is this more like… I’m going to cause meltdowns and get warning points, and when I do, book it to October 2024 or something else? Just trying to be prepared!!! Technically, it’s not you pushing the button ALSO! with the inflated ticket prices, I highly doubt this is going to go below 150 million. And I also doubt it will go below 2 billion worldwide. So let’s not really start that train yet until at least 2023 people we got a long way to go and we’re not even through the week yet!!!!
  2. I’m not saying you can’t do it. I’m saying you have to want to do it. And if there is no urgency, in terms of “OMG THEY WIPED OUT HALF OF EXISTENCE AND HOW IS STEVE SURVIVE AND FIX THIS” combined with “WE NEED TO GO TO THE FIRST FIRST FIRST SHOWING BECAUSE IF SOMEONE SPOILERS STEVE’S FATE I WILL BE ALL KNIVES OUT”, then obvi folks will prioritize not only “Best Screen and Seats”, but “best time for all of my friends because this is a social event”. we also should remember that we are not really a good sample of hype/interest for films. we have gotten burned here several times before, most notably with Pika Pika. The folks on this board really like movies. So obviously, our height for things is elevated and we’re probably talking to people who share our interests. It’s a lot different, asking a family to drag the kids away from the new toys for a four hour round-trip, instead of a 2 1/2 hour round-trip. it makes you think twice about that 10 PM showing, that’s not gonna get out at midnight, but it’s gonna get out at 2 o’clock in the morning. not when I can just go next weekend…
  3. Super Super Quick Check In of my IMAX theater: IMAX screen is dominating. They’re doing 3 showings on Thursday; 4 on FSSMT. Interesting enough, it’s the SUNDAY 10:00AM showing “Few Seats Left” and The Saturday AND Sunday 2:30PM show is sold out/blocked out. Thursday is basically sold out (Aka only front and sides available), and the rest of the weekend follows a similar pattern of 10:00AM: 50-60% 2:30 and 6:30PM: 80%+ 10:30PM: 30-50% Then we get to the non-IMAX tickets. This is the breakdown total for the whole day: 39 Thursday 63 Friday 87 Saturday 40 Sunday 0 Monday 13 Tuesday I find the 2:30PM being the post popular showing telling. It makes sense for the run time AND you are getting like a $1.25 off from the 6:30PM show. And it is 100% supporting the “Disney and Jame Cameron told everyone to see it in IMAX, and they are waiting for IMAX while literally there are empty auditoriums running at the same time” narrative. There are more IMAX tickets for Monday currently than the rest of the 2D FSS weekend combine.
  4. Marvel has nothing to do with this. I suspect it’s more about Cameron’s comments about “toxic masculinity” and “is the movie too woke”. That is what I was seeing on Twitter. hey, maybe if you weren’t trying to rile people up, you wouldn’t constantly get warned. You are teetering very, very close. Re the run time: and 2 1/2 hour, and even three hour movies, have become more common domestically, and the past five years. They are not a deterrent. That said, they do create their own set of issues and releasing a three hour movie in December just exasperate the issues. I have shopping, decorating, parties, etc. scheduling a three hour movie might take a little bit of time.
  5. so, here is my thing… So that we can keep the discussion going for another 10 pages… are the reviews good enough to give it a final bump for pre-ticket sales? Because a lot of the reviews almost feel like confirmation biased. The glorious reviews are going to appeal to the people who already want to see the movie. And are already #TeamCameron. The negative reviews say that it is super beautiful, but there is nothing beyond that. Which also feels like criticism that’s been lobbied against all of the trailers for the past couple months. so what I’m saying, is, it feels almost like a wash. I’m just wondering if people think that as well, or if I am just on my own little island? Wouldn’t Morocco be more intriguing because they’ve never been there before? Or are people just assuming that the Argentinian team is gonna walk over them? Or am I just thinking that Morocco is more interesting, because I’m rooting for them?
  6. Hello Everyone! This is just a friendly reminder from your Admin that reviews are subjective, and are not gonna affect your overall enjoyment of the movie. And if anything is getting too heated for you; I pinned this post! You can come back and just look at the furbabies in my signature for a serotonin high! Godspeed, folks.
  7. Okay I went for a walk with the dog and realized I should clarify this by saying all of his scientific logic makes sense. And it’s nice that we finally have a reason for the HFR changes. (I particularly like that he noted it’s not really good for 2D). I’m coming at it more of, you can absolutely perfect your perfect pecan pie recipe; but if I don’t like pecan pie: I will appreciate that you baked the flaky crust to Paul Hollywood Handshake Levels, but I’m not gonna take more than one or two polite bites.
  8. Because you said please, I watched this. I like his confidence. The problem is con in con man stands for confidence, so… we are still gonna wait to hear from the masses!!! 😂😂😂😂 Trust but verify; just like Satan says.
  9. So in full disclosure, I hate 3D movies and have zero plans to watch Avatar in the format. And I am someone who loves PLF/Biggest Screen Possible/Literally Drives to NYC to go to Lincoln Square: We haven’t had a legitimate 3D movie in ages. I don’t know what the upgraded technology will look like. I do know the old technology: gave me a headache. Unless you were sitting dead center in the theater, it always looked off. And I suspect, I’m probably not the only person that has glasses and found the experience unpleasant. I guess I’m sayin, it’s not just a preference thing. Some of the movie going public just can’t handle it. And until the film comes out, and your friends see it, and they tell you that “no it’s way better than it used to. It’s fine!” People might hold off. /Insert disclaimer that I think the movie is still gonna make buckets of money cause there is zero competition until basically March.
  10. The real problem as I see: Twitter is very good at creating bubbles. My Twitter feed is exclusively wrestling related with a couple of news sources and like dog memes sprinkled in between. It’s very easy to ignore Elon and his ilk. That said, I was shocked when I got an ad for Avatar, clicked on it to see the comments, and it was all right leaning men talking about how “woke” it looks and “how woke it is going to be”. So I don’t know if Twitter is now pushing those comments up more / ratio-ing them. That was a huge turn off.
  11. I would assume they are assuming the inflated PLF and 3D prices tickets are going to give it a boost. Only problem with this there’s only so many of those seats available. And once they are sold out, people just might wait until mid week to go since there isn’t a sequel/hook/they lost spoiler question that would cause people to go feel compelled to go IMMEDIATELY, and every positive review I’ve seen has commented on seeing it in PLF format.
  12. so basically what you’re saying it would make a lot of people angry and create maximum Internet drama? I’m in. Top Gun for best picture 😈
  13. they usually just auto embed. If they don’t, make sure to “clear formatting” at the bottom when you post the link.
  14. (we apparently don't have this as a board posting option despise it being a Reaction Option)
  15. (we apparently don't have this as a board posting option despise it being a Reaction Option)
  16. I won't front, this one isn't going anywhere. Admin Override 😘
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