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Everything posted by Cap

  1. frankly I really loved that it was this. Wouldn’t make sense for the McU (at that time) for them to go into the full on hatred/anger route. Way better to have Clint and Nat basically confirm everyone is pulling their punches. And then it makes it even more meaningful when Iron Man and captain America at the end of the movie do NOT
  2. It felt like one sequence in the movie that was a training montage. The footage played so well for both of my audiences tonight. People clapped at the end both times. It was definitely the strongest reaction of all the trailers that they showed (aside, of course, from Nicole Kidman). And I get why. It looks so good on IMAX. don’t really care what the plot is, I just want to go to watch the planes.
  3. It’s also that Eric’s rule is usually “Don’t Be A Dick” but cause it’s Marvel I changed it to A-Hole cause of the GOTG reference!
  4. But on the other hand, If we don’t get numbers, we have nothing to fight about here (since no spoilers so the fighting will just be in that thread) 😉
  5. So for all of you out there that are like oh my god what do you mean positive vibes only, how are we supposed to do that? Here’s a really great example: - I woke up this morning with a headache - Checked my phone and saw a clap back PM - Got stuck in a 2 hour traffic jam because no joke, the bridge between NH and Maine was closed “because of an incident with the police” - Got shut out of my AEW Forbidden Door tickets during the pre sale cause I just HAPPENED to be in the ONE dead zone area for cell reception/the site crashed. It’s not even noon BUT! There is still regular sales tickets available for tomorrow; and the sky is blue, and we are motoring along at 75mph again. So. Positive Vibes Only!
  6. AMERICA CHAVEZ IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS WEEKEND THREAD Quick preface: I always want to follow my Mother's Golden Rules of "Don't Post When You're Angry" and "It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It". I've spent a couple of days trying to massage this post to make it more chill. (You actually should see the first draft! LOL.) I'm just not in the mood. Really, extraordinarily, not in the mood. So I think for this weekend, we're gonna go more "Lived Through The Five Year Snap" Steve Rogers energy instead of his wide-eyed optimism of "I Don't Like Bullies" in The First Avenger. (I know, baby. I know.) ANYWAY!!! IT'S HERE! AFTER TWO YEARS. AND TWO DELAYS. My Mom and I are going to NYC! We FINALLY get to see Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster in The Music Man! I bought tickets for the musical in 2019! And we have tickets to Funny Girl (purchased before the reviews dropped). And then cause of the Funny Girl reviews, I panicked and said "Fuck It" and bought tickets to Company, because PATTI. The biggest kicker? @WrathOfHan and I have tickets together to see America Chavez in The Multiverse of Madness together at Lincoln Square. It's gonna be so amazing, but slightly panic inducing cause I know he doesn't like Old People Talking Doing The Movie, and I'm Old TM and have been known to shout things at the screen during a Marvel Thursday Premiere. 🤔 Though he'll be catching me on my second viewing, so I should be able to control my EMOTIONS. Weekend is gonna be AMAZING. I really need this. It's been a long month. Thus, in the words of the divine Barbra: How Pray Tell Do we not bring around a cloud to rain on Cap's Parade? FIRST, GOOD VIBES ONLY We all need to be more like Real Housewife Zen Wen. Good Vibes Only. The movie only does 30 million in previews and you thought it was going to do 31 million? It's still a good number. The preview only come in at 20 million? Still pretty great! Oh, Noooo, it's only TEN MILLION in previews? Still better than the rest of the movies last month! Good! Vibes! Only! And before you want to clapback about how the statistical analysis of the data suggestions otherwise, all I have to say is: ( @ you know exactly who you are, babe 😘 ) SECOND, SON, JUST DON'T I'm saying this to EVERYONE, even the cheap seats in the back. To Troll or Valued member of this community. Source, Tracker, Mod, Paying Donor, Lurker, or hell, Shawn. One Post or One Hundred Thousand. The world really sucks right now. So if the movie going public wants to take two hours and go watch a silly movie than who are we to say anything against that? Let's just be happy that people are going to the movies. You want to talk about your anti-MCU and anti-Disney agenda? Wax un-poetically about how its ruining our culture? In the words of the divine Judy: Before people cry "censorship" or "favoritism", if you want to start all that up on Monday night, I'm all for it. But between like Thursday 3PM and Sunday 9PM, can we just... not. We've had the same conversation for like three years. I can tell you everything you're going to say before you say it. 96 Hours of Peace. That's all I ask. Frankly, this goes for all of BOT's Greatest Hits Debates that come up in a Weekend Thread. Critics Reviews, Verified RT Audience Score, China, et al. I would just ask, before you post a response that's going to set off 10 pages of wank -- is it really worth it? What does this actually accomplish? Do I really want to bring around a cloud to rain on Cap's parade? THIRD, DON'T SAY THE C WORD Oh, not the fun C word like I'm being right now, but the "Cameo" Word. ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS OF ANY KIND. THE MR. PINK RULE IS IN FULL EFFECT. YOU SPOIL THE MOVIE, YOU'RE GONE FOR THE WEEKEND. NO WARNING, NO RETURN. You want to talk about how you liked or didn't like the movie? Want to talk about those cool cameos? Want to talk about how Sam Raimi is The One True King Has Returned In Detail (Hey, @Blankments), then you do it here: SPOILER THREAD Note: The Telegram Spoiler Chat will be created after I see the movie, so say about 9:30PM EST. It will be linked in the Side Pieces Chat. FOURTH, FOLLOW THE RULES AND REGS #1 NO PERSONAL ATTACKS OF ANY KIND. THEY WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC AND PERMANENT THREAD BAN: NO WARNING, NO RETURN. #2 NO NEGATIVE/ANTI DISCUSSION OF HOMOSEXUALITY. IT WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC AND PERMANENT THREAD BAN: NO NEGOTIATION, NO "OH I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT". BUH-BYE. FIFTH, REMEMBER NOT COOL IGNORE REPORT DON'T RESPONSE/ENGAGE In conclusion, I don't meant to come off so harsh. I do adore all of you here (except for Tele, obviously). It's just like... When you take your meal immediately out of the microwave instead of letting it rest for a minute or so. I know y'all are just gonna grab that food and gooooo offffff. BOT Gonna BOT. But before serving that Hot Take, maybe think about cooling it down a bit. I'm going back to Internet Free/Spoiler Free Cave called The Sims for the next 16 hours**. See you on the other side. ❤️ ** Note I'm always available via PM or Telegram.
  7. MODERATION: Hello! It appears I have been summoned out of my self imposed spoiler exile, I see. I would highly suggest everyone step back here for a couple minutes. Tbh, it feels like we’re getting petty for petty sake and there’s no reason to continue this. Lady Gaga is great. Britney is great. Top Gun is gonna be great. All have strong cultural legacies even if they are all past their prime. As for “literal harassment”, I would say that Eric asked you to stop. Nothing more, nothing less. If you did not like how he phrased it, than all I can say is we’ll make sure to add in please and thank you next time. 🙂 I would also suggest keeping the Doctor Strange stuff in the Doctor Strange thread. If you actually think there’s trolling occurring then please officially report it so that we can look at the posts. Also I will take full responsibility for that. Because I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers, I have not been monitoring the thread personally. Anyway, They showed a new TV spot during AEW tonight. It seems fun! Finally got to see some of the new characters.
  8. Layla getting an upgrade was great. Oscar Issacs living his best life is great. Everything else is just okay. I’d say: 1. What If 2. Loki 3. Hawkeye/Falcon 5. Moon Knight/WandaVision
  9. @CJohn asked when this would open. I replied "Wednesday". Well it's 12:12AM, so... DR STRANGE AMERICA CHAVEZ IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS SPOILER THREAD I have been playing Sims 4 and avoiding The Internet TM for six months to avoid Spoilers for this flick. I have not ready any leaks, watched no TV spots. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. Yet, I do have a close friend very active in Fandom who sent me all the Spoiler-Free reaction posts last night. Those, combined with the Fandom Drama she's been vagueing about a year, leads me to believe we're in for Fandom Civil War 3.0. (1.0 was Civil War, and 2.0 was Endgame). The reviews seem very mixed, and from them, I suspect your enjoyment of the movie will depend on where your allegiances lie, and how badly they "ruined" your fave. (Luckily, my fave is not involved so IDGAF. I'm just here for my Lesbian Queen and her to say the word "Young Avengers".) Some people are going to like the film, and some are going to not. There also appear to be many reason to like or dislike the film depending on your taste. So there isn't just one way to like or dislike the film. Film is subjective, and people respond to things differently based on their aesthetics and lived life experiences. Just because you think something is quote/unquote "wrong", doesn't mean you're quote/unquote "right". Not with art. And perhaps when/if get into moral discussions over what's "right" and "wrong" in the film, I would just remind everyone of "it's not what you say, it's how you say it" to "not post when you're angry." And this is ABSOLUTELY NOT AN EXCUSE for personal attacks. RULES AND REGS #1 NO PERSONAL ATTACKS OF ANY KIND. THEY WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC AND PERMANENT THREAD BAN: NO WARNING, NO RETURN. #2 NO NEGATIVE/ANTI DISCUSSION OF HOMOSEXUALITY. IT WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC AND PERMANENT THREAD BAN: NO NEGOTIATION, NO "OH I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT". BUH-BYE. REMEMBER NOT COOL IGNORE REPORT DON'T RESPONSE/ENGAGE
