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Everything posted by Cap

  1. Hey! I wanted to say that The lists are starting to come in! So you still got plenty of time to get yours in. If you’ve submitted, and I haven’t responded back to you, it’s because I’m waiting to respond back to everyone when I tabulate the list in February. That way if anyone changes their list or updates it then I’m not pulling an old list. So thank you for everyone that has submitted so far!
  2. I would disagree on this. That's one of the things about Star Wars I find so frustrating. Their tech and VFX is always top rate and gorgeous. I'm so obsessed with their StageCraft. But it reminds me a bit of when I thought about going to film school right out of high school. I thought, that's dumb. Who cares if you know how to use a camera, if you don't know what to point it at. And I feel like that's what happening with this show. They don't know what to point at.
  3. Not to sound like a broken record, but you have a brothel owned by Jessica Baels Twi’Lek that’s exploiting BOTH GENDERS OF HOW TWI’LEKS INSTEAD OF JUST THE FEMMES , and like, They actually expect me to care about anything else?!? Where Is SHE?! and where is the hot Twi’Lek boy?
  4. alas the real one is too small to blow up to that size. And same with these: he really needs to go back to his soft ho phase. It was so Peak Hot Man In His Twenty you crazy. I actually had this poster in my room for like a decade 😂
  5. Okay @everyone need some help. Mom just dropped off these giant frames, and I am thinking movie posters? Thoughts? What are some of the better ones? It’s me. So obviously I always like things that are old or gay or both.
  6. MODERATION: Let’s try and keep the politics to the politics sub forum, and keep on the box office numbers here. Thanks everyone
  7. Me getting a notification: OH ETERNALS!? 🥺 Me realizing it’s Shang Chi: . 😔
  8. The duality of fangirling: me: we really need to get Star Wars off tatooine. Also me: WHERE IS KENOBI?! The first 10 minutes of this should’ve been the cliffhanger for episode one. Sleep light bounty hunter would’ve been such a good last line. My issue with that is everything else after it plays out like a standard western that I’ve seen 100 times. idek. but at least I have hot Twileks
  9. Is that a level in the game? Because I can literally feel the push X as you jump coming off the screen?
  10. I have no interest in discussing Wanda, out of my mutual truce with Legion, But she is without a doubt the biggest draw in the MCU right now. Her fans are Boisterous, passionate, and very very protective. I would not underestimate her draw. And I would suspect that there are some discussions going on about what They can and cannot do with her character in this movie due to that.
  11. Pitting this between Batman and MOM is asinine even if you are worried about Omicron. Also, super rude?! We start a new thread, specifically because your tickets are going to go on sale, and you do this? This is the thanks that we get? No respect. No respect whatsoever what we do!!!! 😂
  12. Is this where I reveal if you don’t have: On your list I am not counting it? 🤔
  13. So what you’re saying is we need to nominate DaFoe for best supporting actor.
  14. Please put the character names! I should also note, that you don’t need to send in both lists. So if you just want to make a list of Canon ships that’s cool. Or just fanon. or you want to do 40 Canon and 10 Fanon. That’s all acceptable and cool!
  15. ATTACK OF THE FANGIRLS: The Sixty-Nine Greatest Ships of All Time Before we get started, I want to thank @Tower, @The Panda, and @Porthos for their very helpful advice on this!! This is all @Plain Old Tele's fault. He doesn't think there's enough sexual tension and romance in films anymore. So to help us remember how beautiful people used to smolder at each other, and to offset some of the Fanboy Testosterone around here, I've decided to run a list celebrating the Sixty-Nine Greatest Ships of All Time! Wait? What's a SHIP? A Ship, as in a relationSHIP. The term originates from the X-Files Fandom days when there "shippers", were the fans who wanted to see Scully and Mulder bonk in the basement of the FBI Building instead of chase aliens. Okay, but why SHIPS? Why not Best ROMANCE Movies? Because love is love, and I don't want to play Rule Lawyer Eligibility over what does and doesn't count as a romance movie. So we're going to focus on our favorite characters, whether they're in a Rom Com or Thriller Or Drama or Superhero Movie (J/K, everyone knows Superheroes don't have sex!!) Okay, You Crazy Fangirl, How Does It Work? Anytime between Jan 1 and Feb 1, please send me a list of your favorite ships. Templates provided below. Scoring & Lists We always seem to go back and forth over how to score a list. There's no perfect answer. We can only hope to be clear and concise. I want to try it this way. Instead of asking for 69, I'm going to ask for 40. We always have excess nominees on these, so I will just reveal the Top 69. Since people always want to submit half lists, I will accept your list in two ways. Either send me a list of FORTY or a list of TWENTY. If you can't really only think of a list of 34 we'll cross that bridge when we get there. But for now, forty OR twenty. The list of 20 will be counted ROUGHLY 50% of a list of 40, since there's 