  10. I don’t trust anywhere else on the Internet to not have spoilers, so I’m coming out of my self-imposed isolation for five seconds to say that: Instead of watching Doctor Strange, Mom and I did our Madness pre-game By watching the What If series. We never watched it before because I didn’t know if she would like that it was cartoons. She really liked it. I was actually surprised. She was so funny because she kept asking questions about What she should and shouldn’t remember. I do blame myself for some of her gaps. She had no idea who Ultron was, and I consider that me doing my job. Because I too, would like to forget that movie exists. 😂😂😂 I also appreciate how my mom is absolutely a Loki Stan, because she got excited every time Loki showed up! She was not really amused by the what if Thor was an only child title before we started the episode. She’s like where is Loki? And I just went will see. We’ll see. As for me, upon re-watching, I have to say this might be my favorite Marvel property. It’s definitely my favorite of the Disney+ stuff that they’ve done. I am just an absolute sucker for alternative universe is. I just want all of them to be friends, I want the characters to hang out and compare notes! When watcher talks about how important everyone is to him, I got a little teary-eyed. I’m like I agree!!! Steve and Peggy and Nat and Sam are important to me too!!! I thought the zombie episode was better. I remember being a little cool on it the first time. I still don’t really like the Doctor Strange episode. Liked the visuals in the mythology, just really don’t care about Doctor Strange or Christine dying over, and over, and over, and over again. The Thor episode I liked more the second time. I was less upset that Carol was in an adversary position and more just going along with the party. I still think the episode where all the Avengers die is my favorite. How can I go to the universe where the Avengers are just Carol and Steve and Natasha. What a world we could live in!!! And it’s still really emotional watching the T’Challa Star Lord episode. I don’t know if that’s ever gonna go away. And I like that the episodes were quick and that there was a variety. So I’m very excited for season two of this. Mom Was so cute. She asked me if any of the characters in the What If series we’re gonna show up in the movie on Thursday. And I told her, in complete honesty, I have no idea cause I haven’t been on the Internet in three months and I don’t know the plot of the movie!!!!!
  11. Hello everyone! We are less than 20 hours away from this locking. So if you still have some outstanding predictions now would be the best time to post them! 🥳🥳 Few other announcements: 1. Please remember that we have a strict spoiler policy. If anyone spoils this movie for me, I will bring down Mjlonir so hard. And I also might just disqualify you!! 😘 2. We will open the Spoiler Thread on Thursday morning. We’re not opening it before, because I don’t want to encourage people to discuss spoilers. Or accidentally think they’re in the spoiler thread when they’re actually in another thread, thus posting spoilers. 2A. The telegram spoiler chat I will create on Thursday night after I see the movie. So that will go up sometime around 11 PM Eastern. 3. The weekend thread will be up on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Just a friendly heads up, I am in no mood this weekend. So if you plan on starting something, I suggest that you get it out of your system while I am still off in my spoiler free, leak free, TV spot free, synopsis free, review free world of Sims 4.
  12. This is a very solid midcard match I would say.
  13. I’m looking at the positive here. Alice Brooks will probably now get paid for two movies instead of one movie. And that’s a good thing. Because financially, artistically, creatively this is a fucking stupid idea. Eric pointed all the fundamental reasons this is bad (agree on all points), and grim noted it’s only a 2.5 hour play. I’d go further to say that I don’t think the hype on wicked is anywhere near where used to be a decade ago. And I also don’t think the cast is strong enough to hook people for to films. Cynthia is not a big name and she is messy. There are plenty of people who don’t like her, and there are tons of other talented Black actresses who could do the role. Amber Riley would’ve been amazing. Hell; they could’ve been brave and cast Alex Newell. Shit, Jennifer Hudson is only 5 years older. Ariana DeBose is having a moment. And Ariana’s fans were not enough to move the needle on The Voice. And that’s a TV show. You’re not asking people to leave their house. So they’re really selling this based off of the product, off the play. And why are we going to sit through two movies of it? And why are you releasing them a year apart? Why not six months apart? And why are you doing this at a time where musicals are making pennies on the dollar at the box office? There have been plenty of films in the past year that have been 2 1/2 hours or two hours and 45 minutes. If you wanted to make a three hour movie just make a three hour movie. But, again, Alice is going to get paid for two movies so that’s good!!!!
  14. @CJohn I can absolutely understand why people would not like The Northman. My friend I saw it with was mixed walking out. Said it was a lot to take in, and a lot of violence. And I would argue this is violence. It's not the escapist whimsy of an MCU action sequence, the L O L over-the-top insanity of a Fast & Furious car chase/pile up, or the craftsmanship of a perfectly choreographed Hong Kong hand-to-hand fight. It's rape (though that's never explicitly on screen) and pillaging and sheer brutality. There was definitely of couple of scenes where I was like 'Oh. Oh, God'. And I loved the movie. Can't imagine what someone might be thinking who didn't. So I definitely get why it's getting a mixed WOM.
  15. There’s about five people in here that need to be banned for spoilers for Northman , but I’m trying to figure out if discussion of a play from Elizabethan England that everyone should have read and know the plot to is technically a spoiler.
  16. The Northman feels like it came directly from 1592. Mean that in the best way possible. Hardcore revenge flick. Nicole Kidman is an ACTUAL goddess. No one can convinced otherwise.
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