50% less entries. LIST OF 40 LIST OF 20 Rank Points Rank Points 1 10 1 5 2 - 3 9 2 - 3 4.5 4 - 6 8 4 - 6 4 7 - 10 7 7 - 10 3.5 11 - 15 6 11 - 12 3 16 - 20 5 13 - 14 2.5 21 - 25 4 15 - 16 2 26 - 30 3 17 - 18 1.5 31 - 35 2 19 - 20 1 36 - 40 1 --- --- Film Eligibility ANY FEATURE FILM (aka over 40 minutes) released from 1895 to 2021. ANY GENRE ANY PLATFORM ANY LANGUAGE ANY MEDIUM Send in a list of only Animated films. Or only Bollywood films. Or only Marty movies. Or only Netflix movies. Or only films starring Julia Roberts. (Cough I want to remind everyone that The X-Files has two feature films Cough). All love is awesome and we love it here so just give me a list of really cool people making go go eyes at each other and having great sexual tension. As long as: Ship Eligibility The characters must be together on screen, in canon. Canon means it happens EXPLICITLY on screen. The characters do not need to have a happy ending. We all know some of the best romances on screen end in heartbreak where they DON'T get together. The characters don't need to have explicit sex. Even if Tele would prefer if they did. We all know sometimes the unrequited slow burn eye sex is everything you need. The characters do not need to be human. Get that Furry Love On. NOTE: While I don't want to glorify toxic relationships, I will admit that some of the notable romances in films might be considered today what we call toxic. Sometimes that's the point of the film, sometimes it's played straight. I will leave it up to you if you want to add those ships or not. NOTE: Hollywood has a terrible history of queer relationships between forced into subtext thanks to the Hays Code or completely sidelined or vilified. For older films, we're going to use the Word Of God rule. If the director or actor has explicitly stated that: Yes, Harold, They're Lesbians, that will count as canon. Franchises, Sequels, and Remakes A ship counts ONCE pre Franchise and/Sequel. I.E. Jesse and Celine from the Before Trilogy count once; not three times despite appearing in three movies. Remakes, where the characters are played by different actors, will count as **different** ships. The energy and chemistry can be completely different from say Michael Keaton and Michelle Pfeiffer as Bruce and Selina verse Christian Bale and Anne Hathaway as Bruce and Selina. Same thing with say a Star Is Born. Janet Ganyor v Judy v Babs v Gaga's relationships are all very different with their Normans/Jacks. Sounds Great, but What about SLASH SHIPS and FANON? Ah. The true love of my life. Slash Ships. Fandom has a wonderful habit of totally ignoring canon when it comes to shipping. It doesn't matter if Luke and Leia are quote/unquote siblings, they're way better together. Hermione not ending up with Harry? That's Delusional! Everyone knows that the TRUE ROMANCE of the Fast & Furious is Dom and Brian, sorry Mia. I want to include these but also acknowledge they're outside of canon, thus: Slash Ship Side Quest: Send me your list of either Top 20 Best Slash/Fanon Ships or Top 10 Slash/Fanon Ships. Same as the Canon List, the Top 10 will count for half. I'm going to tabulate this as its own list, and interweave it through the reveal process. The non-canon ships are basically whatever you are super kinky into. That’s the point of it. No rules here expect you can't do crossovers. Other than that? Threesome, moresomes, whateversomes. Anything goes, as Cole Porter says. In Conclusion: Basically the goal here is to celebrate sexy people, and sexy furry animals, and sexy Disney movies, and sex and romance in movies, because Tele thinks we need to have more of it!! Have Fun. Keep it Fun. Don't attack people while your God Warrioring for Your Ship. And try to keep things PG-13 if you post GIFs. We might be excited to talk about sex, baby, but this is still a PG-13 board. TEMPLATES CANON LIST OF FORTY Rank Pts Movie Pairing 1 10 2 9 3 9 4 8 5 8 6 8 7 7 8 7 9 7 10 7 11 6 12 6 13 6 14 6 15 6 16 5 17 5 18 5 19 5 20 5 21 4 22 4 23 4 24 4 25 4 26 3 27 3 28 3 29 3 30 3 31 2 32 2 33 2 34 2 35 2 36 1 37 1 38 1 39 1 40 1 CANON LIST OF TWENTY Rank Pts Movie Pairing 1 5 2 4.5 3 4.5 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 3.5 8 3.5 9 3.5 10 3.5 11 3 12 3 13 2.5 14 2.5 15 2 16 2 17 1.5 18 1.5 19 1 20 1 FANON LIST OF TWENTY Rank Pts Movie Pairing 1 5 2 4.5 3 4.5 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 3.5 8 3.5 9 3.5 10 3.5 11 3 12 3 13 2.5 14 2.5 15 2 16 2 17 1.5 18 1.5 19 1 20 1 FANON LIST OF TEN Rank Pts Movie Pairing 1 2.5 2 2 3 2 4 1.5 5 1.5 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1
  16. I think everyone should get off the board And celebrate the new year. I’ve had a bottle of champagne, couple shots of Jamison, and a gummy so like I don’t even know how I’m typing this to you. Anyway, happy new year All. Try and be nice to each other while I am that’s out and wake up hung over. Jk. Everyone knows your drink 16 ounces of water and take two Advil before going to bed to avoid hangovers!!!
  17. So what if the best original song is trapped in a Disney+ show? But it’s part of the MCU. It’s referenced in a movie that they do? So like I think we should count it. I just would like to STAN “Save The City” Cause it’s a proper banger, and so I’m just wondering how we can make that happen. Please, and thank you. As always.
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